How bad will Rockstar fuck up Red Dead Redemption 2?

How bad will Rockstar fuck up Red Dead Redemption 2?

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they wont

It's pretty much impossible to fuck up.

They haven't really done anything innovative in the last decade, why start now.

seen GTA Online recently?

Yeah, it sucks.

Making a motorcycle fly is not an innovative game mechanic.

Rockstar needs better gunplay

>black cowboys
i already see it coming

Is this RDR2 or is it that shitty western mmo?

>no PC version
Nuff said

A Django game would be nice tho

They won't fuck up SP
But wait until Red Dead Online...

wonder how rockstar will make shark cards for the late 1800's. Bank loans? Gold nuggets?

Yeah, a django game would be nice. Not a red dead redemption with black cowboys/

It will be GTA V with cowboys and horses, better graphics, better story, and better shooting mechanics. Critics and gamers will love it, and Sup Forums will be the typical contrarian by saying it's total shit and only played by plebs.

A good quarter of most cowboys in those days was black though. The other two quarters were mexican.

Pardon my ignorance. Female cowboys, then.

Most cowboys were black or mexican, they are analogous to illegal immigrants we have today. The word cowboy comes from the spanish word "vaquero". They were workers and farmhands, not revolver wielding badasses that shot criminals. People hated cowboys like they hate mexicans today. Cowboys weren't white guys like Clint Eastwood, cowboys were brown dudes you see outside Home Depot. They were just cheap labor and cattle herders.
There weren't any female cowboys though.

There were cowgirls and black cowboys, though.


black cowboys are a thing

would definitely play an escaped slave gone bounty hunter

Even if I showed you sources you'd just dismiss them as Jewish trickery and lying.

>always online required
>single player cosmetic dlc
>pre order skins and weapon packs
>no single player story dlc ever
>red dead online shark cards (you can still call them shark cards, like a card shark in a bar)
>bank and train heists available 4 years after release

Wasn't the whole point of RDR the death of the Wild West? It was the start of WW1, how can they make a sequel?

This. It's gonna filled to the brim with American identity politics like all games today. I hate that there is no escaping the cancer anymore.

Micro transactions.


>Sup Forumstard so retarded he thinks that there weren't black cowboys
You've drunk too much of the historical revisionism kool-aid, shitbean

It's going to be a prequal

Its actually a prequel im pretty sure.

they won't and I'll enjoy the mustard tears for months when it gets 10/10's and 90+ on metacritic

thematically it feels like a step backwards if the first game was about the death of the wild west, what kinda theme will this one have?

>tfw no open world WW1 game where you can only stay in a shitty trench of die immediately if you step out of it
Someone get Team Bondi on it, they love making useless open worlds.

Its too big to fail.

said that this is true. the multiplayer will be hyped as the best thing since GTA Online, but will probably die in a year because there is no epic motorcycle races 3000 km in the sky that youtubers can clickbait so that 13 year old mexican kids buy their game

The romans were saying the same thing too

>torches don't cast shadows
Are we in 2008 again?

Who cares, you'll buy it anyway

Show sources then

Wasn't Bonnie essentially a Cowgirl as well as a ranch owner?

It's a console game so yeah, I'll be surprised if it even looks like that without further downgrades

Rome didnt fall because it was too big of a logistical problem. Please read a book this decade.

>rdr online
>buy mansion
>buy rich furniture
>rich horses/carriages
>rich guns

Only because her father had no good sons to pass it on to.


The faggot is just repeating what heheard on adam ruins everything don't even pay attention to him

Oh yeah? Name 5 other games that do it.

What I want
>A love letter to the spaghetti genre, with memorable music and a badass cast of larger than life characters

What I'll get
>A shitty """""deconstruction""""" of the western genre, complete with utterly awful Dan Houser C-tier hollywood reject writing. Also awful controls thanks to the Rage engine

It fell because of the people in charge

Funny how things degraded into race. There were Some black cowboys, ex-slaves that came west. Cowboys were mostly Whites and Mexicans.

um sweeties...

Game was great, stupid contrarian.

I love cowboys and read this as a kid.
About 38% of cowboys were black. There were also some Indian cowboys too (talk about cucked)

Eat a dick.

I'm got some MCCABE and Mrs . Miller vibes from the trailer.

The main character will be friends with at least one transgender person who he will defend against evil transphobic white Christian males in a cutscene.

Cap it now.

