ITT: Games you absolutely hated but see other people really enjoy

ITT: Games you absolutely hated but see other people really enjoy

I hate Resident Evil 4
>horrible aiming controls
>can't move while shooting
>ridiculous ammo shortage (or maybe I just waste all my ammo trying to hit the broad side of a barn)
>horrible dialogue
>nonsensical story

is this b8


babby didnt play it at release


dude like it's a classic
tfw my childhood was spent playing this great game hahaha
this game is a masterpiece lol, git gud

>muh childhood
Every time.

what a load of shit.

Coincidentally playing re4 right now

No, I know, I have a controversial opinion. I just really hated the stick aiming and the camera always felt too zoomed in for me. I remember renting it as a kid from Blockbuster and trying so hard to like it but I just couldn't. I ended up buying it years later thinking "a whole internet full of people can't be wrong" but I still hated it.

you fucking blow, this is probably bait but whatever I'll eat it up

ITT: I'm fucking 12

I hope you don't think the first one is better

>dude like
>lol, git gud

dude like dude hahaha
it's an amazing game, literally 10/10 because it was one of the only games I had when I was a kid lol, ahaha man the nostalgia xD
like fuck you if you think it's bad, go back to playing your call of duties, kid, us real 90's kids know this is the pinnacle of gaming xD

No, I'm 24. I've tried for years to get into this game but just never could. I didn't realize this would offend so many people.

Witcher 3
>unlikable main character
>fairly boring story
>too much dialogue/cutscenes
>watered down dark souls combat

You're a little faggot bitch and I would choke you the fuck out if I saw you irl

Muh childhood is basically the reason why all the kids and manchildren consider zeldashit to be the best games ever made. In reality they're boring, bland and extremely outdated. RE4 is no different.
>muh nostalgia
It's all it is.

>horrible aiming controls
Wii version sorta of fixes that
>can't move while shooting
Its weird at first but its to avoid turning the game into run and shoot
>ridiculous ammo shortage (or maybe I just waste all my ammo trying to hit the broad side of a barn)
Enemies are like piƱatas after the first village section, ammo is definitively not a problem
>horrible dialogue
>nonsensical story
It doesn't take itself too seriously which is nice

t. fat manlet

I don't hate RE4 but I do hate its fans.

I maintain to this day that Skyrim is an absolutely terrible game, and has done (or continues to do) net harm to the genre as a whole.

In fact, I worry that I am not accurately conveying just how much I loath and detest this game, and Bethesda at large.

I don't get why people come to judge OP and ignore the purpose of the thread.
Anyway, for me, it's Dark Souls. It wasn't particularly interesting or that fun to play. The only thing that made it suppossedly different was its difficulty, and since I didn't care about that in the first place, the game simply didn't have anything to offer me.

SOrry bud it sounds like you just suck

I liked it but I hate how people shadow the huge amount of flaws

I hope the next ES looks good, has the bugs fixed, and has a more fun combat system

>want to actually beat RE4 for the first time (steam release)
>a bug prevents me from getting past the scene with the lava trapdoor and 2 giants
When 1 of the 2 giants fall in, the framerate just drops all the way down to sub-1FPS and makes it unplayable. The worst part is that it's an issue nobody has ever heard of because it only happens here and when the invisible bugs cloak themselves.

what the fuck are you talking about REEE4 throws ammo at you willy nilly

the only "good" uncharted. 1 sucked cock 3 was meh. sully is best character btw

It was my first Elder Scrolls game and I remember loving it at the time, I didn't cared about the story and only wanted to explore caves while killing everything in my path and looting to use the money to forge better gear and continue the cycle

After a while people pointed out the issues and I won't deny them but it will always be a "turn off your brain" tier game for me

I'll give them this, they actually have made the combat more entertaining over the years. Not everything about the combat has improved but it's not the slog that it was before.

fuck dude that sucks. wanted to pick up re4 for pc myself but couldnt decide between the mememaster version or pre mememaster version

My friend gave me all the PS3 Uncharted games as a joke. I've only played the first one and it was terrible, which raises the question as to why I'm going to play the other two.

I never played Ocarina of Time until I was in my mid 20s and I loved it. Idk about the newer ones, I hear Breath of the Wild is pretty good.

2nd one has much better controls but it's arguably one of the biggest reasons why so many AAA games feature shoehorned "cinematic" moments

Basically any JRPG post-90s. Although there are some "action games with RPG elements" that I enjoy (like the Soulsborne games).

>Horrible dialogue
You're smalltime, OP.

It's common knowledge that the first one has aged like ass. I recently bought a Slim PS4 bundle that came with all 4 games and played through them. 2 3 and 4 play much better. Especially 4 even if the story isn't the best.

botw is an amazing first time experience but loses almost all of it's playability after you beat it. I love the game but wish it wouldn't have been zelda related, because if it wasn't they could have more freedom in what they did like weapons that don't break within a few fights or side quests that don't suck ass. Zelda is just clearly meant for a more linear experience and I hate it

I don''t like Overwatch. The game itself is kinda fun, but the community is absolute garbage. I prefer to stick with TF2 where you can have servers dedicated to just dicking around.l Never been the competitive type to be totally honest.

