Why are JRPGs just so fucking long?

And its just not the Persona series. Even the Final Fantasy series drag on for hundreds of hours with just the main plot alone.

This seems to endemic in Japanese culture where light novels, manga and anime series literally never end because of so much slice of life bullshit that just drags on forever

Seems like you answered your own question, OP. /thread?

Slice of life shit? JRPGs are usually lengthier games sure, but you're just cherry-picking with Persona

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? If you find the characters and story engaging enough, you shouldn't want it to end.

As much as I hate certain sections of JRPGs that have a tendency to drag on sometimes, I really appreciate the lengths they go to making these long games that are pretty endearing to be attatched to or enjoy for hours on end. Part of why I love most in particular is easily the time investment to put towards them on average.

it makes my money worth it you shitter.

Closure is vital to determining a story's true value.

Shows that never end are just poor story telling to milk a brain dead audience with short attention spans

It's part of their charm, you get to really sink time into them and get lost in a different world

Are you actually complaining that game has more game? You're fucking incredible.

>modern gamers want to pay more money for shorter games

If you think that there's such a thing as "too long game", you need to kill yourself.

There are times when they do it right but there is definitely a lot of cases where plot conveniences kick in to make things that could be settled in 2 seconds instead take 20 hours.

Yeah, I hate video games.

Any time miscommunication is used as a plot device e.g. Mona leaving

To give you tons of interactions with the characters, whether you like that style or not. The only times its ever an issue is with Tales games cause the majority of the middle parts are dull as fuuuck.

*blocks your path*

Maybe some people like things called "pacing" and "good level design", as well as something called "editing"

you know what else drags on forever? western sitcoms, shit like the simpsons. doctor who. and saying final fantasy games last for hundreds of hours a pop on main plot alone is disingenuous, you'll rarely ever break a hundred

does that game ever actually end

t. ADHD ridden faggot.

Sitcoms are typically meant to be viewed as single episodes though, with the expectation that the viewer should be able to miss a few episodes and not fall behind. Rarely are season/series arcs important, or hell, even present at all. They aren't comparable to something like a JRPG where the plot covers dozens of hours and (usually) needs to be played linearly (and without skipping anything) to make sense.

Not a JRPG but god damn this game has like 3 different ending points

I don't mind that the game is long, but holy shit am I tired of final bosses with multiple forms/stages.

Was it really necessary for Shido to have all these forms? Just a waste of time.

Exposition and comedy relief characters that pad the run time.

That's honestly my favorite part about Okami, there's always something bigger and badder. Orochi, Waka, the emperor, the fake priestess, the Sea Dragon, Nine Tails, Issun's village, the other warrior dogs, the Time Owls, etc etc. Just when you think you've killed the final villain and saved the land some other asshole pops up to say "you ain't seen nothin yet." So much happens in that fucking game.

No FF game even reaches 50 hours unless you're dilly-dallying. Megaten games frequently outstay their welcome, they're just long games.
As for the genre in general, they honestly average like 30 hours.

Western RPGs are just as long if you avoid the casual trash

Rather play a longer game with lots of replayability than a shorter one with none.

You get that backwards?

this to be honest desu

ITT: people who have never heard of replayability/NG+.

I'd rather have a game I can finish in a week at most that I can come back to time and time again at my leisure, than a game that out stays it's welcome after 20 hours.

Short games also tend to have better pacing and writing due to there being less filler.

Some of the best games of all time are extremely short (MGS1-3 can all be finished in one sitting each).

No. I want my games to last.

A fun short game is worth infinitely more than a long dull game.

I mean, a longer game with lots of replayability does sound better than a shorter game with none

Are you implying that WRPGs aren't long as well?

Am I banned?

What Final Fantasy game are you playing where the Main Plot takes anywhere close to 100 hours?

They're shorter than JRPGs, but tend to have more replay value since you can actually role-play and make different character builds in them, unlike every JRPG that isn't called MegaTen.

You ever played the witcher you fucking retard?

Witcher 2 is so long and slow I never got out of the first city place.

