Other urls found in this thread:

Chiaki's dead! Dead!

She's boring and too autistic

Mahiru is a close second.

AI don't have genders silly

Barneyfag were art thou'?


>Expect some annoying tumblr bitch from the design
>Get the most happy, cheerful and genuinly funny character in the whole series

In terms of physically desirable, that's Junko.
In terms of personality, it's Aoi.
Chiaki's still cool though.

The boobie musician

How can you find Junko more attractive than Aoi...?

Nagito is most marriageable dangan.


She actually spooked me standing in the hallway

god what a loser

still pretty traumatized lads

Who the fuck is this

So, uh, should I be worried that the only character I liked turned out to be an artificial intelligence?

>he only liked the most boring character
shit taste

No because none of them are real anyway


Probably ain't gotta show up from that, Ibuki isn't a fucking pony and Barneyfag hasn't been noted to mistake her as such, in contrast to characters like Stocking, which he doesn't even seem to care that she isn't even related to MLP at times.

>pic related

what the fuck, don't you play as her?

>you couldn't protect this smile

Perspective switches to the detective after the first chapter is over. He's the real hero of the game.

only for the first chapter :^)

also, everything is a reality-TV game show, V3 stands for 53 which is the number of times this show has aired

> all those images of her hanging out with the other MCs

Thanks. That's one more game I don't have to play through.

I prefer long hair to short, and Aoi doesn't let hers down often enough. But yeah, that opening shot to Chapter 3 is awesome.

Those are some puny thighs on a girl with such a big belly.

>V3 stands for 53

>hanging out
too soon

>too soon

What did he mean by this? I haven't played or watched the game I just know she dies in the first chapter. Does she get hanged?

Ultimate Fatso.


Chiaki's death was the only scene in this shitshow that made me feel something other than boredom.

Why do you fags like spoiling games that most people haven't played yet?

I don't know mate Pikachu getting stabbed got me pretty hard.

>got me pretty hard.
I'd hate to see what it takes to get you at full mast.

I want to explode between her feet

> getween

That too, but the setup of the whole scene was laughable
>sup council, here have some weapons, also you can't touch me cuz my sister is the best spetsnaz of the school and I'll have her sing a song


Would they even know who Mukuro is?

I just watched the demo for v3 and I hate pretty much every character except the maid. Should I even bother pirating this?

If you hate almost everyone. Why even bother to pirate?

There was the one kid who grabbed a shotgun and tried to It Lives Mukuro.

I want to touch myself to Junko.

Because if you play the game you'll hate every character INCLUDING the maid.

DR1 was enjoyable enough plus everyone I hated was dead by the start of Case 3

Is it because of the Big Brother fake personality tweest or is everyone just poorly written?

I'd try to give the characters a chance. There were characters I hated that I grew to like as DR1 and DR2 went on.

I've never played v3 though so I'm going to leave this thread now.

Boobie imouto with thick thighs > all


To be fair, I'll be interested in how localisation will affect that particular tweest, since a big part of her motivation to become a murderer was her believing she was Prime Minister of Japan and she had a responsibility to get back to her people by any means necessary. A lot of the group actually supports her in this action due to attitudes in japan towards their government officials are a lot different than in the states, so it'll be interesting to see how they'll localise that.

As for the other characters, yeah, that twist affects them as well, but it goes back to the other issue a lot of people having with the DR series of the most interesting characters being killed and the most boring ones surviving, to the point where fans are more interested in a V2 prequel featuring a couple of the characters who were killed than a sequel that follows what happens to the survivors.

I knew she was waifu bait from the start, but I still fell for it.


what a fat girl

I forgot which anime I hated more

Best waifu

that fucking pig

Has an update for the V3 girls been made, or are they still deciding whether or not Tenko gets her own tier?

>mukushit anywhere but the lowest tier
The "IF" meme is dead, user.

I haven't seen one yet.

>degenerative males
Why did they remake Mahiru and decide to make her more annoying and less cute?

>A boy who looks like a girl out of necessity and is trying to become a better boy is a better than 4 girls at being a girl
Really makes you think about how shit shit Mikan and Chiaki are


The 3 anime was probably the most damning evidence towards Mukuro fans. IF depicted her as interesting while 3 just showed her as a mindless masochist.

Because they wanted the lesbian shipper audience. who got BTFO when fans paired Himiko with Ouma instead.Come to think of it, fans paired Ouma with everyone anyway.

>surprised that Komaeda 2.0 gets all the attention


>Look at V3 art.
>He gets the most by far

>tfw couldnt protect this smile
god i fucking hate danganronpa, it's my fault for getting emotional over fiction tho


>characters no one likes but autists like me
>my waifu, literally
>boring charterers
>all others
>a fucking trap
>popular characters, because popular= BAD!!!!!
>popular waifus, see above
Most obvious bait tier list ever

>Having popular wafius.
And yes. That's bad

>popular = Bad unironically
Caution here, we have a rebel!

Yes only my obscure wafiu is good.

Completely wrong.

At video gaming, without any doubt. As for the rest, Nanami's outclassed.

Meanwhile, Saionji is the best one to bully, that's for sure. No wonder that I want to bully Saionji every day. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

*holds up spork*

Its the fucking batman


the ending of this game is the most autistic thing i've ever witnessed. Singlehandedly brought an otherwise 8/10 game to a 4/10 game.

Nagito's cool though.

Do you want to know why I bully Saionji? Simple physical violence is just too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. You see, when they're about to get spanked, people show you who they really are. Ok,
that was even more autistic than usual

Hello, bully apprentice.