Where did things go so wrong?

Where did things go so wrong?

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when ur dad forgot to pull out

It's called the free market you communist faggot

I guess the education system.
That or capitalism, allowing this degree of wasteful opulence to exist.

2007 we have been over this

would totally give the daughter my dick

People in the distant future will look back on this with utter disgust no matter what happens, or expunge it from history.

the blouse. easily $1k with cleavage

>or expunge it from history

well our history is being expunged all the time

>people pay alot for useless cosmetic junk

Whoa... such news.

Why is this newsworthy? How did the presses even hear about this story? Did they just happen to be within earshot in the waiting room at the hospital? Like who went to the media and said "give this story attention"?

Yeah these kind of things (((happen)))

Game is popular, more people will click, get more ad dollars.

Game websites have never been about good information, it's been about sucking in people for clicks.

you know who

thirsty numale betas and streaming games


jesus christ this how did poltards get so turned around economically

When white men became white """""men"""""

>Ana squeezing Phara's ass

Right wingers worship market forces above all else.

>someday everybody will share my southern reconstructionist tier social politics
you couldnt possibly be this deluded... could you?

>What are libertarians?

obviously its jewish brainwashing by the jewish liberal pedophile globalist illuminati. try listening to some entry level redpilling like alex jones or sam hyde if you really want to know whats going on

>someday everybody will share my post modern communist indoctrination and accept insanity as normal
The only one deluded here is you.

>People in the distant future

You sure are optimistic at that

>he thinks rednecks are the only people who find trannies repugnant


>it's okay when Schlomo turns everything in life into money/debt-scraping so long as it isn't the government themselves

Yeah I'm sure your black grandson is going to be the edgiest right winger on the block.

when was the last time in american history when hatred, violence, discrimination etc became acceptable towards a minority group? inb4 straight white males. im not sure if you slept through 1st through 6 grade history, but the history of the united states is one of increasing acceptance and tolerance over time

I hope these fags get sharked and scammed by Turks/Russians

And these people are allowed to vote, holy hell. Fucking retards.

Things are worth as much as people are willing to pay for it.

They're just doubling down on identity politics as a bandaid for a thwarting of their final global victory. Let them. It makes them more shrill and obvious.

>Upside down Genji and Hanzo

When we stopped at Capitalism.

fuck off you communist faggot

People who buy these things are Trump voters living in their mom's basement in suburbia from my personal experience.

i mean trannies have been in the public consciousness for decades, acceptance has only increased, while discrimination meets louder and louder condemnation. this is not likely to change just like it didnt with blacks, gays, women, etc

Sup Forums has always been Libertarian at its core. Fuck you for telling people what they can and can't sell.

Bet you whine about how many varieties of peanut butter there are in stores too.

It's ok to hate anyone you want, dumbshit. This isn't europe.

We're accept pedos and grannyfuckers any day now right?

>final global victory
this sounds especially crazy, which internet conspiracy that would worry your parents if they heard you mention it are you talking about?

>I want to promote my leftist political views, which places should I go to?
>hmmmmmmmm Sup Forums video games looks good
>Everybody who doesn't in believe praising mental illness can fuck off!

>Fuck you for telling people what they can and can't sell
are you fucking illiterate? i was agreeing with him you idiot

>wasteful opulence

I'm assuming you're just visiting a friends house that you're connecting to the internet.

How is living out in the wild treating you?

That's the logic you see in casinos. The last three was red, so the fourth will be red too!

Banning people and silencing them off of every social media platform and then declaring that since there's no opposition everybody now agrees with you is an illusion that will come back to hurt you badly as time goes on. Google, Facebook, and Twitter think shadowbanning everyone that's not a leftist will be how they win but it won't.

>pedos and grannyfuckers
well user we already accept granny fuckers since grannies have a right to sleep with who they want since they are consenting adults. suggesting that consenting adults having sex is comparable to abusing children is a weak strawman that instantly tells people you have no argument, and that youre simply bigoted

>louder and louder condemnation

Twitter REEEE fests and doxxing you mean. Hey, it works, since employers will fire whoever is in their crosshairs to get the libshits off their back, but don't fool yourself into thinking there isn't widespread distaste for parents shooting their kids full of hormones to turn them into the opposite sex.

It happened in Germany it could happen anywhere.

I just knew you'd reply with black-and-white analogy. Try not to in the future, it's exactly what politicians and Israel wants you to do.

Point: Corporatism/Cronyism =/= normal Capitalism and at its worse is no better for civilians (i.e. you and I) than Marxism.

Whatever, man. nigga asked a question, I'm not gonna lie just to make myself look good.

I do not see them at all, but I do see what appears to be a junkrat stealing panties that I never noticed before

no its simple logic. theres nothing to suggest that the united states will ever have a socially conservative revolt against decisions made by adults that affect nobody but themselves. in fact its a push towards privacy and anti-government interference in peoples personal lives that even conservatives usually support, but we realize their intense bigotry prevents them from following their own ideals regarding this matter. to suggest that society or government will for some reason force transexuals to not transition, or implement some kind of repression is at odds with the evidence of our own history and the practices of the entire western world


>Corporatism/Cronyism =/= normal Capitalism
It is normal capitalism. It's a completely sensical development to a system that seeks to turn everything into a market and that will use soft and hard power to do this.

no, condemnation of discrimination and violence. the same thing that happened with blacks in the 60s/70s and gays in the 80s. i mean these are repeating patterns, im not sure why its so confounding for morons. it doesnt matter if you hate gays or women or trannies, these people are not going to suddenly stop being protected by society and laws just because you read on the internet that the illuminati is behind it all

They are still minorities. Your "rational' is the same type used again blacks, women, ect. You say that children are mentally underdeveloped, but pro-tip: so are blacks. The average black iq is like 85, which is retarded tier.

