Hey user, how's that game going?
You ARE working on your game, right?
Hey user, how's that game going?
You ARE working on your game, right?
I am, but can't go farther even though I've just begun. Furthermore, seems like everyone has had the same problem with the engine, even though it has been out for more than a decade. Completely incapable of solving it by myself and with the community being as clueless as me, I think I should just give up.
Just in case anyone here happens to know how to solve it:
In Unity3d, the capsule collider will make the character smoothly go down and hang off a ledge, rather than just being on top of it and then falling abruptly. In unreal you can set it to your liking by changing the value of the perch radius threshold, but to my knowledge there is no equivalent in unity.
Well, is there?
use unreal,next question
workin on random level mechanics
Make your own character controller
In any case, you could do a raycast or shape cast downward, and if it hits nothing, make character controller slide down rapidly until it's no longer on the ground.
doing fine
made a base for the star enemies, different themed faces and patterns coming later
>Make your own character controller
0 tutorials on how to do a good 3d one. Might as well say "make your own engine".
>In any case, you could do a raycast or shape cast downward, and if it hits nothing, make character controller slide down rapidly until it's no longer on the ground.
I know how to do they raycast part, but unsure on how to make the the controller fall. Applying more .y velocity won't change a thing, since contact with the edge of the capsule prevents it from falling regardless of the velocity.
Need to finish this. I was told the masts being angled looked weird. I just figured you could angle them (I know nothing about boats) so I did in order to make them more visible. Side view looks wrong even if it's technically more correct.
I'll be doing more work in a bit
it really is enjoyable making little bits of progress and I've had some decent progress lately
I like the Paper Mario look. What it called?
I think it looks fine, even if it's not accurate to reality.
Starting on some player character portraits.
>not Anubis
the game is called umbrella warriors
If you're willing to fund the completion of Anubis, I'd be more than happy to do so.
Is this why just about fucking everything in Unity feels slippery? Fuck man just use cylinder collider.
Switching to UE4 might not be bad either, even the shitty projects made in it don't seem to suffer from a lot of the same problems similar stuff in Unity does so maybe it's worth it.
The masts look fine. Don't over-think it and tell anyone who comments to get fucked
>tfw fixing one bug makes 200 more popup
dev is soul crushing
Coming along.
Finishing up the background here, getting on patterns and art for the enemies.
>cylinder collider
No such thing. The controller must use the capsule collider.
There's indeed lots of stuff that I'm finding in unity that make thing "this should be solved by default" and in unreal it does. It's a bit annoying. On the other hand, unreal takes royalties.
Neat parallax
I'm making a shmup
Currently in the middle of making a boss battle. Boss is a police cat.
Police cat currently moves up and down shooting fish
The fish expand with there bones hanging out.
Planning at add a mechanic where the player gets a warning about an incoming vehicle and then a police car comes cruising along with the sirens on
Don't want to make fight too complicated but I'm also adding a 3 strikes mechanic where the cat shoots drugs at you. If you get hit you get 1 strike rather than dying. After 3 strikes the frequency of the police cars increases by 3-4 times making the fight much harder.
is this the one where you play as a dog
what's y'alls opinion on switching graphical styles mid-game? from modern > 16bit > modern...etc. Is there a way to do it smoothly or would the change be too jarring?
There's a game called Evoland that does that. Idk if it's any good but check it out to see how to do it smoothly I guess.
i'm workign on it senpai
Super Paper Mario's thing was dimension jumping/shifting. It set you up for that kind of thing.
Nar that is somebody else's. I'm making all my art assets from scratch i have no talent in art
I haven't really shared anything yet since I've been too inconsistent with development.
Looks interesting so far, can't wait to see more.
I am trying to but I am not creative enough, I only have games as a background so everything I think about has already been done countless times.
What do you guys think about people who get into game dev just looking to make money? I'm learning because I've got passion for games, but lately I've been dealing with a friend who claims to be interested in game dev but seems to be totally focused on making money. Constantly asking about the best ways to price things and how to make money when they haven't even started looking into programming.
I've got about figured out how I want to build my inventory system. But instead of sitting and making it I keep playing through my backlog.
Fucking Trails in the Sky games too, it's going to be ages before I get anything done.
I'm about ready to install GM2 on my rarely used laptop and see if I get more done when I can work on it in the kitchen or bedroom.
yeah spm's the best example I can think of. and even then it never really switches styles, just perspective. the closest it gets is world 3 or w/e where it's kinda retro
>0 tutorials on how to do a good 3d one.
Maybe use your own brain for once, copy paste master
kek, suckers like this fill the steam and play store with assetflip games. Fucking losers.
Game dev is not and has never been the way if you want to make money by programming
Thanks user. Complex scrolling is the best.
