Set to make an immersive horror game

>set to make an immersive horror game
>make it third person


Corridor are scarier when you're in a 3rd person perspective

the suit gimmicks were probably the only reason this shit ever got greenlit

>Oh no they won't be able to put a character's face right in the middle of your field of view for """""shock""""" value

The sound design immersed me more than anything else.

>what is RE4

Not being able to 360 noscope insta-kill headshot ala Call of Duty was this game's only saving grace. One of the few modern horror games to do that right. Tank controls are one of the main reason the horror genre is stagnant. Theres no sense of danger or urgency anymore when you have a platoons worth of fire power and CoD controls.

A goofy quip-filled B-movie style action game?

play RE7, madhouse, no bonus items or unlockables

>not liking when enemies sneak up on you from behind

it's like you don't like horror or something

>it works anyway

>character has such a sickrad design that its distracting
not really i just think its awesome

Enemies can't sneak on you if the game is played using a first person view?

Camera/character rotation speed is programmed and can be set and limited according to the specified goals.

You can have a first person arena shooter where you can turn super fast and a horror one where you turn slower.
You can have a third person surf game where you can turn super fast and a horror one where you turn slower.

View has nothing to do with speed.

>hearing them crawl all over the fucking ship

you're right hand comes off?

>Enemies can't sneak on you if the game is played using a first person view?
when that happens in first person the only thing you notice is you take damage
in third person you see the thing that about to fuck you up right when its too late to do anything
much scarier imo

>OP hasn't played the game yet

>Kill tons of fucking necros
>One starts charging at me from across the room
>Gets tangled in all the dead bodies on the floor and basically becomes an invulnerable shield of dead bodies
>Almost die facing this monster

Was fucking terrifying. Worse than refrigerator as I couldn't even fucking stop the thing.

First person is a meme.
The OG resident evil games were more immersive than any modern first person amnesia clone.

dead space 4 when

They were different games.

Would a properly adapted version of Dead Space be more immersive in first or third person?
Would a properly adapted version of Amnesia be more immersive in third or first person?

Yes, and?

just realized that someone thinks that RE4 is a horror game

Hopefully never. The series should have died after 2, 3 had some neat ideas but was ultimately shit. I loved 1 the most, just simply because Isaac was a terrified grunting engineer, not some supersoldier like in 2 and 3.

Dead Space 2 is an amazing game, I need to play it again. I never played much of the first. My cousin and I have 3 on Origin but he refuses to install Origin to play it. Is 3 any good with the co-op?

>>set to make an immersive horror game
>>make it third person

Why do you think first person makes it more immersive?
Do you also think your character being a complete mute and people just talking at you makes a game more immersive?

Dead Space is actually very immersive becausethe UI is all in game and they don't need to resort to red jam on the screen beause the health bar is right there in the middle of the screen on your character.

It would be literally be Doom 3 if they used first person, so they had to change something.

Wait, you had to focus on enemies' limbs to kill them quickly in Doom 3?

If they did make another, I really hope they would take after 1 and 2, and not the shit 3 did.
At first the weapon customization seemed fun, but enemies were much more resistant to knockback, so you needed something like a shotgun or force gun if you wanted to keep them at bay. Drop a rifle on that, and you can use it all the time.

I want to feel like an engineer cutting/smashing shit up, not a soldier boy.

Dead Space 2 is not a mute. Does it benefit the immersiveness of the game?

Everything done for the UI (ammo on pistol model, hp on suit) could be done in first person. It would need to have the bar on the wrist rather than the back, for example.

They'd need to make a Dead Space 3 first, you goofball. It's a good thing the series died when it was still in its prime instead of getting a third game that destroyed the last remaining vestiges of quality gameplay.

Fuck EA.

Why do you want to force Dead Space into being first person? Are you some covert shill for EA, probing for peoples wishes for 4? FPS is not one of them let me tell you.

A lot of the immersiveness came from the ways you saw Isaac move, stomp, get hit and die. In first person you can't see yourself getting mutilated into little pieces, or a monster destroying your head and taking control of your body and so on. The third person was done really well in Dead Space.

>Dead Space 2 is not a mute. Does it benefit the immersiveness of the game?

Way to miss my point. Well done.

>Everything done for the UI (ammo on pistol model, hp on suit) could be done in first person.

On the weapons, sure. But that's it.

