Does anyone even care about this?
I'm lightly interested in it but didnt get into the beta and want to withhold judging the changes until Ive gotten my hands onto it.
If I do end up getting it Ill probably spend far less time on it than the previous two since the rpg aspect of it is what kept me playing for so long with leveling and then trying to meat the requirements to get rare drops for good gear
Glad they got rid of the rush down stuff though
Played at E3, it's seriously fucking boring. You only have 4 attacks per character and the rest is positioning. It's mega boring.
Of course. More than Gundam Versus.
Honestly to me it's basically Dissidia in name only, the things I liked about Dissidia are all gone. Instead of having its own distinct identity they decided to copy those anime games. All the character movesets got dumbed down and ruined, the main mode is 3v3, there's no RPG elements, etc etc. At least now I won't have to pay for Sony's shitty online service.
It's the ultimate proof of why Handhelds are superior to Consoles. The only thing this does better than the old games is that it looks better and is more accessible for a mainstream audience. Gone are the +300 hours of customization, adventure and everything else that might scare off braindead console users.
It should've been on the Vita/3DS and it should've come out 4 years ago. And that's final.
No, it's just a testament to the fact that the only person at SE who knows how to design good ARPG combat is Mitsunori Takashi, although this one's being outsourced to Team Ninja the point still stands because FFXV and the handheld KH games were trash.
I can't wait to see his work on FFVII Remake
shit that part of his name tripped me up
>Gone are the +300 hours of customization, adventure
This honestly is my main gripe on this reboot.
You're a fucking retard is what you are
Things are being added for the console version, full story mode, all that
Right now the arcade version is just that, just a fucking arcade version that doesn't have anything besides the basic battle mode
Is the closest thing that i know of a dissidia sequel
>I'm going to talk shit about something I have no idea about since the game isn't out
What a dumbshit
I kind of didn't like the grinding but it was kinda fun. Online grinding would have made it more bearable I guess. The only level 100s I got were Squall and Cloud.
Fuck you GVs is way more fun.
>Already confirmed the game has customization, plus a story mode coming
What's it like being wrong?
It's neutered Dissidia. I'd rather do 012 netplay. What the fuck were they thinking?
>no 1v1
>no equipment I think
>no move custization
Does it even have single player?
There is 1v1. They recently confirmed it as a custom game mode. Theres also 2v2s and 2v1s.
Not until they add Tifa.
I care about Opera Omnia more than this shit.
So like the first two Dissidias?
I'm hype
Yeah, why do you ask?
Great, you just confirmed you never played the fucking games.
Yeah, but I'll care even more when they FIX THIS DAMN HUD
closed beta when
What's wrong with the hud?
I'll buy it, though I did have both for the PSP.
What do you mean whats wrong with it? Are you stupid or something?
Can you change your moves, and can you equip stuff?
No I'm asking what's wrong with it? What do you not like about it?
How are you this dense?
Yeah, though I just want to play Firion.
They said they're changing it.
I'm not dense I just don't see the problem with it. I understand all the information presented perfectly fine.
she's holding a glass shaped like a fucking soda can wtf? Also
>Cow tits
>not DFC
>not even once
You dont see the issue with 11 gauges and a bunch of other bullshit taking up nearly 50% of the real estate on the screen? Like the numbers on the bottom right dont need to be there. The minimap could be made smaller, the face portrait of your character is too big along with the break bonus number and the summon gauges. That pointless border on the bottom of the screen doesnt need to be there either. It just looks like a fucking monkey designed the hud for this game.
I cared a lot when it was announced like 5 years ago, now it's taken too long and I don't care.
>tfw haven't gotten into the beta yet
I'd be all over a PC release
>not one fat tit and one flat tit
General consensus is that there is too much shit going on atm. I agree, it's just too much stuff. You have to dart your eyes to so many bars and meters it's crazy
>mastectomy fetish
I'm interested but at the same time I don't like how much it change it from the first two ones.
When the beta starts?
3v3 was a mistake. not buying this
>But shitty 3v3, no finishers and less emphasis on RPG elements
Kek, what a piece of shit.