Honestly I hated RE4 too. I took the time to beat it because I've had wrong first impressions before (Hated Ninja Gaiden Black before I gave it a proper chance) but taking the time to see it through just made me hate it more. The controls are shit, the story is shit, it's boring af from every angle. RE4 is literally:
>Low enemy variety where the proper strategy is always shoot in the kneecaps and kick/suplex
>Melt the exceptionally easy bosses with the excess ammo you'll have stored up considering you'll be kicking everything
>Mash some shitty QTEs
>Solve "puzzles" that are basically keycards
>Snooze through a story that is both boring and makes no sense
>Nothing is memorable; characters, music, environments, nothing has any merit
How anyone can defend this garbage is beyond me.

>games you absolutely hated but see other people really enjoy
Basically all games my normalfag friends play

BotW is genuinely overrated. Those who rave over how great it is are the same types of people who sucked Skyrims cock for months. It's a fun game, and it's very polished with a pretty art direction, but it's nothing new.

I've certainly heard that the sequels play better but I take more issue with the gameplay style at its core. Unless it stopped being a whack-a-mole TPS with a pathetic attempt at platforming, I can't imagine them ever getting to the point where I could call any of them "good."

>"a whole internet full of people can't be wrong"

it absolutely can.

see: league of legends, world of warcraft, 2016 US election, etc.

You can hate most of those, that's a fair opinion but
>ridiculous ammo shortage
This is wrong

I hate Dota 2

>never been a fan of the mobas where you click where you want to go
That's more of an rts thing.
>gameplay is too confusing for me to keep up with

>matches take forever to finish

Maybe I just never got far enough in to see the copious amounts of ammo. I spent most of my time in the first few sections of the game and even then I was just stumbling along.

If you like open world games it's pretty good. Sure as shit isn't a 10/10 but it's a fun game and they took a fantastic direction in which to expand upon the core of Zelda gameplay. Just know that dungeon design is split up into a lot of smaller dungeons.

I just find this game a bit boring, especially with all of the driving to other places part.

The only thing it has going for it in terms of open world is the scenery, everything else is ass, from weapons to side quests that are literally pointless as hell as rupees are so easy to obtain and a boring reward anyways

all gta games get boring after a while, even with friends

>timed mission
>shit, gotta race there quickly
>hits car
>flies 50 feet away and rolls around
>fails mission because rolling too long

>>horrible aiming controls
>>can't move while shooting
>>ridiculous ammo shortage (or maybe I just waste all my ammo trying to hit the broad side of a barn)

Triggered me

If you're doing terrible at the game, then the game should be practically throwing you ammo like its nothing, RE4 constantly adjusts drops from boxes and enemies, and enemy health and strength based on how well you're doing, if you do good the game gets harder, if you do bad it gets easier.

How about the entire Monster Hunter series? This series plays like absolute shit and I'm convinced everybody has been doing some sort of running gag joke with me.

It isn't weighty and methodical at all, it's just clunky and fucking bad. The controls are even more awkward with the 3DS entries. You'd think a game called Monster Hunter would be more awesome, but it really isn't. It's a fucking mess.

I tried the demo on 3ds and it was ugly as fuck and just didn't feel good to play

Well, to each his own.


>can't move while shooting
I never got this criticism. The game is entirely balanced around it and it's not like it's particularly hard for most sections through the game either.

I'm someone who's beaten RE4 on every difficulty, RE5 at least once, and beaten Revelations 1 and got S-rank on every Raid Mode mode on every difficulty, purely with classic RE controls. Git Gud.

I don't disagree with you in the slightest on that. I'm just glad that not only did they add something to the series, they added something that felt like a natural evolution. I really hope they stick with this style and improve on the overworld and the combat.

Difficulty and enjoyment are not necessarily the same thing. I personally thought RE4 was really easy but I also didn't really care for the controls.

God of War. I really wanted to like it too.

>combat is slow and not particularly deep
>QTEs actually fucking suck
>you only ever get maybe 3-4 new weapons in each game
>completely unlikable main character
>platforming is incredibly generic


>Difficulty and enjoyment are not necessarily the same thing.
That's true but I never got how not being able to move while shooting ruined RE4 for some people either. It makes the game more tense.

I thought the overworld was the best part, it looked great and it was nice to sometimes just load up my save and just use the auto pilot on the horse to look at the scenery. The combat I can agree on, it felt too easy imo, there was never a fight I struggled with and it just didn't feel satisfying

psychonauts. I think I was drinking heavily the first time I finished it.

