I thought generals were banned

I thought generals were banned

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There's a reason Sup Forums was fairly peaceful today, OP. Those threads served their purpose.

they're supposed to be banned but there's several general threads up right now. no idea what the fuck's wrong with the mods

Stay mad. Splatoon threads are gonna be here for a while.

Mods like to cherrypick what generals stay

Fire Emblem heroes had a general for months before mods ever did anything.

It's ok when Nintendo does it, this has and always will be the case

While we're on the topic
>advertising is banned
Then why are there constant PUBG threads? I'm sure most of Sup Forums knows better than to buy early-access survival shit

>Crying about Splatoon
>When there are 5 PUBG threads up at a time every day

>people talk about game i don't like

But it's a-ok when there were Crash threads every day, and recently Sonic Mania threads every day, right?

I'm a nintenpony, and it's painfully obvious that mods are too

>Drawthreads that are pretty much nothing but people requesting porn 24/7
>Never removed


>doa thread
>no nier thread time to fix that
>i think its time for me to get a ps4
>I played persona 5 which one should i play next
>ps4 has no exclus.....

it's not generals it's splatfest threads.

>the face of all ketchupfags when mayo wins in 1 hour 32 minutes

>people talk about a game you don't like

>in game event happens
>people discussing video games

Better stick to your LOL, >what did he mean by this?, image_that_is_actual_topic_but_some_blanket_statement_about_video_games.jpg, statement that abruptly ends in hyphenation threads.

Its a general. Try reading the rules.

Would you rather talk about stupid Polygon drama?

Tell that to the fucking faggot fantasy 14 threads.

Although this is an obvious attempt at creating a faggotoon thread as well.

splatfest thread. generals are for general discussion of the game and are allowed if /vg/ generals are dead, which for spla2n is not the case, but these aren't generals they're threads about a specific event.

you can still make splatoon threads just stop flooding the board with generals

No he's right, it's legit advertising. There is a very clear difference actual game discussion, false flagging,and shilling. For about a month or now there have been constant PUBG threads which all have very similar text.

is this a meta thread now? what the fuck has been going on with mods since around the beginning of summer? outright NSFW threads are allowed to reach bump limit consistently

>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

A 24 hour long event is not long-term by any definition.

do people really get this upset when people use more than one thread to discuss a video game?

why aren't you requesting generals for the millionth console thread or the one about SJWs in vidya

theres enough threads continuously about that shit to warrant a general right? better get to bitching about that

Look i'm glad the constant FE Heroes and Fate GO shit threads are gone but we can't stop there

Damn, that tinfoil hat is screwed on tight.

If you go to fireden and search the archive its been constant Spla2n threads since the games release. I post in the threads everyday but Im not retarded to say they arent generals which they are and I also would throw a shitfit when mods decide to move them to /vg/

They stopped Switch owners from shitting up other threads, at least.

That falls under a different rule which should be removed anyway and hardly does

There's one Splatoon thread up right now, if you aren't including this one.

you're a fucking dumbass. nobody starts threads called "console wars" or "SJWS". if people made console war or sjw generals they would be banned, but they're not making them generals

You know the game just came out, right? Any new release is going to have many threads about it.

I didn't say anything bad about the game I could give less of a shit. But their are a lot of threads about the game daily that are almost exactly the same, it's not actual discussion about the game. This has just started happening and its really common, maybe it's not advertising but it is odd

They aren't as long you're not retarded enough to put some shit like "previous thread" or "x edition"

This. It's so easy to bypass what being a general is by "shitting" on the game or posting a picture from the game but asking something unrelated. XIV threads do this.
Generals on Sup Forums are here to stay unless you want to complain and report every ARMS, Splatoon, Drawthread, XIV, FEH, PUBG, Overwatch, TF2, etc. general on here.

Newfaggot here, can someone explain to me why Sup Forums banned generals? They are fine in the other boards but not here and I really dont get it.

Maybe people just enjoy the game.

Because there is an event.
It has a singular theme.

jesus christ get the fuck out

Every single general devolves into waifu faggotry, people ERPing in threads, and off-topic shit

Go to /vg/ and pick literally any general

Think for one moment. The board would be nothing but generals because every popular gaming franchise has a general over on /vg/.

Sup Forums had a great deal of them
Same reason as to why pokemon got its own board, too many threads

imageboards weren't designed with general threads in mind. moot had to make /vg/ because of starcraft 2 and league of legends generals flooding the board

This is correct, generals seem like a good idea on paper but they always turn into this. Doesn't matter what game it is it always becomes this

another sub called /vg/ was made because people kept spamming this place with lots and lots of topics about the same stuff so now Sup Forums is allowed 1 topic per game I think

>You know the game just came out, right?