>low crime
>nearly all white
>nearly all non-native immigrants are white
>only 10% brown
doesnt sound too bad user

Is allowing mental illness to go on untreated not harmful to people/society?
Is pumping little kids full of hormones because their libtard parents put fucked up ideas in their heads not harming them?

Do you think there was anything suggesting Jesus was gonna play a huge role for the next 2 millenia back then? That's not how history work dipshit.

A conservative revolt is happening right now. The entire transgender this is just a sign of mental illness and accepting it is a sign of how weak society has become. As the western world is flooded by brown people and whites become increasingly marginalized, a revolt is inevitable.

>mass starvation in every use case
But user, it actually is worse, historically.

Where are you getting your statistics? They seem to be out of date.

>when was the last time in american history when hatred, violence, discrimination etc became acceptable towards a minority group?
It is right now. No one cares if SJWs hate white men and practice racial segregation on their college campuses. The president also said that he wanted to ban an entire religion from the country and got elected anyway so nobody seems to care about muslims either.

Using that logic I could say we're only ten years away from global post scarcity communism. Because hey, you never know.

industrial revolution

>accept my mental illness pls :(

Only if the checks and balances are utterly weak or corrupted via exec-plants and allow businesses to become larger government-influential powers than they ever should've become (i.e. Big Pharma, Google, GE, media outlets, Monsanto, etc)

I'm not even meme'ing here

you're ignoring the fact that his election means that people agree with him. A little food for thought the next time you shitpost about liberal ideology permeating the world.

>A conservative revolt is happening right now
Yeah it amounted to americans electing a kleptocratic nepotist and a left wing surge every else in the middle of a migrant crisis.

>left wing surge every else in the middle of a migrant crisis.

You're so delusional it's funny.

I don't care if commies ruin the rest of the world, America can stand on its own. The left wing have yet to win a single national election since November 8th and are somehow losing governorships without elections as well.

No nation state has the power in the long term to stand against a larger by design multi-national and supra-national entity.

the argentinian did it again

>How did the presses even hear about this story?
I know a mother and daughter who actually contact television news journalists themselves whenever they face a tiny amount of drama. The daughter has lived an insanely sheltered life, so she's just copying her mother, who does it just for attention. It doesn't pay off most times, of course. But every time it does, even if they just get a newspaper story instead of something on TV, it drives me crazy with anger. What really irritates me is that the daughter tells me about these stories being in the news with so much pride, like she's saying "look what I accomplished" instead of "I done a good thing".

>Game plays like a more polished Day Z at best
>People play this shit.

I guess low skill ceiling and popularity can do wonders especially when its the 2nd most casual genre in existence after modern WRPGs.

>Artificial scarcity of a digital item
>Free Market

Fuck, you're stupid.

>not everyone gets every cosmetic item for free so it's not da free mahket
don't like it, don't buy it

A fool and his money are soon parted

people can be whatever gender they want to be it's just individualism and the free market of ideas bro :^)

someone post the upskirts

i just sit here at 5am feeling like and saw this picture. it made me feel horror

Beacause it's pure bravery! And you must know these people exist and you have to accept them or you are transphobic.

No you cant retard. Ten years is 1/8 of person lifetime. Well within reason to predict by just looking around you. But nailing on a wall what ideas will or wont be around in the far future is nothing but retarded. Its impossible to predict and everything is on the table.

Look closely on the cluster of people on the left.

>uneducated poor people have low IQs

>i just sit here at 5am
Yeah you sound like a productive examplar of your community.

Nothing went wrong!

People selling this virtual item get a shitload of Steam money. Great for them!
Steam gets a pretty significant cut of that money. Great for them!
People paying shitloads of money for this item are stupid. Who cares about them?

>complaining about idiots giving money to people who are not idiots

What's your problem?

Yes when our Muslim overlords have taken over. fuck!

it's weekend. also did i say that i am? you're strange

>people can be whatever gender
And other people can be disgusted by them and their mental illness

Come here son, it's time to do some reading.



It's not an especially crazy internet conspiracy it's just an ordinary republican one.

people who pay $500 for a video game skirt are mentally sound dude respect their decision it's the free market :^)

>higher education can raise your IQ
>growing up poor can lower your IQ

People are actually paying more than $1 for such things?

Hell, paying ANYTHING for such things?

Explain how this hurts anyone except the retard who has a compulsive need to buy a virtual skirt for a virtual character.

There is nothing about which to complain.

We knew they were gonna release new crates, so I saved up my BP for a month.

When the new crates released, I bought a whole bunch with my stored BP and sold them on steam market for more than I paid for the game in the first place.

>tfw playing PUBG has actually made me money