Anyone remember this?
I remember making K-stylers butthurt by shooting them from long sightlines.
Yes, I wish I could say I was anything other than a total fucking retard at the game back then though and didn't get my ass utterly handed to me by all the k-styling turbonerds
Yeah butterfly stepping is way too good and not fun.
Fuck anyone who used butterfly, 1v1s in this game were the shit
I played 2.
It was pretty fun to wallrun while shooting, but some of the pay2win elements were not fun.
It also gets really hard to target when people are zooming around 360 degrees in 3 dimensions.
Oh man, people are telling me to learn to play all the time, after their "butterfly" style was destroyed by simple handguns.
I did one level in 2 because no one could play multiplayer in the beta. God what a train wreck, if s4 league wasn't riddled with hackers and had basically no players left I'd still be playing that all day.
It was shit but I put 100+ hours into it easily. Also put like 50 hours into GunZ 2.
My nigga
S4 was so good, I just wish the servers were actually populated and not on fucking Aeria games.
>mfw dagger's stunlock was nerfed
>>me and my friend played this as team
>> we always died to K-style butterflyfags
>>we decide to just start fucking with people
>> team elimination
>>we always stab our daggers into the highest corners of the ceiling and immedietly dash away when found
>> all the people calling us noobs and getting mad
i hated gunz 2 locked classes thing
did they ever change that?
is it still alive?
>People bitching about butterflying
>Didn't know shit about double butterflying
I had a lot of free time during my jr high years.
Hacked the dungeon runs too so I just had pretty much every piece of loot in the game.
I thought 2 was pretty fun, way different from the first game but still fun. I mained Wayne and in gladiator mode he was fucking unstoppable. You could stunlock all 4 people on the other team with the air whip slash and maintain it until they died. The best thing about both Gunz games is you are guaranteed to find a way to piss people off.
Soldier Front
Drift City
>k-style around the area at warp speed
>instakill anyone who comes near me
>get bored of winning and quit
Wow you're fucking stupid.
Butterfly's were the main reason anyone played this.
You were just some spraying pleb that could K-STYLE.
1v1's in this game were godlike.
tfw kwan-ho never got out of beta
tfw kwan-ho lagged in the first beta, was completely perfect the second beta, and then laggy again on release.
Gunz was better anyway desu
I could butterfly, but seeing everyone do the exact same shit while spectating was fucking boring. Even in duel lobbies, butterfly fuckers just getting in the way in order to get kills.
I remember everyone being better than me.
>dual weird SMGs
>wreck 99% of katana fags
>get vote kicked constantly
One of the all time worst game communities I've ever seen
>Stab dash with daggers
>Fancy k-styler cry all day
>Play like I'm Max Payne on speed
>Roll dodgan errywhere, sprayin buttmad kstylers down
>Top of the scoreboard on ffa almost every time
I couldn't into k-style but I was good at killing other sprayers like me, whenever I saw someone who was actually good at the game I just accepted my fate and moved on
>shooting and cutting niggas down
>mfw all that butthurt in the chat
Yeah, sucks, it was the first Fighter MMO if I m not mistaken
Isn't there public pserver files available? If someone walked me through it we could recreate the good times and I could get a pserv for it hosted. Granted, I would assume most of old Sup Forums is gone now, so it might not be super populated.
my fingers still hurt from playing it. I miss the co-op mode and that one shower map that always had a hacker butterflying all over the place massacring everyone.
No idea, I'm literally reinstalling the game because I want to play it again. If there was a player base that wasn't shit I'd jump on board in a heartbeat
>learned kstyle
>but no one wants to play the staircase map
>get katana
>defent their butterfly jumps
>crit their ass
>buthurt insues
Played for a day or two. Got bored of being shit on and went back to Rakion.
Yeah I remember pissing off turbo autists because I dared to actually shoot people. It's garbage and it always was.
2 was better but it should've been a new IP, trying to attract one of the worst multiplayer communities in existence was fucking dumb and made it dead on arrival.
the OST had no right to be this good
this is some DMC levels of hype
S4 league was better imo
>Drift City
why did all the racing MMOs die off? that's the kind of shit I'd be into
tfw miss kystle so much i cri
RIP thi sgame
sequel was nowhere near good enough.
i wish it was better
I loved the original so much mustve spent 1000 hours on this maybe mroe
I miss s4.