How about you read the post before you reply next time. Spla2n isnt the only offender. A lot of games have had generals here for months. When FGO was released in Eng, mods decided that 2 days was enough to call them generals while FEH had been having more-than-daily threads since February.

>Sup Forums is allowed 1 topic per game I think

What is it like being so flagrantly wrong? If you have to say "I think", it's time to actually read the damn rules.

How do they keep it up? Especially You already know the one general I am talking about

No I don't, because they are literally all like that.

Only problem is that /vp/ is full of furries, ledditors, and underage now.

>FFXIV is allowed a general on Sup Forums because the /vg/ threads are bad
I hate this mentality.

Dude I have no fucking idea lmao, especially regarding the one your mentioning it baffles me. People really like to discuss waifus and shit, especially agrueing about who's is the best

Katawa Shoujo

and where are these rules?


Would Sup Forums benefit from being split into 3 boards? They'd be a bit slower because of it but it might help all the shitposting threads.

yeah sure. those thinly veiled threads they make daily are still here. we should murder NASU.

>talk about video games
fuck this board, why can't I leave

It's a real double edged sword
The Sup Forums threads have been pretty good, I've gotten more game discussion there than I ever did on /vg/ but I know it shouldn't be allowed here

I guess you've got a point, but it got way fucking worse this leak season.



if you want to make general threads just go to /vg/

no, it would only fragment the problem

I'm in the same boat as you, I want to quit Sup Forums so badly but it's a really bad habit at this point.

at least fire emblem has Actual Video Games

They are. I dunno why they allow Splatoon 2 threads so often. Especially when they've got a general in /vg/

>Two generals
For what purpose?

so exactly like it is now?

at the end of the days bro, no one is paying the mods enough to decipher this shit and come to legit conclusions if a game thread is enthusiast, or paid shills, or just the game dev themselves drumming up hype. Sup Forums is not worth the time.

Sup Forums.org/rules

why the fuck do you think "containment boards" exist, Sup Forums is one, and it's the biggest one on Sup Forums

A general for FFXIV and a general for Final Fantasy.

/vg/ is terrible and I refuse to use it since the mods refuse to moderate it

Fuck off mods and /vg/ apologists, you are cancer

>implying Sup Forums contains anything

>b-but there's a new patch coming out
>b-but there's a new raid coming!
>b-but yoshida announced he's going to take a shit
>w-we're discussing the game and not talking about the same old topics

Worst fanbase on Sup Forums right up there with nepshitters and souls fags.

then it's not 2 FFXIV generals then you dumb fuck

>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

So flimsy.

you fanbasefags are the worst "FANBASE" on Sup Forums

fuck off, you sound like teenage girls arguing over which boy band fanbase is worse

That's more than enough to keep recurring threads off Sup Forums.



>I hate all of these Splatoon threads, but what I can do about them?
>I know, I'll make another thread about Splatoon, that'll stop them!

Why the fuck are there so many faggots on Sup Forums against talking about video games? What the fuck is wrong with this board.
That's as dumb as saying New Vegas and Fallout threads are the same. You can't discuss New Vegas in those threads.

Sup Forums should be split into upcoming games and released games.

The other one is just for FF and they don't even talk about games. Just the mobile garbage, they start frogposting if you post FFXIV.

why do you have to bring general discussion to Sup Forums when there's already a board for that? learn how to make unique threads and you'll be allowed to make them here

>complaining about ACTUAL VIDYA THREADS when
>eceleb threads exist
>"what vidya allows me to do x" exists
>twitter screenshot threads exist
>thinly veiled Sup Forums threads exist
>thinly veiled /r9k/ threads exist

Let them talk about videogames for fuck's sake

You can. And you can go to /vg/. That's exactly why it exists, to have stable threads for a single game.
I mean, it's that or you stay here until mods just start banning every thread. That's what happened with those touhou generals that pretended they weren't generals because they only had them during the night (even though they would go through as many as 8 in a single night). Bitch all you want but if you don't allow bullshit on /vg/ it won't stick around.

Can we banish Metroid niggers to /vg/ after Splashit 2?

>look at this nep is video game discussion and not image dump enabling

who even gives a shit

if you actually didn't like recurring threads, then why are you fine with the recurring 24/7 console war threads?

There is literally nothing better than this shithole

Still better than
>Console/PC falseflag thread #10,000
>What are some games where I can (something completely unrelated to video games)
>Twitter screencap thread

console war shit needs to be banned too. generals and console wars are both against the rules. just need better janitors