No, I don't care about your Sup Forums boogeymen, you pajama boys

I just want to hear this in at least one mission


it's just a game, it doesn't matter
turn your brain off, there could be furry cowboys as well, don't be mad

>sweetieposter has a shit opinion
who could have thought

Man I'm fucking worried after they dropped single player in Gta 5 and focused on gta online, which is fucked up anyway.

>suddenly Sup Forums loves GTAV

what happened?

I hope it's good, I was planning on showing it to my dad, he loves all that cowboy shit.

Shut the fuck up.

Can't be worse than RDR1. There was barely any gameplay in it so they added in distractions like tons of backtracking and pointless side grinding quests like skinning to pad out the length. World was empty, horse controlled terribly, gunplay had to be turned into autoaim mode because of the bad controls. One of the worst AAA games of that generation.

we need to love GTAV so we can claim RDR2 will be good

It's gonna have more micro-transactions than GTAV I bet, plus the multiple player characters will also dilute the story like it did in GTAV.

>horse controlled terribly, gunplay had to be turned into autoaim mode because of the bad controls
git gud

No PC release confirmed. But you already knew that. Get ready for RDR2 to be the new GOTYAY until the inevitable port is announced.

Literally one of the first people you meet in RDR is a cowgirl.

>No PC release confirmed.

Fuck, i thought they said it'd be a delayed release?


hahah dude like there were a few black cowboys and cowgirls which means it's ok for the game to be 50% black and female hahahaHAHAH like go back to pol nazi

But there is a confirmed employee for Rockstar North that tripfags on Sup Forums and /vg/ who says otherwise.

ok, only PS4 owners

They didn't comment on it, but they probably will release one six months to a year afterwards, or whenever a "definitive" edition is the out, as long as they aren't working with insane coding like with the last one.

I wouldn't be surprised if they pull that. I'd much rather grab it on PC than my ps4, but we'll see what goes down.

*The sound of angry Sup Forumstards revving up their images with no sources and preparing statements to justify hating brown people intensifies*

There was a significant amount of black cowboys, mostly due to the freedom the west offered. If it was to be realistic most of the cowboys would be Mexican, but you're insane if you think Rockstar is going to go full SJW get your head out of your ass.

What did he say?

Sup Forums always loved GTAV. Its GTO that was the problem




I would be more interested in a WWI game where you don't play as a soldier.

>Dodged the draft, fled the country
>Right into a country nearby the ongoing conflicts
>Have to dodge your government and the enemy
>Have to rely on the various peoples not involved in the fighting to help you out (though many also look down on you) (PS lots of opportunities for strong AND REALISTIC female characters here)
>Survive long enough to eventually make a move that affects the outcome of the war, overcoming the guilt of being a deserter by doing something doubly heroic

Actually, fuck it, I just want games taking place during WWI that aren't just more mindless run+gun twitch shooters full of explosives and automatic weapons. I think the Star Wars: Battlefront (not the new ones) formula would work really well. You spawn with a handful of extra bullets and maybe some bandages and a grenade, from there you're on your own, trying to scavenge what you can and survive the chaos of ~100 equally-functioning active units on the field at once, trying all the while to use your brief life to inch your team toward your objective before an artillery shell lands on you and you have to respawn. And you WILL have to respawn. Lots.

I have an ass fetish and damn thinking realistically about Bonnie is disgusting but turns me on in ways I normally wouldn't be

First of all think of her asshole it must be hairy, sweaty, smelly and dirty even at its cleanest. I would love to eat her ass out.

I would love to wait for her outside the outhouse and as soon as she finishes pushing her back in and shoving my dick right up her warm moist butt.
She'd be sweating from the heat and work the smell of the outhouse consisting of her poo would only add to the experience.

Eat a dick yourself. At most 15% were black

>doesn't want to play as a Mexican
I guess Tuco Ramirez was a problem in TGTBTU.


>responding to your own post



Haha shit this takes me back to the BROFIST days


Seek help

When the weather is hot and muggy and you can't help but "plow the fields" in tandem.

stop falling for jewish lies :^)


Bitch if you like but they've added more free content to GTA online and supported it a hell of a lot longer than most titles ever see.

Don't love shark cards or anything like that, but I've always enjoyed their work.

Why would they? They'll release on consoles and make money first, and then maybe do PC later. Not like there's a downside, the PC crowd that would pay will still pay, or they'll play on console, and the pirates will pirate then rather than now.

the content is only 'free' if you spend 600 hours grinding for money. If you want a 10 million dollar yacht, you either only play GTA Online forever, pay for shark cards, abuse money exploits or hack.

Rockstar has never done a paid exp boost.