I guess a 1* can beat everyone.
Fire Emblem Heroes since we havent had one in a while.
I guess a 1* can beat everyone.
Fire Emblem Heroes since we havent had one in a while.
>No bonus unit
Smug anime girl.jpg
dead game.
How do I beat 11-5 lunatic with a colorless type?
I can barely beat it with my usual team!
What teams are usually used?
There's a recent you haven't had a thread
They aren't allowed here
dead game
Boring af
>Playing a Mobage with pokemon natures
Why aren't they allowed?
Funny since we had one that hit reply limit just last night.
>no bonus unit
What are you doing?
I did it with Reinhardt, Nino, Olivia and Klein.
>Fire Emblem Heroes since we havent had one in a while.
Because mods ding dong bannu'd them. Also, Lissa is sandbagging your team's point value, so you're getting matched up with easier targets.
I actually haven't participated in this Gauntlet, first one since launch I haven't.
I'll have to use Ninian instead of Olivia but that should probably be ok
Joining Corrin was a mistake.
It was. Fuck, how I regret it.
Ya goofy goofers.
Which teams were you? I figured I'd just go Corrin since I only had her for bonus points, but it's obvious now that that can't compare to bonus hours.
I did it again just to explain better in case anyone else is having trouble with it.
I begun by wrecking Celica with Reinhardt and then repositioning him out of danger with Klein.
I then baited Bruno with Nino. They both took some damage but she killed him the next turn.
I kept Nino where she is and she baited Boey. He didn't have enough range to attack her and left the defensive ground and this adjacent allies, so Nino blew him up.
You need to be careful to not waste your turns now because Genny and Mae are gonna keep dancing around on defensive ground, with Genny advancing with Mae dragging her back.
In my case I pulled my units way back to lure them out, killed Genny with Nino as soon as she left that square, taking her out of the danger area with Dance, and killed Mae when she left the square the next turn with Reinhardt.
In the end, Klein barely did anything.
Holy fuck, how do you get so many points?, I play every time the timer refresh
I spent $140 on another game and got some shit. Let's say I spent that same amount on Fire Emblem Heroes tonight. What would I get? Good shit?
Multipliers, mang. Gaius has been getting them left and right.
Maybe next week when the Hero Fest begins.
Once the 3-4* rates are swapped, You'll probably get more good than trash. But even then, it's still a matter of luck.
How are the rates compared to Dokkan Battle and Fate/Grand Order?
It's usually a 3% chance to get a 5*, increasing in chance the longer you go without getting one. During Hero Fest, it'll be a 5% chance.
Thats a big help, Thanks!
58/36/3/3 for a 3*, 4*, 5*, and 5* Focus (rate up).
When you factor in which units are available at 3* - 4*, 4* - 5*, and 5* Only, it's like ~78/18/1/3, so like ~1/5 for SR+. Similar to FGO's 80/15/5 for a 3*/4*/5* (including CE), or SIF's 80/15/4/1 for R/SR/SSR/UR.
After 8/7, they'll swap it to
36/58/3/3, it'll be ~66/30/1/3, so ~1/3 for SR+.
This is because the 3* pool hasn't changed at all while they keep bloating the 4* pool by downgrading the new units.
Now imagine that but without casualties for the orbs.
In addition, each unit has a boon or bane, similar to a Pokemon's nature, so a double gacha.
With 21 "natures",
6 are ideal (+Atk or +Spd without sacrificing the other).
7 are okay (+some assortment of +/-HP, +/- Def, +/- Res, or just =/neutral).
8 are bad (-Atk or -Spd).
It's roughly a 1/3 chance of a good, okay, or bad nature; a double gacha, that affects viability.
Aren't double gachas banned in Japan?
They're supposed to be.
I guess they found a loophole or something.
>118,000 feathers
>owns Maskcina
>only tier 13 and using an unleveled Doot
I'm puzzled.
Should I roll on the LaD banner or wait for Roy/Cecilia/Dumb Hat's banner?
>Joining the "winning" army
Meanwhile I still have 1000 flags to spare and Gaius keeps getting multipliers ever 2 hours. I hope I can get above 5k feathers when it's over.
Thanks. Nice work. You know a fucking ton about Heroes.
I've learned my lesson. The underdog is the way to go.
I'd say it depends on your needs. Minerva is the 2nd best axe user in the game though while the characters in Roys banner has better replacements but are good enough to get the job done.