Search [insert WRPG here] longplay/walkthrough on Youtube and I guarantee that it'll have a playlist with over 100 videoes.

>you're just cherry-picking with Persona
>And its just not the Persona series

what did he mean by this?

Fucking around != main plot

>"Why are JRPGs just so fucking long?"
> Want to play legend of heroes games
> They are ALL connected
> There are like 6 games making 2 trillogies plus a bunch of other one ofs (I think) that are part of the same lore/world

Fuck my life. I played trails in the sky and it took me forever to finish. Now there's second and third chapter to play before cold steel and then there's the cold steel sequels. geez...

I liked jrpgs as a kid because they were a pretty good value for the dosh

>mfw it takes me 2 months to finish one now

This is why I stopped playing those Tales of games. Don't have time for 60-80 hours of friendship unite to triumph over evil.

Tales of games aren't even that long in retrospect. Buckle up.

You're delusional dude. WRPGs are just as long, only the story always meanders and feels pointless as shit. JRPGs are constantly moving forward and are actually driven by the plot.

JRPGs are actually about the story and characters while WRPGs are just about the world.

Name 5 JRPGs released in the last 2 years that could be considered slice of life as literal to the definition as it gets.

I actually like getting the most content for my dollars. Not a problem at all sir.

>All these normies who can't beat a JRPG in less than a week

Fun fact: Persona has NG+ you dumb fuck. And it gives you new choices and fights (new dialog options that required high stats, extra boss fights)

then dont play them, faggot
jrpgs have always been that way, more or less
and persona 5 was absolutely excellent

I work 65-70 hours a week building cabinetry and I beat Persona 5 the weekend after it came out. Maybe figure out where your priorities lie within your hobby of choice instead of complaining that its too long.

You need time to get attached to JRPG characters and to fully utilize a fun battle system. JRPGs are much more than just resolving a plot. It's about living with characters, getting intimate with them and knowing what they think, what ticks them, getting fun moments, sad ones, epic ones etc. There's nothing worse than 15 hour long RPGs, where you're rushed through a plot, barely get to know and truly develop a bond between characters and never get to fully understand and take advantage of a battle system.

This is a good example of what OP was going for. It drags on a bit to long and you can kind of figure out where the story is heading half way through but you still have to slog through it because the characters you're controlling are idiots. A good counter example would be something like xenoblade. Game is long as fuck but I literally thought I was at the end multiple times until it threw some new twist into the plot and kept me engaged the whole time.

Or maybe the genre or longer games isn't for you. Stop playing longer games if they aren't your taste and just play something else.

long because turn based game.
maybe it's time to improve.

I've noticed lots of turn based games getting fast-forward buttons/animation skipping these days.

Game length is some weird nonsense people get upset about. All that matters is that it's using its time well. Portal and Journey are the perfect length for what the game offers. I was feeling burned out on Fallout 4 about 30 hours in, but I was ready to jump into NG+ on P5 as soon as I hit the credits. Wind Waker HD is better even though its about fifteen hours shorter because it cut out all the padding BS. It's quality over quantity. Sure some games have both but that's not always the case.

I agree but also disagree. Like, if I pay full price for a game that lasts less than 10 hours and has no replayabilty, then I feel really scammed.

Filler can be very bad. Recycling enemies and shoving in a bunch of backtracking without a purpose other than padding the game is horrible and are major flaws on JRPGs. Not to mention the force watching long as fuck animations you may see hundreds of times before you finish the game

You must love Korean MMOs

persona 5 took me about 100 hours to beat, literally how?

But a good game like Gothic 2 lets you change you approach and doesn't hold your hand and force you down the linear route and strategy the whole game.

There is not a single new choice or dialog option in Persona 5's NG+

>i want a silo of gruel over a nice meal

If you're one of those crap shitters who can only play a game for a grand total of 4 hours, then fuck you man. Just fuck you

This is the prime example of artificial longevity. I like long games but if over half the plot feels like pointless filler that accomplishes nothing, not even expanding the characters, then you've done it wrong.
I still haven't fucking finished it and I never will.