The lobby theme was so chill
I remember very little other than the paid guns looking like the regular guns but with this really ugly looking red with lightning paintjob.
Because racing games aren't suited for an MMO style of play or progression.
Round based with balanced vehicle choices and some minor customization is the superior choice for racing.
i liked making people cry with a dagger
I generally hated seeing everyone just butterfly all over the place, so switching to a revolver and gunning them down was the usual tactic.
I mean the game is called gunz, do you expect me to not use a gun?
That feeling of bliss when you pushed some k-style fag off a ledge with a dagger. I miss those days.
Holy shit I forgot about Exteel. That game would've been so cool
Did the same, every single time
God damn I'd kill to play this game
The problem with gunz was the fact that it was in the made in the middle of the weeb uprising where every weeaboo fuck wanted to do sword only even in actual matches
i miss this
oh man I used to play K-gunz religiously
I literally bought a PC to play this game when I was younger. I think this is where everything started going wrong.
Sword only was the only good thing about the game, sure dagger pushing and spraying some sword kid to death was fun, but sword kids butterflying around with two shotguns and pretending to be good was annoying.
>Fight against butterfly faggots at a shit connection
>Realize that lag is an almighty thing in the right hands
>Proceed to shut down any butterfly bullshit by simply slashing once and backing up
For some reason they would walk into my attack and try to attack where I no longer was on my own client, and they'd never advance fast enough to get to where I was going so they'd repeatedly get tapped and hit air. Then I ran into fuckers that incorporated shotguns into the mix and wept.
double rocket launchers utilizing the shotgun k style techniques was pure joy. Reload shot half half steps feels so natural. 2 quick rockets and a lot of evasion in any direction. also flying on walls rocketing down below was so sick.
or hitting people that were in air with direct rockets.
holy shit everyone that didnt rocket legit played the game wrong
Yes I mostly spent my time going to a 1v1 duel server in that arena map and 1v1 swordfighting dudes after we bowed of course.
I remember when Ijji first got AVA
Shit was cash
1 v 1 glad right now on fgunz private server?
The what now huh?
Haven't touched this game in 20 years
The secret is that mindless kystlers weren't actually good at the game. They just mash the same button combo over and over.
It's why they tried to ban anyone who used an obvious counter to their garbage.
racing games aren't that huge of a genre and MMOs as a genre suck
this was the superior game until it turned completely P2W with those cannoneer summons
>Mmos as a genre suck
Space cowboy and RF online did it right.
I remember trapping people in corners with the golems in this game lmao
Pets in this game are shit.
I remember rakion being greenlit like 3 years ago they still havent uploaded it to steam. Dumb gooks
I understand that now but back then it looked insurmountable to compete, I tried learning that shit but my left hand just started aching like mad from the strain, though I think it was more bad coordination than actually hard to do, since I fucking grip pencils with the strength of a gorilla when writing for no reason. Eventually gave up on that and just blasted niggas with guns left and right and simply used rolls to maneuver around and some basic dash stuff for wallclimbs and continuous airdashing to get around the maps looking for players. Fuck I miss that good old time.
>Space cowboy and RF online
oh man i forgot all about those games, takes me back though
ITT scrubs kill baddies and think they're good
>tfw legit got carpel tunnel from this game
don't even regret it, it was so much fun.
*shoots you dead while you autistically fidget around with a sword*
nothing personnel, kiddo.
Fucking Blacksmith axe builds for days. Just toss them axes at piles of people and watch em drop. That and the jump attack alone made him a fucking blast, too bad the grabs were inconsistent as fuck due to the shitty connections.
I actually downloaded the game a couple of months ago, I don't think they have any interest in the english speaking market anymore, none of the UI was in english and I couldn't even join a game because the UI was messed up because my computer replaced whatever alphabet they were using with random symbols and numbers.
A shame, I was kind of looking forward to it, was hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia and never got to enjoy it.
Hardly consider myself good for dicking over kstylers, more just confirming anyone who relied on kstyle was usually terrible and incredibly quick to anger if you killed them with anything but a sword.
