Millennials are losing their faith and replacing it with pizza, pushups and profound digital connections

>Millennials are losing their faith and replacing it with pizza, pushups and profound digital connections.

Just 27 to 28 percent of people in their 20s and early 30s attend religious services regularly, according to the latest figures from the Pew Research Center. Compare that to the 38 percent of baby boomers who log time in houses of worship, and 51 percent of folks in the silent and greatest generations who still show up for services.
>Instead, millennials are getting their spiritual fix from secular pursuits such as fitness classes and Facebook groups — community-driven activities that create a sense of fellowship, inspire meaningful reflection and sometimes include uplifting music.

Is vidya a major part of your daily life?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this why it feels like life has no purpose?

Organized religion is a fucking lie, I don't need a stupid church to praise God.

Everything went downhill fast once I replaced church with vidya.

Rommel looks like he fucking hates Alex


Why should anyone devote their life to a deceitful schizophrenic hypocritical fraud of a deity?

christian god is utter shit at keeping up his end of the covenant

>Millennials are a bunch of spineless morons indoctrined by cultural marxism.

more news at 11


lmaoing @ u 4 real

What can be done about millenial men?

God abandoned me long ago. No point in even bothering.

inb4 fedora propaganda from christfags

and you wonder why no one goes to church

>alt right degenerate using christianity to oppress people

this is why christianity and white males are dying out

>Women eternally btfo

>Enjoying culinary pursuits
>Developing personal strength
>Entertaining the time and interacting with others
>No purpose

Fuck off, sanctimonious retard.

That's the equivalent of a fat lazy piece of shit getting selling his dog to buy a sofa

Yup, I play vidya almost everyday if I can. Don't have time for mystical sky daddy bullshit

What's wrong with pizza? Pizza is delicious user.

what the fuck all the women here already have kids in their mid 20s at latest, its just a bunch of single moms and married moms

>written by a woman
Can't make this shit up

hate these cunts last time i checked my dick still works even if im a good for nothing layabout

Be honest Sup Forums, when's the last time you went to church?

About 7 years for me

Even if I didn't play vidya, I still wouldn't be religious.

Samefag fedorafag

Well maybe women should step up and start being fun

You could have all of those things and Buddha. He's a cool dude, check him out sometime. Or don't, whatever.

7 months ago

I only really went to church with my family, and even then I spent half the time sleeping through the sermon.


I've never gone to church

Yeah, but you aren't paying them for it now are you? Take responsibility you manchild!


a month ago since I visited my parents

>Muh alt right
You mean the majority?

>not being religious
>not attending church every sunday morning so you can have a healty sleep cycle too
>not going to a restaurant to have breakfasts with your church friends
>not attending church events that are mostly selling homemade food at hilarious low prices
>not hanging around good willed people who are always kind and want to do something better for everyone

Go ahead reply to me with your silly fedora arguments.

We are the gods now

>go to church
>preacher yells at you that everything you like is a sin and you will burn in hell
>surprised that people stop going to church

I would spin it as millennials aren't stupid enough to buy into non scientific nonsense created to explain the world.

If you mean the last time you went to a mass then it was like when i was 11.

Eh I go on Christmas with family and sometimes Eastern should I go home for the holidays.

men don't like feminist harpies. Both are to blame, nu-males and femicunts. It's not one party.

What if had

Guys listen

What if we held services hosted over TWITCH?

>not bettering yourself so you stop doing everything they say is a sin

>unironic christfags on Sup Forums
Not sure what you're doing here

>being proud to be the typical american redneck bible thumper

fuck off from this site thanks

Last week.

>Social-networking sites like Facebook promise to connect us to friends. But the portrait of iGen teens emerging from the data is one of a lonely, dislocated generation. Teens who visit social-networking sites every day but see their friends in person less frequently are the most likely to agree with the statements “A lot of times I feel lonely,” “I often feel left out of things,” and “I often wish I had more good friends.” Teens’ feelings of loneliness spiked in 2013 and have remained high since.

>What’s the connection between smartphones and the apparent psychological distress this generation is experiencing? For all their power to link kids day and night, social media also exacerbate the age-old teen concern about being left out. Today’s teens may go to fewer parties and spend less time together in person, but when they do congregate, they document their hangouts relentlessly—on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook. Those not invited to come along are keenly aware of it. Accordingly, the number of teens who feel left out has reached all-time highs across age groups. Like the increase in loneliness, the upswing in feeling left out has been swift and significant.

>Many now sleep less than seven hours most nights. Sleep experts say that teens should get about nine hours of sleep a night; a teen who is getting less than seven hours a night is significantly sleep deprived. Fifty-seven percent more teens were sleep deprived in 2015 than in 1991. In just the four years from 2012 to 2015, 22 percent more teens failed to get seven hours of sleep. The increase is suspiciously timed, once again starting around when most teens got a smartphone.

You could do all of this but outside of a boring dusty building with boring dusty people.

Also, anime is not Christian.

