what the hell
What the hell
worst girl
Sup Forums sure loves yumi
Shinobi Master when?
And Asuka has a personality?
All the senran since shinovi have been flanderized.
>blander than rice personality
Yeah Im sure people who like Senran Kagura play these games for riveting Jane Austen-esque character writing
uh yes? She's the genki MC.
Shes genki
take this weeb garbage outta here boi
>we want the toddler audience
So just as much of a bland archetype as Yumi.
>game about tits
>tits looks like disgusting bolt-on implants
You'd think the budget would to one damn thing
She looks cute with it, user.
It went on making Yumi merchandise
You're right, who cares about those disgusting blobs.
She's a pretty bare bones collection of female MC tropes.
In regards to her genki, you don't get a lot of jokes or idiot moments out of her or anything. She's just polite and says "Un un!" a lot. I'd actually put Yumi above her, since Asuka has a fairly bland design to top it off.
Asuka was the last of the original characters to be designed because she was the main character, so what I think that happened is that they wanted her to be the most "balanced" character, but went so overboard that it ended on something super bland, if that makes any sense. As in, she's plenty cute, but nothing special in any area.
Post Miyabi
She's as vanilla as vanilla gets but jesus christ is that some cute, hot, and lewd vanilla.
Why isn't there a diaper to go with it?
While we're comparing Asuka and Yumi, I prefer Asuka because of how the rest of their respetive teams view them and interact. It's clear to me that Asuka is the team morale. Her can-do attitude is admirable to the rest and can bring them out of a slump.
I can't recall many scenarios of Yumi's interactions with her team beyond giving orders or know how her teammates, besides Yozakura, interact with her.
"Balanced" isn't the word you're looking for. You want """safe""". I put that in quotes because avoiding making something distinct and interesting is just about the most consistently damning decision that one can make in a creative process if they're hoping to garner attention. In Asuka's case, you'll never see her at the top of any popularity polls, and she's not really a favorite topic of Senran fans. Actually, it sometimes feels like people talk about all of the main Senrans except for Asuka, because there's just so little to talk about.
>Not in the anime industry!
I don't get where this comes from. Occasionally, something """safe""" will find popularity, but the overwhelming majority of the time, successful works show some ambition and vision, while every single boring factory line product finds its way into the trash heap where it belongs. It feels like an invention from manime fans who were butthurt that they weren't being catered to more often but weren't smart enough to articulate their complaints, and then everybody else just started repeating it because their favorite show bombed or something.
Thanks, yes, safe is definitely the word.
>you'll never see her at the top of any popularity polls
Maybe not on the top 3 spot, but she has managed to stay on the top 10 for 2 polls straight, which still puts her above 2/3 of the cast in terms of popularity.