Which to play?

which to play?
does either have comfy questan?

they're both the exact same shit. good shit

prey is made by the dishonored 1 team
dishonored 2 is made by a B team

Both are comfy af. Prey has more side quests though

Then why was Dishonored 2 better than the first? Clockwork Mansion was pure ludo and Emily is a better protagonist than Corvo.

Depends if you want to play a mediocre stealth game or a mediocre shooter. Both of which performed terrible and are already forgotten about.

Or you could play a good game like pic related.

I was going to agree with you, but Stephen Russell did too good a job voicing Corvo.

both are shit games and will not have any sequels since they underperformed (good riddance).

Nice meme.

clockwork mansion wasn't a good level, it was a whole lot of wasted potential

>clockwork mansion
all it had was potential
worst level 0/10 would not play again

This isn't a good game.

These aren't good games either.

Prey by far.

Here's your reply. Now move on to your next shitpost.

hi beth shill


Hi Sup Forums. I'm so glad you've immersed yourself in Sup Forums's epic contrarian culture.

hi beth shill. stop churning out crap

Bethesda didn't make either of the games in the OP.

You really like that word. Whatever helps you sleep at night, brah. Enjoy the (You)s

I bought both on PC during the last steam sale, I liked Dishonored 2 more.

ok shill

either pretending to be retarded or genuine retard?

>So young he doesn't know the difference between BGS and Bethesda Softworks

I hate this fucking board.

>Dishonored 2 is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Arkane Studios
>Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios

you can't go wrong with either if you have a good comp and can enjoy slower paced games where you have to think before you act. get prey if you have a toaster though. D2's story might be shit, but god damn is it isn't satisfying to play. prey is a bit slower, it's the spiritual successor to system shock 2 though.

>First person shooter

I'd say it's more akin to System Shock

>genuine retard doesn't know what a publisher is
12 year olds

>it's the spiritual successor to system shock 2 though.
>This is actually what Arkane shills think

It's not like system shock, and that's an FPS anyway.

Publishers aren't always synonymous with developers, plenty of publishers publish externally developed games.
Todd has nothing to do with Arkane.

More like a first person role playing game.

no one's fooled retard, stop trying to backpedal.

What the hell are you even talking about?

>first person role playing game
Confirmed for never playing SS.

It's pretty comfy though

>Class selection
>Stat allocation
>High player agency
Yeah definitely nothing in common with an RPG at all.

I'm talking about you trying to backpedal and pretend bethesda didn't publish these turds

SS has none of those. I love it when SS2 kiddies try and pretend they've played SS when they clearly never have.

I never said they didn't publish them, I said they didn't make them which is true.

yeah, you're trying to backpedal. you're a beth shill

Play both. If you only have the money for one right now, pick whichever is up your alley. Dishonored 2 is the same as Dishonored 1 only with even better levels and a similarly stupid story. Prey is a modern System Shock 2.

At no point were we ever talking about the first System Shock.

No need for shills for the company which made the best RPG ever, Skyrim

DId they fix the optimization in D2?

hi todd, i just use your game with porn mods

Get the fuck out retard, SS does not have those

Well retard, mind explaining why you said System Shock when you weren't talking about System Shock? Were you talking about TES?

Still not as good as the first game but it's a hell of a lot better than it was at launch. Since I'm not on a toaster I don't know if it's playable there, but in my kinda middle/upper middle tier computermachine I get pretty solid 40-60FPS with the graphics maxed.

>This reveals the underaged

>Shilling for free

Bioshock was immersive sim lite and the sequels only continued down the wrong path with ever increasing consolidation. Prey sticks to the PC roots of the genre despite also having a console port. That's part of why it was unpopular with the modern console audience.

Prey was a shit game. Only underages trying to fit in think it's comparable to SS2.

I was actually thinking about picking up Prey for the PS4. Are they going to release the DLC relatively soon or should I just wait for a GOTY edition?


Ok sure, if you admit that that is even more true for Bioshock.


I thought you faggots were fighting game journalists or something. Why are you suddenly sucking them off?

Dishonored 2 is basically Dishonored 1 but new(-er), it's good but not amazing

Prey is basically System Shock 2 but new and it's GOTY so far

Nope, Bioshock is a much better game and is similar to SS except underwater instead of in space.

