Imagine what Imperial Legion Soldiers would look like in 21st Century if Rome never fell

Imagine what Imperial Legion Soldiers would look like in 21st Century if Rome never fell.

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>Spess Manletines

lol he doesnt know how tall space marines are

>10 feet tall

Using power armor to increase your height doesn't count, manlets.

This is obvious shitposting but ill respond in case someone who doesnt know about 40k comes here and sees your dumb ass posts.

Space marines are like a minimum 7 feet tall. 8 in the armor.


>Space marines are like a minimum 7 feet tall

Fucking manlets, when will they learn?

They're pretty smol by today's standards.

7 feet is still very tall by todays standards.

Truth to be told, that's average

They're a lot shorter than 7 feet, though.

For who? A Chinese Space Marine?


>If your height isn't on this chart. You should probably consider suicide.
>should probably consider
Whoever made this is incredibly beta.

Actually, truth be told, 5'10 is the current average in male height. So shut the fuck up and dont say anything if youre just making shit up.

I'm sure your mommy tells you that to make you feel better about being 5'10" but you're a turbomanlet.

>a mighty Space Marine
>actually just a little bit higher than a coin
What are they going to shoot at today? Space fairies?

They'd probably use modern equipment, stupid. They certainly wouldn't wear blue like the ultrafaggots.
Also new bruva alfabusa podcast that's boring AF, get hype.

Primaris marines are EVEN TALLERER and faster and stronger and they can punt a titan into orbit and can eat a plague marine without getting sick and also and their skin is stronger than a carnifex and and also and they can fly without a jump pak.

Hear me out
We make space mariner

Daily reminder

post some proper roman space marines next time

I don't remember UM being that Roman

That's 410th century.


How do you guys feel about papa smurf being back?

definitely was the easiest one to bring back fluff wise, other than Vulkan, who i assume is next. I`m just desperately hoping they dont go End Times and fuck everything up really hard.

I like it

What if we put the emperor on a diet and so we save until we have a million psykers and then we tell them to bunch their spirits together after death and then we mass murder them to make a super emperor?

Interesting enough, not a fan of the super special marines pulled out of a magos's asshole from his hidey-hole on mars though

They will. Enjoy your Age of Emperor, shitter

t. eternally salty fantasy fan

Space Marines are gay

>a thousand years of breeding the strongest and fastest
>emphasis on strength, and dexterity
>keep them just educated enough to do their job but at the same time suppress them so they're not smart enough to rise against
>focusing everything on becoming a perfect physical state to do their jobs

So basically... black people?

>They don't know marinelets are being replaced by chad marines, who each have over a foot of height over marinelets.

They would look like any other modern soldier

So they brought back Rowboat Girlyman for real?

Is the Wolf Time night then?

>keep them just educated enough to do their job
Be gone, philistine

Dawn of War 3 is still shit.

I feel as the setting as a whole has gone to shit. Especially chaos who now seem to be a more obnoxious Tau.

I haven't been following the news, but has Girlyman done anything of note since his return?

I like how the universe is pretty much shitting on him.

He made new Spess Mahrenes.

I fucking hate how they rebranded all of the imperial armies, like anyone is going to call the IG anything other than the IG.

Whens Lion coming back to rape all the Fallen?

>Unveiled the Primaris Marines.
>Led a 100 year Crusade against Chaos.
>Created a corp of historians to piece together the true history of the Imperium.
>Revoked the sovereignty of the worlds of Ultramar.


POST YA BEST LOOT Warhammer 40k related shit OR I'LL CRUSH YA. WAAAAAAGGGHH!!!!

Was one of the founding ideas of 40k not stagnation? Like nothing ever fucking changes apart from the meat grinder of war because everyone forgot what else to do aside from war?

they even revealed the truth of the emperor? I dunno if I like this

They kinda wrote themselves into a corner with the Tau always advancing, Tyranids always expanding, Eldar always trying to reclaim their old ways and Necrons slowly awakening.

Even if the Emperor thought of the primarchs as sons at some time, the Horus Heresy changed that.

Actually that makes more sense now that I think about it and at least its just a soft reset of the status quo rather than The End Times.

>>Created a corp of historians to piece together the true history of the Imperium.

That's gonna go over well. It must've felt like waking to a nightmare for him considering IoM pretty much perverted everything the Emperor stood for.