The inventory UI wouldn't work in first person because it would cover up your screen and you wouldn't be able to turn it (or your view) while having the menu up at the same time.
Enemies swarming and grabbing you would also be far too confusing.
The health bar couldn't be visible unless it was (for some reason) attached to your weapon, you having to hold out your arm all the time or something.

The game would not benefit at all from being in first person.

There's like a million things that would just get worse by making the game first person. Even something so simple as the suit itself would be lost.

Do you people even think your shit through before you just mash on the keyboard?

What a dumb meme, people can identify with representations of their bodies just fine. Hell, they can even get immersed in third person racing/flying games.

Immersion has nothing to do with perspective.

This sadly. Early game: assault rifle top and shotgun bottom. Lategame acid chaingun top and something shotgun bottom. Not exactly the most interesting choices but pretty much mandatory on high difficulties.
For secondary slot some kind of seeker rifle + rocket launcher every time

>first person game
>you can look straight down and you won't see your character
>instead of actually interacting with the environment you just hit the action key and valves and shit will move on their own
>if it's a shooter your character's arms don't even match what you would see if you were actually holding a gun
Eh, I actually find third person more immersive. First person feels like the uncanny valley of perspective to me. Some games are worse than others at his but even the ones that put in the effort still don't feel quite as good as tp to me.

Might happen given Prey's reception. I'd prefer a new title in this so-called genre.

They should probably just reboot the series at this point. Seriously, how did they manage to take a snowed out settting straight out of The Thing and fuck that up somehow.

>tfw DS is dead because EA thought DS3 was a fantastic idea

DS1 was amazing. DS2 was the kiss of death step into action which only lead to what DS3 became.

Maybe we'll see this as a rebooted franchise in a decade

None of what you greentexted has to be true

the health bar being part of his suit was really near.


fite you fucking faggot.
While DS2 was a stray away from the original feeling it was an amazing game that surpassed it's predecessor in every fucking way.

What exactly is different and new in Dead Space 2 in contrast to Dead Space 1 besides Issac talking, faster stomping, new weapons, new necromorphs and the new zero gravity movement. I'm only at the part where Dana betrays you, but is there anything else?

It's significantly faster in terms of movement, bigger areas, and faster, less clunky feeling zero G movement.

It's has way more set pieces where it gets actiony compared to the first.
Whereas DS1 goes for claustrophobic feeling, DS2 goes for a more open area kind of horror. Which honestly I think it nails thanks to the fact you get to see how crazy Marker Fanatics got in a more social environments instead of just a mining ship.

It's literally a fucking rollercoaster of locations and events.

It's WAAAAY faster paced than the first one.

I think we can all agree that while short Severed was fucking amazing.

Considering Visceral legit killed everyone and everything in 3's DLC probably never

Not a horror game

There was DLC for DS3?

especially with the sound design.

Did you miss the motherfucking non-loading screen gameplay? I couldn't stop playing because I would be so fucking inmersed at all times without breaks

DS2 is good but it does not "surpass" DS1 in EVERY way.

DS2 only added like 2 new weapons and it made the Pulse Rifle the best gun in the game which is just dumb.

The environments were way less creepy than that of DS1 with the only section being truly scary being the ishimura since it had the same design philosophy as the first game.

Way too many action sequences like the trains or the SHOOT THE GLASS AND SHOOT THE LOCK QUICKLY

Very few enemies that are truly different from DS1 enemies. Suicide babies are just smaller suicide arm guys. Little kids are just grapple machines that add no difference to gameplay. Only thing that really jumped out as new are the charge monsters that just made up tedious combat sections once you saw oh man look a room that conveniently has multiple gigantic boxes for these fuckers to peak from.

In general the game was just alot less scary. It was much brighter and in general relied on the same tricks as the first game. For a game BETTER IN EVERY WAY it certainly just rehashes alot from the first.

I like dead space 2. But it is not BETTER IN EVERY WAY. It was alot faster in combat and movement though which made it alot more action oriented and less scary.

>not some supersoldier like in 2
He was still an engineer, he was just an engineer who had seem some fucking shit to the point where he got angry at it. I think being able to move while shooting in the second game is a fine development, story wise at least I can admit that it makes it less horrifying for the player, for Isaac given all the shit he had to do on the Ishimura, especially all the shit he'd never done before and got right on the first try.

