Oh look, yet another shitty GPU

>AMD releases RX Vega
>Only 8GB VRAM
>GPU clock not even 2GHz
>Little to no difference in liquid cooled version
>Only sold in bundles because AMD wasted a huge chunk of their funds on this crap
>Pretty metal shroud doesn't even have RGB

Give me a good reason why I should even get a Vega card.

Man, I don't know jackshit about good pc parts, and I want to build a new pc, since mines a toaster now. Where should I start to look?

First off, don't look up ANY Radeon cards, they're for losers with no taste in quality.

Man shut the fuck up you fucking autismal nerd.

logicalincrements, it's a pretty good site.

pcpartpicker, don't use logical increments they have horrible builds and are intel shills.

I'd say Newegg, they've got good deals, but you should've known about that by now.

Thanks, I'll look at each. I knew newegg had good deals, due to lurking Sup Forums and shit for so long, but I'm not sure which actual parts to buy, ya know?

>doesn't even have RGB
kys holy shit


>Wanting to build a new PC
>GPU prices are nearly twice retail value
Fuck the bitcoin miners.

Just look at a build guide, find out what you need and can afford. Don't go buying overpriced ricer gamer shit or high end CPU/GPU if all you do is play facebook games.

Motherboards now are made for dummies, just buy a compatible CPU and ram kit and you can do a basic overclock .5 Ghz without destroying it.

No one mines BTC with GPUs.

Vega 56 might turn out to be a decent alternative to the 1070. Of course good luck getting one before the miners buy them all.

People still mine?

I thought the whole mining business went belly-up a couple years ago. I remember trying it out back in 2013 or so and even by then, it was impossible to make a profit on mining alone

There are other cryptos you know.

nigga where have you been?

If you're just looking for a card that's decent enough to play current games, a 1060 6GB should do the job.

The cheapest one I found from Newegg (as of now) is a Gaming X 6G for $330, so if you've got the budget that should be alright.



>he doesn't mine
Stop with this meme I know everyone of you is actually mining while browsing 4chin.

actually it came back, a few months ago ETH mining was somewhat profitable

GPU mining is WORTHLESS unless you have a 1080/1080Ti or AMD equivalent (good luck with that)

Are you retarded G5X has shit latencies. ETH mining is memory latency-sensetive.

If you're using Nicehash they'll use every mining algorithm and make that GPU work its ass off.

It's not a gaming card, why would ANYONE sell a gaming card when more mining focused cards guarantee a profit? Basic economics you retarded commies.
Vega will be the best mining card ever made at the time of release, it will be borderline impossible to buy one. They gimped gaming functionality in order to ensure that they sold out thoroughly by appealing to miners.


That's why 1080 mines worse than 1070? :^)

Y-yeah no one mines with 570/580s or 1060/1070s. Everyone should buy the Titans and 1080 ti to mine with.

I'm clearly out of the loop, then.
Can I get redpilled?

What does "redpilled" mean?

I'm not telling you, go to Sup Forums and find out, you fucking retard.

ever since bitcoin got big, hundreds of similar currencies have come up

>go to Sup Forums
Why would I?

None. I refuse to buy AMD since they obviously support mining.

Everyone else is mining and relying on altcoins like Litecoin, Dashcoin, Ethereum, Monero, so they can sell them for more bitcoin in a year from now.

They think they can still be early adopters, but just for inferior coins.

You either know it or you don't. Otherwise don't bother asking and keep lurking.

Neither does OP

Alright, I got a r9 280x.
The Miners have fucked the prices, but when they eventually stabilize what should I get? Something better, but nothing too crazy because I can't spend that much.
1060 maybe?

Honestly. I regret going with a 1070 in my ryzen build. $100 off the cpu and $200 off a freesync monitor is pretty compelling. Idk if it let's you do any motherboard or monitor but god damn.

1060 6GB is a decent card, the 3GB is only slightly better than an R9 280X power consumption and core clock wise.

Sounds like exactly the same lottery strategy everyone employed a few years ago. Didn't work out so hot then. Why would it be any better now?

>AMD hardware
>looking at official drivers instead of the superior open sources ones

The altcoins to look out for are the secure and untraceable ones. That's what ransomware guys go after and spike the prices on those coins.

That's why the bitcoin price keeps going up, hackers love that shit and crime and controversy sells.

so should I got with a 6gb or you think just saving up for something better would be wiser?

