Space Engine

It's been a while since I've seen one of these.

Other urls found in this thread:






Is this still being developed? Seems like forever since the last update. Did russiandev died?


>some russian scientist dicked around and made a game bigger than Star Citizen
How this happens?

Also it's the same procedural generation as Numale's Sky. It's a lot more fun though.



I'm hoping an update will add more variety to planet surfaces. At the moment planets only seem to look good from space/orbit.

So one person made a game more fun than hyped NMS that had a full team + Sony support?

delete this

Try setting land LOD to 2. If that doesn't help, it could just take a while for the land to be completely sculpted out, depending on your rig.


Not going to say it again, delete all black hole pictures.

What about stars that are almost black holes?

What's that?

Neutron star. If memory serves, it's the stage of a dying star right before it collapses on itself and becomes a black hole I think


Does anybody have that tool somebody made to make screenshots from space engine at a higher resolution then what your display could output?

No, this is a Neutron star.
It's an hyper-dense star, just an alternative death to a black hole.

Slav programming magick
just look at s.t.a.l.k.e.r and the Witcher

nah, it's the remains of a dead star
it can become a black hole though

Black holes are weird and scary.

I just want to try already. :/

That's not how black holes work

That's what it looks like if you're looking behind you while falling into a black hole.

Huh, weird. I had clicked on it and it was classified as a Neutron Star.
Oh well, I'll just dump more screenshots.



that'd imply that a black hole is a literal hole in space time and guess what it isn't
watch the video starting from 4:30 if you have such a short attention span




Do you fags fly ships around and dock with other ships too or do you just explore with just the camera?



I bought this game in 2014 and was literally too retarded to figure out how to do anything, even guides, haven't touched this game since then.



wouldn't everything redshift as you entered a blackhole like that instead of blueshift?

I found a feminist planet


I had a hard time finding everything out,too. I even dropped it for a couple of months after the day I got it. Then I decided to sit down and find what keys did what and it was surprisingly simple




Where we are going we wont need eyes to see


space ENGINE m8, not engineers. Space engine is free
>that failed kickstarter tho

He removed the "stretch goals" list from his site?

Yeah I realized i fucked up after posting it, I've played space engine even less than space engineers so there's no way I could figure out what the fuck im supposed to be doing in space engine. I guess its just for people who like to explore and set their own goals.


The black hole is also pulling the light in, so it would be blue shifted

Think of Space Engine as a universe simulation. If you're not into that sort of shit there isn't really anything to do atm but enjoy finding nice space vistas.

Is there any space game with a mod for the Ragnarok from FFVIII?


It doesn't have any goals, it's just graphics and exploration. I suppose it was made for educational purposes more than anything.


Serious question, what is a nebulae? What is it made for and how is formed?

has someone tried the VR headset with SE here?

looks like a bunch of album covers


you don't fall into a black hole you get sucked in
but regardless if you get sucked into one (while looking towards the outside of it) you watch the events taking place in the rest of the universe at extremely high speeds before you die a painful crushing death

yes, it would look like that from a simple normie's perspective.



Well he did plan on one day having the abilities to terraform planets, build cities, space combat etc. Thats a far far goal though.

It would be cool if interstellar empires could be spawn in the universe though that slowly expand/develop. (And maybe collapse)







Fun fact from an astronomy class that I'll never forget: One teaspoon of a neutron star is as massive as 25,000,000 elephants

Is there a way to make the spaceship controls less wonky with a gamepad? I'd love to tool around in one of em but the controls are so funky

is the surface of Earth accurate? Does anyone have screens from there?



reminder planet classes are getting a rework in next version
also new procedurally generated nebulae


The nebulae are what I'm most hyped for honestly.



This planet and its "moon" are as close together, and as similar in size, as they look.

I wonder if this is even remotely possible.

Not black enough


Why is space so fucking terrifying? I'm kind of glad space travel is scientifically impossible because we shouldn't be going anywhere near this shit.


Found some really old screenshots.

it's more a binary planet system than just a planet and it's moon, dev said that in the next version both will be called planets

A Neutron star is a heavy star that didn't quite meet the criteria for being a black hole upon death. They're extremely dense, but not enough to become black holes.

So you are right, that is probably what one looks like in space engine and is sort of right. A neutron star can't become a black hole (not quite enough mass)

Just posted fan art.

oh shit did he add debris to rings now?

>TFW not even using my own screenshots

I'll reply to my own post with screenshots I took and hopefully somebody sees it!!

No, that's just an asteroid inbetween rings.