ITT: Gimmicks you wished became a thing

ITT: Gimmicks you wished became a thing

They should have just implemented it and set it to disabled by default.
Why are devs so scared to implement features for niche audiences and simply set them to off by default in the options? Normalfags never look at the options anyways.

how would this work with the 357 Magnum

Cool idea, wouldn't work after a month because the connectors would deteriorate if you had to pull that shit out after every magazine.

That'd be fucking cool, why didn't they implement that? Like a cheat, maybe. Damn.

That sounds neat in theory, but it would be a major hindrance to gameplay and cause unnecessary wear on the controller and rumble pak. Also, what about the poor kids that couldn't afford a rumble pak in the first place?

Probably someone was worried about the companies being held responsible if it damaged their controller.

It also doesn't make sense with the P90

You'd need to reload 6 times.

If you think about it, the rumble pak was Rare's downfall. they had to ship one with DK64 otherwise the game would crash and they went bankrupt over it

Hardware failure was the biggest issue. After a while, the clip that keeps it connected would become lose and these things would fall out when they went off.

Those mouse wheel looking shoulder buttons Nintendo patented but didn't use for Switch or WiiU, I think they'd work better if they were notched though.

Or the shotguns.

Expansion pak. Different accessory

That sounds neat for the first 20 times but I think I'd get annoyed by it afterwards.

It it were a toggle option, I'd be for it solely as novelty. But it would slow down gameplay a ton and wreck controller/rumble pack ports.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo told them to back down. That's what happened with the Banjo Kazooie Stop 'n' Swop. Nintendo didn't like the idea of hardware being removed or inserted while the N64 was running because they thought it could potentially damage something.

I see

It wasn't the rumble pak, but the expansion pak.

That was the expansion pak.

Nintendo is a bunch of cucks, reminder local multiplayer on Goldeneye was implemented at basically the last minute by Steve Ellis with no word given from higher-ups

I think they decided against that because of space issues and once again, worries about hardware failure.

It would have amounted to you barely removing the thing until it lost contact and reinserting it. Shitty mechanic if you think about it.


You guys are seriously dumb if you think this is a good idea.

You guys know this was just a scheme to force you to wear out your hardware faster right?

>To use Stop 'n' Swop items, one would have needed to own both Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Toole. One had to collect the eggs in Kazooie then switch the game off and insert Tooie. Originally, the player would have had ten seconds to swap game cartridges, but due to revisions in the Nintendo 64 hardware, the time was reduced to only one second, and therefore, became impossible.
>Reduced to only one second

Obviously, but it's interesting to think about how the controller landscape would be today had this been a thing in the 90s

it would have made for a ton of broken controllers that stopped being able to hold and/or detecting any expansion packs after a few hours of play.

Impossible without some poor kid breaking the contacts on his $80 dollar N64 cart

Even motion controls are gimmicky and often times a burden. Can you imagine physically having to take out a piece of your controller and putting it back in EVERY SINGLE TIME you reload a gun? That'd be annoying as hell. In addition to a major concern for hardware failure as has already been pointed out.

Probably worry over damaging the controller or rumble pack from doing it so many times, Nintendo may have stopped them. Stop n Swop met a similar fate but that was also hindered by hardware revisions of the N64 only allowing like 1-2 seconds to swap carts rather than than the 10 or so on the older N64 models.

Same way as every other weapon, you'd take out the rumble pack and put it back in. You fucking retard.

>nintendo ends up profitting after people keep buying replacements.

That's irrelevant. It was impossible because there wasn't enough time to actually do it. Has nothing to do with damaging hardware.

>turning the system off, unplugging one game, plugging in a different game, and hitting power back on in one second
its possible but would likely damage the system. keep in mind we're talking about children, and many of them didnt treat their hardware even half as nice as you or I did
I can already imagine doing this in cooperation with my sister to ensure precision, and it would probably still break something.

No I mean if you only have 1 sec to do it, kids would be ripping and ramming the carts and someone would snap the contact bit off in the cart slot eventually

Motion controls are great for shooting games.

Oh I see what you're saying.

Remember what happened to the analog stick after playing those Mario Party games? That's pretty much would have happened to the rumble dive/ memory port had they gone through with this idea.

Kojima wanted all the voice actors in MGS 3 to learn Russian.

Why is it that any time I see motion-controlled shooters being demonstrated that the gun is wiggling all over the place and the player clearly is having a harder time in keeping their cursors steady? I don't see how motion controls help with stability or precision.

>Shigeru Miyamoto wanted the game [Goldeneye] to end with you shaking hands with all your enemies at the hospital.
>Late in the development, Miyamoto sent Rare a fax, requesting they reduce the game’s violence or, failing that, have the game end with you shaking the hands of all the game’s enemies in the hospital, showing you hadn’t actually killed them.
>the team actually took Miyamoto’s advice. They didn’t have Bond shaking hands in a very overstuffed emergency room, but they did add a credit sequence where all the characters, including generic ones like “Russian Soldier” and “Scientist” were introduced as if they were actors in a movie. It was a nice cinematic touch, but it also sent the subtle message that GoldenEye the game was just as artificial as GoldenEye the movie. All the characters you shot were just “actors” and nobody really died. This was enough to mollify Miyamoto and the game shipped with no real cuts to its violence.

