How do you pick your main, Sup Forums?

how do you pick your main, Sup Forums?

How cool the animations of the character look.

I don't play fightan games.

Does she show and/or use her feet primarily to fight? If so, there she is.

Bullet isn't actually bigger than Litchi is she?


Bullet's entire gimmick is that she has huge boobs and a great ass but is completely oblivious to the fact that she's an attractive female because she's a retard who only knows how to fight.

Going through this problem right now in BBCF. Cut a couple because Idn't like their designs and a few more who I don't like their playstyle, bu there's still a good 15-20 characters I like playing as and the designs of.

>love sweat and armpits
>hardly any good porn of it
Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for it

Playstyle, but I'll use a character no matter how bad they are if I think their design/concept is cool enough. Like this nyagger right here. He's a samurai cat and that's the coolest shit ever. Don't care if he ends up low tier once everything is said and done.


I go with whoever I find most sexually appealing.


>Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for it

Probably. I've found more than enough of that stuff.

>attack animations

I let my penis choose it for me. It has never disappointed me.

What is this "low tier" meme. Just because he takes crouching combos when standing doesn't mean his offence wont be good.

No she doesn't. Mori has said that Litchi has the biggest breasts in BB. That's a piece of fanart whose sizes are made up.

You are wrong. Bullet has the biggest ass but not the biggest tits.

litchi is canonically the bustiest character in BB

No dub, no buy.

Why are Platinum's boots so big?

I was going to joke about how bust size is proportional to your relevance in BB's story but Nine exists so I can't.

Don't talk like that to my wife.

You being offended doesn't make it any less true

Whatever character I have the most fun with

Just admit that you want to fuck that cat.

what about pic related???? your theory doesn't hold up

I wasn't saying he was low tier. I was saying that even if he does end up being low tier I'll still use him because I think he's cool. It's still way too early to tell where he's going to stand overall since people are still discovering tech with him. People are just now experimenting with actually using his Drive and Non-Install Distortions in combos.

Considering he has a fast overhead, an unblockable, a projectile for oki and approaching, a command dash that can cross-up, easy corner carries, and pretty decent damage off of even his basic combos though I honestly don't see him ending up low tier at all.

Mai doesn't fucking matter in the story

I want to lick Wagner's feet!

Bullet is cute!

Why is she so flat?

is it weird that i want to creampie all of these girls in quick succession

"girl" not counted

My nigga

Everyone in that image is a girl other than Nine.

yeah but her boobs are MASSIVE. so she it's the opposite of your theory

Because DFC

There was supposed to be inversely proportional instead of just proportional, hence why I mentioned Nine since she has huge tits and actually matters. The others not so much

why her feet
she has better parts for licking


She probably burns off her fat a lot and got fit instead

ahhhh ok. sorry, i misunderstood

any with underboob sweat

Indeed she is.