Fuck yes

Fuck yes.

What are even the advantages to playing DW on PC? Can't be that much of an upgrade

>wanting to play the same game for the 9th time

Frame rate options, resolution options with upscaling, free sync/g-sync, graphical options, controller variety, modding potential.

Yeah not much of an upgrade perhaps but why not choose the one that gives you more options if you have a good PC available?

If it is going to be a shitty port like DW8/E then who cares?

I hope this can be the first DW PC port that isn't awful

well this time there's no PS3 version so it can't be that bad

Awesome. I really don't want to have to buy consoles anymore.

oh god why was the pc version a weird mishmash of PS3 and PS4 versions

Yeah, we totally didn't see this coming after 8, 8 Empires, Pirate Warriors 3, Samurai Warriors 4-II, Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, and 無双スターズ all got PC ports on Steam.

Give us gameplay and roster details instead, faggots.

i like my mindless musous but dynasty warriors has always had a flat feel to it

The real question is if Zhang Liao's good VA is coming back for this one. No buy if not.

>Switch will get multipla-

>PC has had DW games since 4
>Surprised that 9 is coming

Is this a consolewar bait thread


Surely not

DOA5LR was the same way. No Soft Engine ;_;

Will the port be shit like Spirit of Sanada?

>No SW4E

Whats taking them? We got that sons of sanada standalone game recently.

It's more like most Sup Forums users are underaged and only know of Steam.

>tfw you live during the pc renaissance

>What are even the advantages to playing DW on PC
I don't have to buy a current gen console

>Now DW9

Im getting less and less reasons to get a console, its a good feeling.

I wish Dragon Quest Builders 2 had been announced for pc

and I hope squeenix brings Bravely Default over in the next round of handheld-to-android/pc ports

I believe the PC version of DW4 (japan only) was superior to the PS2 version because of the increased processing power so more enemies could be on screen at a time.

>Nip call of duty

To be fair, DW on pc has been a thing for longer than steam but Japan only. DW8 was the first time the pc version got a western release.

I'm gonna marry Diaochan!

How many different japanese CoDs do we have now? Monster Hunter, Dynasty Warriors...there's probably others I'm forgetting.

I feel DW is more of Japanese TellTale in that they get the license to everything

But I just downloaded the English PC version of 6?

I wish Team Ninja would stop being butthurt jews and went back to just being regular jews instead

Sony and m$ need to die and let steam and nintendo run the gaming market




Why? Bravely Default wasn't even that great of a game.


> it's free
> 4k 120hz
> loli mods


you realize this isn't the first koei tecmo game since dw8, right?

This is KT, user.

PC ain't won shit until we see the PC version actually even works.

I just think it looks fucking gorgeous
like, goddamn beautiful.

Every Warriors game for the past several years have had its definitive version on PC.
The console war faggotry is over. There hasn't been a reason to buy a console Warriors game since XL on PS4 in 2014.

>tfw don't have to buy a literal dynasty warriors machine just to play the new game
The worst feeling is when a console has ONE game you want and it's exclusive.

whatever you need to tell yourself user

I thought the PC ports for DW8 were trash? Like, they were the PS3 version and not the PS4 version of DW8.

Kinda if you only talk about performance. KT is infamous for cutting out online modes in the PC ports which could be a dealbreaker for some people. They've gotten a lot better at that recently though.

Are you worried they're going to port the PS3 version of DW9?

Oh I completely missed that that one got an English release.

they should do a dynasty warriors based on european wars

the problem wasn't that the port was bad. the problem was that they ported the ps3 version instead of the ps4 version. probably because dw8 came out before the ps4 did, but even when the pc port of xl came out it was still the ps3 version. since then they've either just ported the ps4 version or made the pc version the main one and ported it down to ps4.

Are those DW games even fun at all? All the gameplay I've seen is just mashing attacks while ONE MIRRION TROOPS that were nowhere near you get obliterated in groups. What's the difficulty there, where's the challenge?