Everyone has to start somewhere user. My first game was all stolen shit and I still posted in these threads.
Find a different career. You can easily make more money out of a single aspect that goes into gamedev than the culmination of all of them that go into games.
They're idiots. The indie market is flooded and you're competing with million dollar companies with trying to sell you're micro transactions shovel ware.
There are two ways do this. Work on the project part time while working another full time job and hope you win the lottery. Or work on it full time and desperately try and get a successful backer, only to suffer due to being terrible at PR or over scoping the project.
haven't done much in the game that's worth posting here (mostly just bug fixes and improvements here and there)
I added an input buffer in the game for the jump button so I guess that's pretty cool
but I'm still working on the intro cinematic because apparently that's important
>zero books on the matter
>zero tutorials on the matter
>zero assets on the matter
>zero games done with it, ever
>lol why don't you just make it from scratch I'm sure I would know how to do it even though I never did lol :^)
While we are on the topic of this, can I ask a serious question (even if it does sound dumb)? I am considering starting to make my own game, but I only have the following and I want to know if it is even worth it:
> Limited coding experience, but a good friend who is a fucking wise with most languages and seems pretty willing to help on anything else I ask him.
> No software, (other than say Java, Python, and their respective IDE's) but the hardware to run a decent quality engine like Unity or Unreal.
> No artistic skill what so ever.
So is it worth it? And to you guys/girls building your own games, did you make your own art or hire some one else to do it?
Game deving is not lucrative. However, there's nothing wrong with keeping cost and profit in mind when making games. Its just that money shouldn't be the main focus, if you want to make an enjoyable and quality product.
Unless you are incredibly lucky and/or incredibly talented, you will never make a good living on dev work.
>replying to second bit
Not dissing people who use premade assets. My aim is just to make a game I can can call entirely my own. I've found that as soon as I used premade assets I kinda lost interest in the project. I guess I'm just setting my self up for the sunk cost fallacy.
The input panel now auto-hides itself when it isn't needed and there's a "pause" menu. It doesn't stop the timer, though, just input.
Hopefully my artist will do stuff soon. I'd love to see how the game looks with proper backgrounds and buttons.
Oh, I know indie dev isn't some untapped gold mine. I just don't know what to say to someone like that. I've tried being blunt about it.
>Its just that money shouldn't be the main focus, if you want to make an enjoyable and quality product.
Totally agree. That's what I've been saying but they just don't get it.
I don't know why, but my sides died there.
If you really want to make a game, start now.
Even if you have limited skill, you'll get better. If you're friend is willing to help, I image he'll be even more willing when you're actually doing something, even just in an advisory capacity.
Plenty of quality engines and software's are free to use or have free counterparts, and you have the capability to run these.
Even if you have no art ability/artist, a working project and resume will allow you to mingle with better peers. And you practice art or use placeholders.
Do it or don't. Its that simple.
Should have the pause menu block the screen but still stop the timer cause life happens.
Also not a big fan of the menu on the right popping in and out constantly. Hiding itself when pausing/unpausing sure, but it's kind of distracting and not needed for it to be constantly expanding and contracting.
My 2 cents as someone that doesn't get into sudoku anyways.
I don't work on weekends mate. 40 hours a week is enough
>tfw wanna make a yume nikki fangame but know next to nothing about making games, have nowhere to start beyond sketching a world map and writing down effects and locations, and am not even sure if anyone would play it in the year 2017
It's that one of the sample projects that comes with unity?
>that's the joke
I don't think the market for Yume Nikki fangames will ever die. Also for that type of game, being able to come up with a good world map and fun effects is way more important than programming ability. You can just use RPG Maker tutorials to get all the technical shit done.
Why is shit bouncing off the edges of the screen? I know it's supposed to be pong but it makes no fucking sense when the setting is outer space.
Even as an example project.
modified version of it
aliens use cube tecnology to create a space and time wall that bounce meteors around earth
Thanks. I really appreciate the advice.
Make an indian version where you have to bounce the poo in the loo
Thanks for the input!
The timer needs to keep going because otherwise people would write down the grid on paper, solve it, and input it back into the game. That would trivialize achievements and the leader board. I might just hide the counter entirely until it's enabled in the options.
As for the pop-in, I can understand that. I'll see what other people think and maybe try fading it instead of moving it. During actual gameplay the player won't be clicking on cells that often and I don't want it blocking the backgrounds.
Sounds like you found a great opportunity, user
Im trying but I need to learn how to make environments in Aseprite.
My artistic ability is lacking if not nonexistent all together.
How can you make a platform on a 2D plane look like its rounded into the background?