Depends on your performance target. 1080p 60fps on all ultra? 480/580 or a 1060 will do that. Vega 56 or a 1070 will do 1440p 60fps ultra or be a long lasting and probably silent 1080p card. If you plan on doing an entire system upgrade to a Ryzen system then Vega 56 would be the way to go. They have a pretty damn good bundle going. But if the 1070 is cheaper and has better support in games you like that's the way to go.

Honestly I'd say 290 to 1060 just isn't enough of an upgrade to warrant spending $250 US under normal pricing. You really aren't getting very much more for your money unless your 290 is a leafblower. 1070 or Vega 56.

A 6GB 1060 is a good budget card because it can run most current games in 1080p, but if you want to save up a little more for a 1070 or 1080, I'd say wait for a sale and hope there's a 1070 for like $400 or less.

>doesn't even have RGB

this my friends, is an nVidiot.

Alright I'll wait then, I do have a 144hz monitor and my setup can run most games pretty well but I'd like to run my rift a bit better, most games run fine, but I'd like it to be a smoother experience

Maybe I'll wait till black friday, or look for shit on CL (its where I got the 280 x for 80 bucks)

but I'm not seeing that in the future considering its just rigging machines up for sale.

Where can i preorder one

You can't.

Pic related is my card that I bought back in March. How solid am I against Vega, Sup Forums?

It's a Strix so it should be good, what GPU does it run though?

Its a meme from the matrix that Sup Forums adopted to mean see the world through their dumb as shit view.

It may be a meme, but then again they're right in some places it kinda freaks me out.


Then yes, your card can easily shit on Vega.

Next six months you'll still be in great shape.
A year from now your card will be slower though not that far behind.
Two years from now the Vega will still be keeping up with the second fastest cards of the latest generation while the 1080 will only be as fast as the mid-range cards.

AMDs hardware is actually more powerful, part of why its energy consumption is higher its just always held back by how terrible AMD's drivers for it are. All the people pushing for AMD to drop GCN are being stupid, the best thing AMD can do is stick to it and just get their drivers up to par. Switching to yet another new architecture isn't going to help them since they'll be back at square one in terms of drivers.

Vega 56 is probably "the" Vega to buy if you were going to buy one.
>Cheaper than Vega 64
>Lower TDP than Vega 64, and could probably even undervolt it to save more power and improve performance like with Frontier Edition
>at least equivalent or better than a GTX 1070
However if the rumors are true about Vega being extremely fast at mining meme cryptocurrencies then you'll literally never be able to buy one. Every faggot miner from here to China and back again will be there in the first 15 minutes to clean out the stock of every retailer on earth.

That's not the case of Pascal vs Vega. Pascal has more than enough ALUs.
Also Vega is GCN on ISA-level only.

Is Vega's 1080 equivalent at least better priced than a 1080?


AMD hardware gets faster over time, the nearly fully open source driver stack keeps AMD honest as their official driver team can't introduce performance regressions or fall too far behind the open source stack or they'll face embarrassment. Even then in apples to apples comparisons the open source drivers on Linux are about 10% faster than the official driver on Windows.

Nvidia on the other hand faces no serious competition from open source drivers. They can introduce patches that include performance regressions and bugs that slow down older hardware with no serious complications or problems and no real financial incentive for Nvidia to focus on their older hardware.

You're telling me i have to wait until 6 or sometjing in the morning to buy one fast off amazon?

So what's the actual performance level of this? 1070 level?

Vega will be in limited supply while AMD faggots still run 480s and 580s because they still think Radeon are good cards for some stupid reason.

If you're actually going to buy a Vega 64 card, try this.

1. Buy a Vega 64 bundle, liquid cooled or normal.
2. Keep Vega card sealed in box, wait a year or two.
3. Sell it on ebay for twice the price or more because AMD suckers will be desperate for one.
4. Spend the money on a better card, preferably a high-end Volta card.

>Only 8GB VRAM
>My card only has 2

Looks like it will be 1070 level because AMD drivers are shit.



On Windows with the official drivers:
DirectX workloads that will almost certainly be true.
For OpenGL workloads it will probably be slower.
For Vulkan workloads it will probably be faster.

On Linux with the open source drivers:
OpenGL will be on par with the 1080ti or faster.
Vulkan will be faster than anything else.