It looks like you goofed my dude. Gaius is gonna get so many more, better multipliers as the hours wind down.
I was lucky enough to roll a +Spd -Res Minerva on her first banner, the skills on the two banners is what's tempting. And the possibility of merging my Lilina for arena viability
I wouldn't roll just for skill fodder. Spending 20000 will always be less wasteful than spending orbs and LaD fodder is pretty easy to come by. The feather cost does still blow though.
I have no clue what I'm doing.
You start by rerolling.
Those are some shitty units. Reroll.
doesn't look too bad, it looks like you have a ton of units at 4* who could be good to promote if they have good IVs
don't reroll like these other people suggest, it's much more rewarding to work with what you have
I've been playing since launch but dropped it for some time. If I was going to reroll I would have done it before.
Wasn't planning on it.
A combination of TT fatigue and FGO releasing made me focus less on FEH. I stopped plaging FGO and now I just do the bare minimum of logging in to get those free no-effort orbs. Also i finally found a Switch so Im playing even less.
What are the IVs of that Lucina? You have some good inheritance fodder like Hinata and Shanna to build her nicely.
To be honest I have no clue. I leveled her before I knew about IVs and she's not 40 because I'm lazy.
Psh, I'm gonna be in the top 50K next round provided I throw down some flags. What'd you do to waste your flags? I jump a ridiculous amount every time I drop 200 flags and I have a grand left being on Team Corrin from day 1.
Read their posts again you falseposting ninny.
Jesus christ just reroll.
Healer, Nino or other green mage with drag back, dancer, blue mage
Consider your high cumulative rank reimbursement for being an underdog. I'm on Team Corrin and in the 30K-50K range for 1600 Feathers. I've been on Team Corrin from the start and am set to get 1500 feathers just for winning when it's all said and done. If I don't get under the 30K rank bracket, that'll match your earnings. So it's all good imo.
Just started playing a week ago no idea what I'm doing
A friend said horse teams are pretty strong in this game so that's what I have been focusing on
>saving for Lilina
>decide to do snipe 1 blue orb for summer Corrin
>no blues
>pull summer xander
>valor skills on weekends
Olwen has Dire thunder, one of the most broken weapons in the game. It's a mage tome is basically a brave weapon. Calvary units are only broken when you have skills that boost Calvary units, like Goad or Hone Calvary.
Not bad, Olwen and Summer Elise are amazing if you have the right set up and Titania is a personal favorite of mine
5 star Sharena, she is the best one of the Askr trio. Give her Fury, Swordbreaker and Bonfire, any C skill depending on your team comp, I'd recommend Hone Spd which makes a good combo with her Rally Attack.
Horses are easy mode, but don't expect a high Arena rank with them, their BST is the lowest of all units.
If Ursula and Xander's GHBs return, get them. They're some of the best cavalry units in the game and they're free. Ursula needs some heavy investment since she works better with Blarblade+ but she is a monster with the right support.
What are the IVs of that Fae?
What skills do I give to my loli?
> - Hp / + Atk
Alright then, your time/sanity later, not mine. In any case, I strongly suggest looking into the stat spreads for
And pray that they have a usable stat spread, and in the meantime prepare to 5* the donut steels to cover any holes in your team.
Cavalry meme teams are the most powerful force in the game right now, but your selection is a bit lacking outside of Olwen potentially. Do the Xander/Camus/Ursula Grand Hero Battles when they're rerun, or Xander's at the very least.
The usual Fury + Desperation. Or Ardent Sacrifice and Life and Death. G Tomebreaker can also work against opposing Ninos and Julias.
-Blade/Moonbow/Fury/Desperation, making sure to give her a Hone Cav buff.
With no +Spd IV, I'd consider Darting Blow over Fury to make better use of Desperation.
Why hone cav? She is infantry
What about this +spd/-res Elise? Fury on her?
Eldigan is an acceptable substitute for Xander. No DC obviously hurts but if IS ever decides to release it on a non-Hector unit he can inherit it.
I don't know why you think that Ursula is worth it on a cav team. Reinhardt is obviously a better blue cav mage (and appears at 4 stars to boot) but Olwen is still a better blade+ user than Ursula is. Olwen has higher speed and can have higher attack. Even if she's neutral, the 3 points of attack are largely irrelevant on a blade user while the extra speed will let her actually ORKO the majority of units.
Whoops, I'm retarded, was thinking of regular Elise. Hone Spd then.
>their BST is the lowest of all units.