>Nep poster
>Sup Forums is one person

I think it's a 4D chess move to get you to think that reviewfags are retarded, which would make the game better than this low review. It's an elaborate rebuttal imo

I hate IGN and all these garbage gaming journos/reviewers, but I'll cite them when they align with my views since that's the only time these retards are right. A broken clock is right once a day on a 24 hr clock.

prey is bad

Nothing personal, kids

>but I'll cite them when they align with my views since that's the only time these retards are right

You have brain problems, broski.


>getting triggered over Sup Forums out of nowhere

Not an argument.

Bioshock - 2 gun limit, consolized garbage scroll inventory system, checkpoints (goodbye manual save), autoaim ON PC, simplified gameplay systems and level design

Prey - manual old school inventory tetris, deep rpg skill trees, branching interconnected level design

You only like bioshock because it was babby's first immersive sim lite.

>redirect to tumblr
>not an argument

So you are Sup Forums after all. Figured as much.

Just finished the second mission of Dishonored 2. So far it's really good, perhaps even better than the first. The new powers I tested are fun, and the fact that you can customize the difficulty with a bunch of different parameters makes it more challenging. Aside from that it's pretty similar to the first one with strong setting, art design and lore but a meh story (judging from what I've seen so far). Would definitely recommend it. Grabbing enemies off of a parry and choke them while using them as a human shield is rad.

prey? moarliek gay

>deep anything
Hi 12 yo

>Bioshock - 2 gun limit
nice bait

Holy fuck this shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did.

Go whine about your imaginary boogeymen on tumblr.

are you 10? if so, I'm sure Sup Forums would love you

>nice bait
So you admit you never even played the games you're attempting to talk about.

holy shit kek

Plenty of Sup Forums leaking onto all boards, worst are the slower boards like Sup Forums

Sup Forums is one of the fastest boards on here son. Also
>implying mods are ever going to put this Sup Forumslock invasion hell to an end

Are you just shitposting at this point because people don't like your subpar FPS? Keep trying to pretend it's the epic system shock 2 sequel though, even though this shit game is already forgotten and won't get any sequels.

Is there anything Sup Forums can discuss without sperging out?


You keep using that term and I'm only inclined even more so to believe you haven't played the fucking thing. Pathetic parrot.

Plenty. You just came here at an awful time.

Yup, butthurt that this bad FPS is forgotten and is hated here, and sold like shit. Nice job, hipster.

>is hated here

It's getting plenty of good reception here. It's just you and you're friend sperging out for attention, friend.
I'm being baited, aren't I?

it's not hated here at all, you'll see it on plenty of Sup Forums end of year lists in top 3 goty.

>this thread is good reception
prey shit eaters are delusional

your bad FPS will never get a sequel and sold like shit LOL

>literally posting like a 13 year old

Are you new to Sup Forums, m8? It's okay if you are, but at least lurk a little before posting, kay?

>Sup Forums is one of the fastest boards on here
you've clearly never been on Sup Forums

I'm not a retard like you so I don't want endless sequels, I'd rather play something with an original IP, like prey (which has nothing to do with the previous prey's IP obviously.

Threads about obscure games are usually nicer. I didn't know that Dishonored and Prey were controversial in any capacity (now the Dishonored DLC on the other hand...)

aw, did I strike a nerve braindead prey drone?

I loved original dishonored and pre ordered dishonored 2, played in on day of release and my god the frame rate was fucking horrendous, I had a headache for the rest of the day from playing it. Havent tried to play it since.

Ill probably boot it up sometime in the future though.

Alex did nothing wrong.

You do write like a fucking pleb, stop shitting everything up

man, imagine if command and conquer red alert 2 : yuri's revenge STILL got updates, i'd want that. just being able to play with updated performance and updated AI would be pure heaven

Reminder if you disagree with this you're more than likely underage.

You mean stop shitting up your chance at a safe space where no one can criticize bad games like prey?

play it again after you get a new video card, it's great. Some garbage writing though but hey, video games.

haven't played dishonored 2 yet, but prey is good if you like creepy atmospheres and exploration. side quests are mostly limited to "find out what happened to this person who is definitely dead" with only a handful of really interesting ones that actually impact the ending.

Dishonered 1 is mediocre
Dishonored 2 is bad
Prey is mediocre
HR and MD are terrible

I can't say I disagree with any of this, so good list. I haven't played ultima underworld though, isn't that just an rpg?

What would you call this list? "3D metroidvanias"?
Because whatever the genre is, I want more of it.