HBM is a meme until 4k becomes the standard resolution. It's interesting if you look at Fury and Fury X scaling, at 1080p they get bottlenecked by AMD's shitty drivers, but at 4k they can use their full power and can almost hit 1070 level. Unfortunately the Fury X/980Ti/1070 are all a bit weak at 4k so it doesn't matter.

Literally no one games on Linux with AMD, most ported games don't even support AMD or put AMD in the minimum requirements.

XboneX is trying to make 4K the standard resolution, but when the time comes it's going to backfire like a motherfucker because it doesn't have enough high-end hardware to keep games stable at 4K.

It is already a joke before it's even launched.

>most ported games don't even support AMD or put AMD in the minimum requirements.
This is false.

The games you're talking about that don't list AMD support didn't list it because of the extremely low quality of the official AMD drivers.
More recent games, and games that have had their minimum requirements updated list the open source Mesa drivers for AMD hardware as supported, the official drivers supplied by AMD have basically been rendered obsolete.

In the past there have been a few games that haven't worked on AMD hardware due to lack of features, but now all of OpenGL 4.5 and most of the brand new 4.6 features are supported. The open source RadV driver is also already complete and fast enough to run every Vulkan game available including a few that are Linux exclusive.

>rx480 that high


Its the open source Linux driver. You know how all the miners run Linux and want Polaris cards? That's why.
They're amazing price/performance once the Windows / AMD official driver bottleneck is removed.

Don't really know how I feel about Vega. Performance is just above 1080 but the 1080 is now an old card and cheaper so choosing Vega means nothing or plateau for perf/cost between these two cards. Vega will get better near 1080ti eventually but probably 6 months to a year from now which means it will be in direct competition with new cards by then and it will be cheaper too.

>Performance is just above 1080 but the 1080 is now an old card and cheaper so choosing Vega means nothing or plateau for perf/cost between these two cards.

This. Why does AMD keep making cards that are only below performance of NVIDIA cards instead of making faster cards?

It doesn't make sense for them to make a high-end card that just runs like a 1080 with the same price of a 1080 at launch.

They couldn't even add an extra 1 or 2GB VRAM on Vega so what's the point?

No one knows.

Fiji is bottlenecked at 1080p due to chocking front-end you moron.
It's a flawed design.

>This. Why does AMD keep making cards that are only below performance of NVIDIA cards instead of making faster cards?
They are faster, in terms of compute they're way ahead.
They're hamstrung in gaming performance by their atrocious official drivers especially on Windows where there are no alternatives.

>They couldn't even add an extra 1 or 2GB VRAM on Vega so what's the point?
If you really want it there's a 16GB version out there.

Oh, Crimson is much better than anything nvidia.
They deliberately disabled DSBR for any non-pro workload.
At least for now.

Its god tier for mining you faggot.

It means inconvenient truth but everyone has forgotten and given it their own stupid meanings.

It's from the matrix. You can take the red pill, see the world as it truly is but you can't go back. Or you take the blue pill and live in blissful ignorance.

We don't know yet. Its "rumors". FE is medocre for mining.

And checking prices today, I could buy a 1080ti now and it will be $200 cheaper than Vega FE but better performance and I could probably find it cheaper elsewhere.

FE is Titan line competitor, it's not a gaymen card.



>Pretty metal shroud doesn't even have RGB

RGB is faggy as hell.

Don't blame me, blame the PC fags who want EVERYTHING RGB!

It's not even funny, there's something fucking wrong with these idiots!

>official driver bottleneck
what the hell is "official" bottleneck? Is it required by some retarded standards?

if you set it to red it runs faster and if you set it to blue it runs cooler

I don't think any of us PC fags asked for RGBs.

Then why do Z270/B350 boards, ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Zotac cards, even fucking NZXT CPU COOLERS ALL come with RGB as a standard feature?

Even G.Skill has fucking RGB RAM chips, somehow they found a way.


No its just the official drivers from AMD's driver team are absolute shit.
The unofficial drivers inside the Linux kernel and the Mesa project are a lot better.

>I don't know jackshit about good pc parts

you might want to start by looking for a new brain

Vega 56 will be King. Better than 1070 close to 1080 and cheaper.

Even 64 cant beat 1080Ti, so i dont give a shit

Best advice I could give is move up $100 from the 1060 and buy a 1070. Further than that you do you. I'd suggest going for an AMD FX8350 chip and building from there. Will run any modern game decently enough and they are dirt cheap.

Post graphs for other games and I'll believe you