Xander and Camus actually have high BST for cavs, only 4-5 less BST than regular infantry, it's part of why they're so valued.
>Olwen is still a better blade+ user than Ursula is. Olwen has higher speed and can have higher attack.
Only if she has the right boon which you can't rely on, otherwise, Ursula is superior. Olwen's Atk is horrendous for Dire Thunder anyway if she has neutral Atk. If he can give us her Olwen's IV spread, then we will know.
And he doesn't have Reinhardt, at least not yet.
that Fae is -Speed but +Res
and the Summer Elise I have is +speed and -defense am I good?
also here is the status of the horse team I have
I have just been taking tips from websites on how to build them but they have been serving me pretty well
Fury+Desperation would be exceptional on her since it'll make her hit 40 Speed without any buffs, and 44 with Hone/Spur on her, perfect for the current meta.
Olwen needs her stat spreads to be optimal, Ursula is free and will always work for a very marginal decline in overall killing potential compared to an optimal Olwen.
Guess i just need to pull/upgrade another Nino then
>Alright then, your time/sanity later, not mine
I'm not gonna take a gacha game super seriously. If I get good units that's nice, if I don't who cares. Whenever I get Lucius though he's getting insta 5 starred. Same with my Sully.
RIP, at least it'll easily deal with the Thundercock, but not much else.
Your Olwen is +Def -Res. It is useful, that's all I'll say.
Your Fae, on the other hand, has an amazing spread to become an anti blue mage. You can fix that -Spd with Quick Riposte or you can keep her Renewal if you wish, and that +Res turns her into the best blue mage counter in the game. If you want to dedicate time to her, promote her and give her Lightning Breath+ from Adult Tiki and Iceberg.
-Spd is still pretty terrible on Fae though, and I say this as someone who's been running her from launch. It won't make her unusable, not even close, but it'll make her have to be much more careful when tanking shit.
He has Ninian though, which can protect her with Fortify Dragons of needed. -Spd is crippling, yes, but easily fixable with Quick Riposte or good support.
>using dancers in Arena
Please don't tell me you actually do this.
Do I really need Fae for blue mages?
I have run into blue mages in the arena and most of them have not been able to hurt Titania at all and if they do its very pitiful damage
Someone know if i can just stay in thabes B10 breaking boxes until i get the weapons or is limited searches per visit?
Dancers are great, mate.
They're literally crutches for shitty teams and shitty players. Hope you enjoy that lowered score.
You don't "need" her, but it is always good to have more options. Still, as the other user was saying, -Spd can be kind of crippling so you're better saving your feathers for now.
Does bonus unit matter for defense?
What's the appeal to this game? I thought Sup Forums hated mobile shit yet these FE Heroes threads are still going strong months after release
That's because Titania is one of the few units in the game who's a hard counter to Blue Mages, even being one of the few who can withstand a +Atk + QP + Moonbow + Death Blow Reinhardt last I recall. Fae fills a similar role (also tanks Thundercock really well), but she has more overall utility than Titania in my opinion.
Yes, and it's another good argument for why you should 5* your fucking Askr units ASAP.
Ah, good ol' qr. I have a +spd fae and still put it on her. I wonder when will the meta shifts from fury/ vantage/qr/desperation combo
Because Sup Forums is already infested by degenerates who thinks that mobile shits are video games.
Most of these degenerate losers are probably from reddit.
Also the appeal of this trash is you can masturbate to your waifus and people around you will know that you are a degenerate loser who will never amount to anything in your whole life.
>tfw lacking skill inherit units that don't require tons of upgrading first
Haven't played this since after the first TT. Whats the deal with the all blue meme team in arena? Do people enjoy being fodder to Ninos and Hectors? Also when do we get those free summons?
They do now.
It is one of the most decent mobages so far. Game is surprisingly good, the rates to get good units are high, it constantly has monthly events and most important, the devs respond to feedback and update the game accordingly, we're getting a new update in two days with lots of quality of life changes and new modes. We had daily threads for months since release until a newfag mod started deleting them to send us to the shithole that is /feg/. We slowed down on them to at least one thread per day and they still get their good amount of posting.
Also, these threads are usually very helpful for everyone.
>What's the appeal to this game?
Fire Emblem lite, and the actual lack of combat RNG actually opens up some really interesting opportunities when fighting. Game is still fanservice/gachashit first and foremost, but it could be worse, and ISIS at least tries to listen to complaints about the game.