Let's talk about nioh, my favorite souls game

let's talk about nioh, my favorite souls game

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>souls game

On a more important note, Tonfas are super fun

I picked it up again after beating it near march and im having so much fun with the dlcs and upgrading divine gear, i guess they added that mmo touch i like with the gear upgrade, but that's just my taste.

No option to transgender in the game. Not worth my time.
Dark Souls will always be superior.

William-sama is all you'll ever need.

what are they actually good for, aside from ki damage?

I want to like them, but in the 20 impenetrable parries I could have done, one backwave could instantly kill a revenant in 1/100th of the time and effort

their tracking is also terrible and their vanilla attacks in high and mid are way too slow

their dash attacks are also way too slow and they just lack range in general

maybe I just think they're shit because they're a poor choice for dealing with revenants and that's how I've spent my time practicing with them so far

please explain

divines sort of get outclassed once you reach NG+++

ethereals are an even heavier grind, in a good way, if you like that kind of thing

>souls game
Bad thread user. Should start over.

You're right. It's stupid to call Nioh souls when it's so much better.

Oh! i wasn't fully aware of that, i have clearly not seen a piece of that gear so far. But hah guess i got more reasons to grind.

>read new update notes
>went to /vg/ to find thread
Feels niohed man.

they don't appear until Way of the Wise and they're grind heavy because they drop completely randomly with 1 of 8 set bonuses

so to farm the new onmyo set with onmyo mage pieces that have things like change to defense magic or onmyo power + on them, you have to not only get ethereals to drop for each piece of onmyo mage hunter gear, but each piece also has to have that specific set bonus and it's completely random which one of the new bonuses you get

but that's just if you want the best possible gear

it's not too bad in farming gear to get 5 pieces of any specific set bonus to drop

since the bonuses can be on any piece of armor, they can also appear on any weapon, including ranged ones which open up all kinds of new options

It's a shame about Futsunushi not appearing on ranged weapons, would make iai quickdraw builds a lot easier to make since they alrady have to farm revenants and hope for a iai star effect on the swords.

yeah, it should be a possible set drop in general instead of just exclusively found from revenants

Well, you can play with female skins

How do I beat the ice woman boss? Also Im level 50 something and haven't used magic or throwing stars or anything like that.

Don't get hit

Just remember that after you get close and start wailing on her, she'll do the big ice AOE. She's got lots of different icicle projectile patterns, so get used to learning the timings for each of them. Dont be afraid to rush in behind her for the damage bonus you get from hitting enemies in the back. It's like a 50% bonus or something that big. Go in with your living weapon ready and use it if you feel like you need an extra push to take her down.

>At first I thought the axe was clunky and shit
>Then I realized it's not supposed to be used on humans and is a yokai destroyer
>Then I got Titanic Strength and a Kaido Axe
Holy fuck I'm actually doing damage now.

Cloud Crush is the best move in the game

Step 1:Get some fucking fire talismans
Step 2:Use them retard
Step 3:Equip Kato and activate it when her HP gets to 1/3
Step 4:Mash them buttons boi

>tfw I learned about the Ethereal shenanigans after wasting almost a whole month optimizing my Divine gear
nope, fuck this game, not gonna bother progressing Way of the Wise until the last dlc chapter drops

I knew it's supposed to destroy yokai too. But I only use it on humans. It staggers smaller enemies like crazy and the wide swing alwasy catches human dodges. While I feel it's too slow to use on yokai who aren't going to be staggered easy anyway and I'd rather dodge their slow attacks, then counter with a quick sword.

It's rad as fuck, yeah, but it's not as strong as just doing a final blow and Titanic Strength on wake up.

It's so much fun that it makes up for the lack of damage for me.

If you don't care about loot, it's really good for tossing enemies off cliffs or into water. It's just a shame you can't consistently do final blows after Cloud Crush unless you toss enemies right into the wall.

Thank you. Also I've got tons of these Demon Horns and charms, what do I do wit them?

I dunno, I've found sometimes that their loot lands right on the edge of whatever I threw them off of, like the devs knew people were gonna do that so you can still get it. I don't think it happens every time though.

use those demon horns to build shit (if you want)

I wish they didn't nurf the Pleiades & Extraction combo, but I understand why they had too; infinite devil trigger was great.

How do i do that? I don't even know how to spend money, I got over 400,000.

>not transgender
Didn't even read the dev update baka

Blacksmith but honestly just find the gear as it will always (sometimes) be better than the gear you build.

That sounds a lot creepier than what you were probably going for.