And it shows with it's godawful 15fps framerate.

It would have been possible if the N64 had more RAM.
But it had like one ram, that's why it was impossible.

Miyamoto is such a huge fucking faggot, holy shit.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, Miyamoto.

>It would have been possible if the N64 had more RAM.
>But it had like one ram
Dumbest comment of the thread award

Based Miyamoto

Eh, this isn't really that big of a deal. Actually, ending the game with you shaking the hands of your enemies would have been pretty amusing. The way the handled it as "actors" is a clever way of getting around that. I don't think it's a problem that Miyamoto shied away from graphic violence in games released on the platform.

lol the article that's from also says how miyamoto has a hard on for turtle murder

Okay two ram

It's a good thing Rareware was smarter than Miyamoto.

What if we wiggled the controller to perform a common ingame action? It would make the game more interactive and get gamers to exercise.

Notice how though Yoshi might fall, you never see his corpse or anything like that. I don't think death exists as a real concept in Mario.

so its like bloopers and he wanted a shooting game that doesnt take itself seriously.
wtf i love miyamoto now.

t. underage

I can do four ewe, but that's it.

>death is not a real concept

I lost my shit when the wiimote rings in No More Heroes

Dry Bones are simply what we believe to be are Koopa Skeletons, but there hasn't been any definitive proof since they never appeared in SMB1 and every game following is supposedly a more and more dramatic retelling of the same story in the form of a Play.
Boos aren't real ghosts but possess supernatural abilities.

Of course there are ghost characters, but you don't really see death transpire in Mario games (enemies don't "become" boos when you stomp on them).

It had 64 bits of ram you luddite. That's why they called it the Nintendo 64n

Rosalina's mother is canonically dead.

not to mention this is assuming that the game works on the first try, and you don't need to fiddle and blow on it to get it to turn on

Sounds like a fantastic way to destroy your controller and the rumble pack.

Wouldn't it be possible with emulation then?

So retarded

That would be fucking annoying.

it would if they left it in, but they took it out

Would be a mix of kickass and frustration with a pump action shotgun

Okay, death exists as concept in the Mario universe, but the games never feature death actually occuring.

I believe Stop n Swop works on the 360 versions.

Go home Shigeru, you're drunk. The only game that is presented as a play is SMB3.

Rosalina's story was also completely retconned by Daddy Miyamoto because it was too much for a game line as eternally simplistic as Mainline Mario.

>Rosalina's story was also completely retconned by Daddy Miyamoto
When did this happen? You're not really saying Mario Kart canon trumps mainline canon, are you?

Is there a source for this?

The subsequent games were just bigger budget, more immersive plays.

Nu uh, it had three rams tops.

can i post this on r/4cdn?

Stop 'n' Swop actually perfectly works and is still in Banjo-Kazooie, except it has no other game to Stop 'n' Swop with.

I doubt emulators emulate the RAM keeping memory after being shut off. Not that Stop 'n' Swop works anyway.

Speedloaders are a thing.

Why the fuck didn't they just make S&S save to the memory cards then? Most early games saved using the memory cards, so it wasn't exactly a new thing.

It would be possible to hack it if there was an N64 emulator that ran Banjo Tooie

No. And from now on you need my permissiom to quote my posts.

That's a fucking dumb idea.

I like it. Reloading your game controller like a clip...

good idea...

>keep pulling it out and putting it back in
>fucking breaks
wow genius idea


It would be cool to load a revolver by pulling the right stick back and forth


why are nintendo threads full of mongoloids

Revolver clips are a thing.

i wish light guns were more popular in general. i wish i could have bought a big shotgun or one of those arcade guns with recoil or a moving slide, and use it in a number of different games. all i really got was time crisis and house of the dead ports, and now light guns and rail shooters are out of fashion

i kek'd


The console revision came after B&K had already been released..

Rare probably thought the RAM thing was a lot cooler and didn't want kids to buy a card if they didn't have one.

These were cool as fuck.

Do you enjoy telling lies on the internet? The reason Stop n' Swap couldn't be implemented is that by the time Tooie was about to release, new N64 models only kept RAM in memory after shutdown for about a second, as opposed to the much longer duration of the previous models, making it effectively impossible to perform the Stop n' Swap quickly enough.

I remember using light-guns as a kid and playing 1v1 on arcades my stepfather would "fix"
>he would repair them,and to help test them we'd of course play the games
>after a while he was given a few cabinets so now I'd come home after school and play arcade games
>to over-ride or trick the coin-op mechanism for home use each cabinet had a coin with a piece of string threaded through the coin so all you had to do was grab the string to pull the coin back out
Too bad most of those cabinets went missing though.