Made by a skeleton crew at Visceral after EA threw a shitfit that DS3 didn't sell 1.5 million copies.

In it the rest of those Brother Moons wake up, as such Isaac has his dementia back and him and Carver try to return to Earth to warn them.
When they get back Earth is already being eaten by two of the fucking hungry moons and then Isaac crashes the ship into a third one.

Everyone is dead

Literally nothing wrong with third person horror games. If there were, you'd actually specify the supposed issues instead of just implying them.

>third person
The only third person games to truly give you a first person experience are SH2 and SH3

Yeah I loved that
Could play it from start to finish in one near seamless experience if you wanted to

I'm assuming we are a bit hyperbole at this point.


Small spaceship-->Space Station-->Planet

While three is an abomination it had a good concept at heart man.

I like to think Visceral did what they did with 2 because they understood that if they kept too many thinks identical to DS1 they would have people bitching that it didn't innovate enough.

Being able to move while aiming is a huge fucking step towards making a better game. Limiting player movement cause "scary game" is such a lazy trope.

I do agree it tried too hard at some points to be straight up an action game but dude what about how it setup the universe and all the other aspect of the Marker fanatics?

In my opinion seeing how people went crazy in an environment with more developed social interactions other than mining rocks was spooky.

All the audio logs and other shit you find about how shit hit the fan really serve the purpose they try to achieve. All things form the church of the Marker to how every little area in the station got fucked in it's own way cause of Marker dementia and Necros.

I can feel it coming the air tonight

Oh Lord

I'd love a DS4, one of the few series where every main iteration was good in its own way. 1 was decently scary, 2 was a cool action game, and 3 was a blast in co-op. If they made a DS4 I wouldn't want a reboot, gimme something different like the rest of the games.

DS3 most biggest fuck up was the design around coop which could easily be seen in most areas. Specially bosses.
And boy, you dudes don't fucking know how fucking mad I was that they locked interesting story bits to only Carver's perspective (player)

I think it was pretty shit that you could cake walk DS1 with the plasma cutter though.
I mean yeah, fun, but I think that's just bad game design.

The best comparison I've seen is Dead Space 1 is to Dead Space 2 as Alien is to Aliens. I thoroughly enjoyed both games.

>Make a bunch of interesting weapons
>The starting pistol is the best one

Goddamn I love that cutter.

>EA threw a shitfit when DS3 didnt sell 1.5 mil copies

Yeah for good reason it didnt sell well, I wasn't gonna touch a generic 3rd person action game.

You could move and shoot in DS1 couldn't you? I seem to remember you could. Never played DS2 or 3.

Yeah I wouldn't say it's better than the first. I would say it was a worthy sequel though. That final scene in 2 was the perfect way to end it, didn't need anything else at that point.

>muh generic 3rd person action game

2 sold well you faggot

Not sure if someone from /p/ or Sup Forums have brought it up already but it has its uses.
One user from here mentioned the health bar and ammo being integrated into the character and weapon design, so that's one checkmark towards naturally concentrating the visual information to a single spot the player will be focused on instead of scattering it.

Another is to help with things like scale, it's easier for the eye to gauge the proximity and size of things in motion to something fixed in place. Without Isaac we have no real frame of reference outside the assumption of how tall lor short or wide we are relative to anything else around us.

This information can be conveyed with enough attention to detail and exaggeration, but it's just easier using over the shoulder. When a Necromorph waddles its way towards Isaac to give him a hug we get an immediate sense of its threat from observing it to Isaac.
Another use is in Isaac's body language itself during the entire ordeal.

Did it ever cross your mind that people buy products based off current hype and the previous products?

>DS1? Looks interesting.
>Wow it's a great horror game with a good action mix.
>Oh hey look it's getting a sequel, I will buy it because I'm not a pirate.
>Oh man, that was disappointing. I didn't like the direction it took.
>Oh, 3 looks like more of 2 but even more of the parts I didn't like. I will not buy that.

>Not being able to see/hit them properly due to gimped weapons and controls makes enemies scary.
I disagree. It's far scarier when you know they are out there, and that despite having the biggest guns you'll probably won't see them coming nor be able to stop them even if you do.

lock story behind forced multiplayer thats online only
fuck off EA and die
please anyone buy the rights and retcon 3 and make a new three