Going to church in this day and age is idiotic, mindlessly following a glorified deity based on pure beliefs and platitudes. However, that is also no excuse to go around to the other extreme and worship "diversity!!!! multiculturalism!!! POP-SCIENCE YEAH XDDD !!!". Pic related. Always question everything in life.

Not vidya. Sage

church is only good if you've got friends to hang out with as a kid, then you grow up and realize the adults in church are judgmental, gossiping and conniving snakes that talk shit about you behind your back

16-18 years ago. I've never gone of my own choice though

Nobody should be surprised by this.

You can do all those things without church. You can replace church with any other community activity and religion immediately loses all merit.

Don't worry, it'll all change when the "refugees" arrive.


>everything I know about religious people comes from internet memes made by hypocritical atheists who do the same shit.

Go outside user.

last week

I'm literally the only person in the 20s there. I'm not joking I'm literally the only one in the 26-35 age range at 25, and nobody is in the 18-25 age range either. The person closest to me in age is a 14 year old. All girls here are already taken anyway.

All the church girls are already taken even if they talk to you or are already a single mom, just like anywhere fucking else. But there is no point in going for girls anyway.

Church is generally boring and doesn't fit with my lifestyle of working second/third shift. You gotta wake up way too damn early, and even then, it is a snooze fest unless you go with someone you want to be there with (like a girl or your friends, for example, and not family members or just a bunch of people either double your age or half your age)

Slow your roll there fella - this is GOD'S house

What does that have to do with religion though?
Can't we just agree that people that are too obsessed with one thing are annoying and outliers?

>millennials are aged between 14 and 64

where's the vid gaems

It sounds like you like church for the social aspects rather than the religious ones.

>You could do all of this but outside of a boring dusty building with boring dusty people.
Then why don't everyone do it? you don't need to donate money to charity for the homeless, you can just gift things to a random hobo.
Isn't the whole world already full of gossiping snakes? after all one goes to the church for reasons unrelated to envy and gossiping.

but pioneering and conquest can't exist on earth anymore

Last week, going tomorrow morning.

I meant to hit a paraklesis service this week but honestly I was exhausted from all the overtime at work.

Christ be with you brother.

>T. Newfag.
Lurk more.

Kids still wouldn't care, and adults don't use Twitch.

The advanced world is more interconnected than ever before, the fall of a large nation won't happen as easily as it did in the past. Perhaps we will eventually go past the age of decadence

Stopped as soon as I was confirmed. I thought church was the most boring thing on the face of the planet. Didn't hold a candle to vidya or literally anything else. Thankfully those Catholic masses were only like an hour long. Could have been worse, I could have been in one of those fucked up Southern churches. People always say Catholics are bad but the Catholics of today are like a neutered kitten compared to the Catholics of old.

I still don't go to Church and don't plan to. I am no more interested now than I was as a kid and on top of that I find the morality of the Church (all branches of the Abrahamic religions) to be highly questionable. inb4 fedora memes.

I guess China and Africa didn't get the memo.

>I, preacher man, understand the word of God
>I will tell you how to avoid sin and stay in God's good graces
>But you need to donate money to me and give me political power first

Why did humans ever fall for the religion meme?

>calling someone else a newfag when he can't greentext properly

>not attending church every sunday morning so you can have a healty sleep cycle too
Religion is essentially a rule of conduit to live a healthy and social life. If youre living a healthy and social life by yourself - you dont need it.

That would apply more to generation X or whatever than to millenials. They are getting more conservative, thanks to the insanity of the left.

This reinforces the absurd notion that you need a significant other to be happy in life.

>after all one goes to the church for reasons unrelated to envy and gossiping

precisely, so when you go there and find everyone acting the same as from without the church, there's point in going unless you respect your priest/vicar enough to attend

I think the last time I ever went to a church was at my friend house during elementary school. Like, 18 years ago, or something.

Was was baptized catholic, but my parents never really gave a shit about religion.

16 years ago for confession for school


Lack of education

>good willed people

Nope. Most religious slavs are the same trash and only go to church because its customary to be Catholic if you're Polish.

Haven't gone in 13 years. don't know if I want to.

basically the reason nobody's going to church anymore is because this is a generation raised in the internet era, the era of smartphones that make it so you can get social validation from Likes and comments instead of going out to social gatherings, of which Church is the most quickly dying option.

So much summer it burns.
Really though, lurk more.

Lack of scientific method basically. They didn't understand things, so people used it to seize power. Also an infallible figure you stand below and/or eternal damnation stops dissenters.

Religion is a great control method for the uneducated.

>literal first post in reply is MUH CULTURAL MARXISM MUH JEWS

yeah nah you're not fooling anyone you alt right trash

pathetic white males clinging to religion because they feel like it gives them a sense of superiority and nonsensical authority

dinosaurs inevitably going to fuck off forever

What if I dont give a fuck to gift hobos shit every weekend or give money to charity.
It sounds nice and they tell you you're right.

shit i meant age 26, sorry. its like this at every church i went to. fuck contemporary stuff