That was a very odd case where they used mainly assets from the PS3 version but there were some but not all the improvements from the PS4 version. No one knew what the fuck they were thinking.

Do you have any interest in ancient chinese history? If yes, then you might like DW. The gameplay's pretty much just a power fantasy but if you ask most people, the answer you'll generally get is an interest in that time period.

Fair enough, thanks.

>there is a PC version of Warriors Orochi Z (1+2)
>but it's jap only
>there's a PC version of DW7
>but it';s jap only
What the fuck, koei?

If that's caught your interest then I suggest you try DW7 out first - it's got the best story presentation in the series. DW8 has some really cool hypothetical scenarios as well.
Also, another major draw for DW is the music. If you like cheesy cock-rock you'll be in heaven.

So PC now has the definitive versions of DW, SW, and every spinoff game. Stars is coming to PC too, right?

>every spinoff game

It's kinda annoying that XL games won't be a thing anymore cause of the capcom lawsuit.

since we're on the topic of Koei tecmo games, how's toukiden 2? really want some MH-like games to play until the release of MH World

Its challenging when you are fighting other generals and captains.

when I grow up I'm going to marry Sun Shangxiang

To be fair we don't have Warrior Orochi.
>Will only have access to best girl through character creation on Empires
Neon or classic I miss her and Fu Xi.

Where is my Samurai Warriors 4 Empires for the PC then?

I wish the full facemasked Fu Xi skin also has the cape

Sadly, can't have the best of both.

Nintendo lost.

everyone with a brain knows Musou is made to be played in PS4

>unlock her
>clearing out crowds with her mach 5 rape-ier
>ventilating officers with her 30+ hit true musou power

Best waifu, I still miss her

Not to mention her final weapon had Death element on it, which was the meta element of 3.
I wish they'd add those two back in 9.

SW Empires.

New thread where, niggers?

i can pirate the game

Six returning character designs revealed.

I remember playing 5 on PS2. Xiahou Dun was my favorite but I remember spending hours playing through campaigns for everyone and even more time reading the historical notes in the menus.


this new game better has true endings like DW8, where Liu Bei defeat Cao Cao and restores the throne of Han and starts a new age of Benevolence.

If I buy this, will they port Warriors Orochi 3 to PC a well?


I was wondering how open world would work in this? So you just travel to a particular battle and just start fighting rather than the usual START?

Also will there be actual side quests or just side-musou shit?


Shittest character

WO3 is not that good. Youre honestly not missing out or anything.



>KT port
>anything but shit

call me when it's empires

Have any of there Pc ports since been good? Only other ones I've played are NA:SOI but I think that was originally a PC game anyway?

I have it on PS4. I feel it has more potential on PC

Oh my fucking God, imagine how many sluts this badass rails on a weekly basis what a grand SOB.

Yeah their ports have a great track record.

It's going to be set in stages, each representing an era, i.e Yellow Turbans, Dong Zhou etc. There's going to be smaller battles that all lead up to the final grand battle that actually advances the game into the next era. Sounds like it's going to be pretty much the same format except you have to travel across a map rather than just selecting the stage in story mode.

I'm glad they are trying new things with the series, but I'm expecting the open world attempt to fall flat on it's face

Dynasty Warriors Gundam Empires when?

More like this is what delusional poorfags tell themselves as they play with hitchy sub-30FPS and 1080p.

I know im going to get shat on for asking this, but i'd like an answer, falseflagging aside, any knews for an xbone port? I mean i own a ps4 but i'd rather have it on the console i use the most

I just liked her because she had shrink powers for some reason in Orochi 2. Then they got rid of that in 3

>but I'm expecting the open world attempt to fall flat on it's face

Well yeah thats my point. Unless they populate the region and have other side stuff going on, exploring China in a musou game does not sound fun.

that's what Koei PC ports are plus no vibration

try clicking on the OP image

I did user, but many sources ive checked only mentioned ps4 and steam

What's the difference between Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi? I just looked at some game play and it looks almost the same.

Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors crossover.