I tried messing with different color tints so that they are darker around the "rounded" ends but it just ends up looking weird,
pic related.
that character seems a bit heavy
whenever i post my progress i get one or none replies.
seems like people are not interested in my game.
is that a sign to give up?
or the game is simply not good enough to attract attentions yet??
but seems like others with exact replica of an old game,
or a prototype game with just placeholders and half-done mechanics still attract more attentions.
when your game comes out it will be a hit especially with that art style
Really? I figured most of the game you'd be sitting with one cell or another clicked as you think.
Yeah that makes sense if you are doing leaderboards though. Although to be perfectly honest I bet it's not that hard to snag something off google that will let people cheat anyways and there's always that one asshole that has to be at the top. So you're probably boned there since it's sudoku and not a custom puzzle.
wow how did you make the background? It looks amazing!
>'indie dev' who can't art tries to use pixelshit as a crutch
>can't even do that
Holy shit two cancers in one
I actually like pixel/sprite heavy games so would it not make sense to at least start there?
I also don't consider myself an 'indie dev'. I'm trying to learn the fucking program you cunt.
If people want to make Sudoku bots for my game, I'm all for it. They won't be able to use it to solve the highest difficulty anyway because the grid shuffles itself after every inputted number.
Still, I'm sure there will be someone who messes with the time settings on their clock to trick the game. I might be able to stop most cheating by relying on server time.
Aw shucks, thanks user!
Aesprite and a little Photshop. It helps to block out the general shapes before detailing them. The spotlights are 3d primitives that are dithered out in post for transparency, mimicking the VDP2's handling of transparencies.
>falling in vr
my stomach hurts just watching it
tumblr link please
Minesweeper mode when?
No I wasn't meaning a bot, I just meant using an algorithm and typing in numbers on their second monitor sort of thing. Admittedly I just assumed someone had already made that shit for sodoku.
Feel free to ignore me, I'm probably not really being helpful here.
I like the slide kicking back. It's a nice touch, and the climbing thing looks neat.
That looks pretty fun,user
How much did your setup cost?(PC+VR equipment)
I actually wanted to make that and a few other games, but cut it because I wanted to keep the game's scope small enough that I finally release a project instead of abandoning it. Maybe I'll work on it when the game is being reviewed and patch it in.
Any input is good input for me, since it tells me what my end users will think of the game. I doubt there's an existing algorithm that can solve this game, but you never know. The only other truly cubic sudoku puzzle I've ever found was on an ARG forum.
I tried unity for a few months last year and I didn't enjoy even having some coding experience. I tried making an RPG/RTS game (I know it is very complicated), but I downloaded some free assets that made making my game more enjoyable.
Few weeks ago I tried UE4 for a few hours to avoid coding, but got stuck cause lack of patience to watch tutorials. But today few hours ago I decided to learn how to deal with geometry and textures, so I'll probably make a level and learn how to properly use blueprints.
My noob advice is to make a little level with cosmetic stuff into it and go from there, and don't worry about skill level and do stuff to please yourself.
>pic related the first object I made in UE4 a few hours ago, in geometry I only used scaling and inside the engine it's possible to create basic textures.
The slide and climbing are literally example items the library comes with, so credit to VRTK
>Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.00GHz
>16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz
>3071MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (EVGA) 76 °C
>238GB Intel Raid 0 Volume SCSI Disk Device (RAID)
>2794GB Seagate ST3000DM 001-1ER166 SCSI Disk Device (SATA)
bought years ago for like $1700. Videocard could be better, but it "works" for VR
VR is Vive, so 850$
What is a good software to record webms?
Change the hair color to black ot atleast brown.
If he is greek he can't be blond.
>been following a gamemaker tutorial step by step
>guy in the video runs the game perfectly
>mine has some weird error
Still in the writing stages, since it's a dating sim. I think I've got the intro down at this point and ready for the visual assets, though.
Sup Forums,
Please give me the motivation I desperately need.
Just started today and have NO idea how to do anything so I'll probably just not make a game lol
Make the canons rotate to the shortest side instead of always clockwise(adding).
OBS + WebM For Retards
no matter what it is you make someone will be interested in it and you will make money from it
They do a full rotation every time, my guy. There is no shorter side
Playing around with what things look like off in the distance.
can i climb that mountain
That looks beautiful. Did you make it all yourself?
I know it's not that important I'm sure but definitely work on the running animation, bc it looks weird as shit right now.
why bother making the games when people have already made or are currently making what I had planned out
my binders filled writings, doodles, references, etc are left to rot
I'd only been seen as a clone/copy
Or I'd be associated with shitty memes or tastes
it's just a waste for the most part
>try to implement pathfinding by downloading files from a game dev on youtube
>doesnt work
>I even get an error when I finish a line with ";"
>fuck Unity
>fuck coding
>now I'm learning blueprints in UE4