>GunZ 2 cames out
>No Duel gamemode
I remember hopping into it,wrecking a noob retard sword spammers with my machine guns and he was all like
And I just kept killing him and his faggy sword waving friend till they all quit.
Lmaoing at the scrubs in this thread who thnk K-Style is just swords.
Kstyle meta is 2 shotguns,you flip your sword just to move around, the real damage dealer are the shotguns which can down you with 2 well place shots.
If any "Kstyler" you met only used swords then they were most likely fucking with you.
>butterflying around with two shotguns and pretending to be good was annoying
We could play 1000 matches and your scrubby ass wouldn't be able to kill me even once.
Gunz skill cap is just that high.
That's why the best tactic was always to roll dodge backwards and spray em down with dual smgs
They couldn't do dick for damage if you weren't 3 feet in front of them, and never carried anything else because they expect everyone else to do the same shit they did
Nah, you're full of shit m8.
The Kstylers you fought were most likely shit.
You can wreck people from far away with shotguns by doing reload shots.
>press reload
>switch to second shotgun
>switch to first shotgun
You can shoot fast enough to kill any rolling sprayer in 2 seconds even from far away.
Even then when you move around "buterflying" you're constantly pressing shit to defend most bullets shot at you so unless you were shooting everyone in the foot I doubt you were doing much damage.
Sup Forums likes to meme and pretend that people got upset that they were super great players that would regularly trounce K-stylers through just sheer force of will while they ran on walls and tumbled backwards repeatedly. And honestly, some people did really well doing just that
In reality, no one gave a shit if you didn't k-style and would just kill you like anyone else. What annoyed people is when duels were interrupted by some guy "spraying" with an SMG or Rifle.
Thought that line of thinking is stupid because it raises the question of why you're fucking dueling in an open deathmatch/elimination game to begin with.
Doesn't work against anyone who knows advanced techniques. The second you try to turtle you get instajuggled to death. Those sword techniques got way too complex.
Shooting them in the feet is exactly what you did, swords can only block shots from the waist up.
And shotguns didn't do dick from far away, reload shooting or no
See The second you turle you would be completely open for IFs and shit or even 180ยบ massives which get past turtling
>its another "k-styler solo the boss for half hour after taking your medkits and ammo" episode
Shooting the feet only works if they don't groundblock, and if they aren't groundblocking almost all the time, then they suck.
>And shotguns didn't do dick from far away, reload shooting or no
Implying it took over 1 second to get from the furthest corner of ANY map to your target.
Get real, which even had that much space to do that?
Fucking town?
Even that is not far away enough to run.
Even then Kstylers also used pistols.
>Kstyling on missions
Missions were shit by default,bosses were such huge damage sponges it was absolutely worthless to kstyle, just grab the gun with most bullets and hope for best.
Or do it like me and cheat with machinegun shotguns
fucking gunbound
so many friends and memories
there's nothing that i want more in this world than to be able to play gunbound and draw my thing again.
>Implying your target will sit still while you run at them
I played mostly on mansion or whatever it was called. The center had lots of vertical space and was packed with people for extra chaos. Shit was fun as fuck
I never saw a kstyler use a pistol unless they hadn't unlocked a shotgun yet. Every once in a while saw one with a rocket launcher though.
>spam smoke grenades
>enjoy your slideshow fuckers im out
You just reminded me of the crazy massive attack rock / paper / scissors shit. Blocking blocks massives, but reverse massives break blocking, but skyblocking blocks reverse massives, but you're open to skybreak massives, which you can only counter by groundblocking, which can be broken by reverse air massives. You were always trying to figure out how your opponent was going to try to block.
If you were into Doublefly, you could counter massive someone before they even get a chance to block if their sword catches your first block.
Quest dropped rocket launchers were the shit.
I remembered that wrong, if they're ground blocking you have to ground break, which is looking down while using massive. So basically you have to match their orientation with your massive attack. It's like Look Away from Mario Party.
>tfw getting all of the Palmpoa items
It was a pretty shit move you only keep them for a few days
>Posting music videos as proof
Typical Sup Forumsirgin wrecking K-stylers.