Made it less tense for me actually. Knowing that it was balanced around it made me realize that I could more or less take my time aiming even when enemies were bearing down.

It's not about difficulty since, as you said, the game is built around it. It's just strange for new players because being able to move while shooting is something you naturally expect to be able to do, not just based on real life but also plenty of video games with guns. It certainly doesn't make the game but, but it's not the norm either.

I struggled with plenty of fights but that's because I sucked dick at the combat. Either way, I'd like to see it refined and rebalanced.

I have the Uncharted Collection on PS4 and honestly, the series is overrated shit. I do think that the Lost Legacy actually does look like a massive improvement though.

RE4 walks the perfect line between "solid adventure" and "campy shit", it's a solid narrative but too stupid to take completely seriously. As far as the aiming and all that, I understand the complaints but once you get used to it there really isn't an issue. As for the abortion in the pic...

>Shitty "plasmids" that are very rarely as usefl as the previous games
>Horrible narrative that fucks up the canon
>DLC that does an even better job at ruining the canon with terrible stealth gameplay
>Game makes up shit as it goes along

the story makes perfect sense. not exactly rocket science here, m8

Maybe it's because I probably played more Mercs than the main campaign, but knowing that the place that you stopped to shoot needed to be a damn good spot made it that much more tense for me.

It was still something that never really bothered me in the least. RE4 manages to be a better shooter than most while never letting you move and shoot at the same time.

Zelda has always been open world.

Bioshock infinite is like that one kid who tells you that you never tagged him because he's wearing super titanium armor.

Contrarian shithead. Stick to your cawadoodie, kid.


Yeah it's so classic that they keep porting it to new systems.

The one thing that always bothered me about RE4 was that the default handgun was the only weapon in any cutscene where Leon had a pistol out.

If you just kill them both normally, it wont happen

People are impatient babbys who don't want to adapt to slightly unusual controls. Anything that isn't a cookie cutter dual analog set up is instantly bad in their mind regardless of what it adds to the games.

Valid point, though a very different type of open world.

I didn't play FFVII until I was 22 and I found it incredibly average. I still don't understand how it became so popular other than "Muh first ff!," but even that doesn't explain it all

FFV, on the other hand, made me wet

You mean 2012 election.

>it's arguably one of the biggest reasons why so many AAA games feature shoehorned "cinematic" moments

It's pretty much THE reason why we had so many games do the whole, "Jump here - oh wait, the building, cliff, whatever, you just jumped to just crumbled beneath you," thing that contributed absolutely nothing to the gameplay and that's just one thing.

you still need an item to access certain areas in botw, which you get in a specific order. even gta is linear in terms of story. not sure how they're all that different exactly.

If you keep playing it, it will eventually 'click,' but you have to get over the controls first. It didn't click for me until High-rank MHF2

Fucking awful game that helped ruin the FPS genre with its "muh immersion" focus and dumb linear levels with endless set pieces.

This but for different reasons. It does feel weighty and methodical to me but I hate how grindy it is. I've played Freedom Unite for dozens of hours and barely felt like I did anything.

that and 2.

What the fuck did the FPS genre have going for it before this that was so grand? You had Duke Nukem and Doom which were incredibly shit

The inability to strafe was the one thing that annoyed me in RE4. Leon is really acrobatic in the cutscenes, but he can't stick his leg out and walk sideways?

I'm still glad I just checked out a used copy of this when I worked at a vidya store. I would have been furious if I spent money on such a turd of a game. Long greentext but fuck it and fuck that game.

>dust off 360, decide to try infinite
>trying my best to like it but becoming really bored
>remember being excited to just leave the game for a moment to check my mail
>come home from work and boot up the game next
>last autosave or checkpoint is near the fucking beginning
>find out since my 360 had been unplugged the internal calendar/clock was off, causing an issue with autosaves in games
>slam some beer and play up until the point I stopped, power through and beat the game
>go in on my day off, check it back in
>coworker asks how it was
>"It was a goddamned miserable experience."

this. if they made it feel like dead space it would be so much better. and maybe allow you to attack with the knife while moving.

Terrible tastes. Also Quake and Blood, both great games. More specifically it had varied, relatively complex levels filled with secrets that had interesting encounter design because the enemies could be combined well and fun run & gun gameplay. They also didn't have shitty unskippable cutscenes and at least tried to make their weapons interesting.

>Hating on Bear

I am the person that enjoys the game Sup Forums universally hates.


League of legends just happened because it ran on anyones computer, easily obtainable shit always gets blown out of portion, thats why every netflix original is praised.

Never played world of warcraft but anytime someone talks about their experience with interacting with other players so it's safe to assume the game got worse as the player base dwindled.

The election doesn't need an explanation because people get upset every election and this is just the most recent wound.

who's Sup Forums?

Definitive Edition was an ok action game, wasn't shit but wasn't great. Vanilla DmC was pretty horrid.

just you and me

I can't stand like half the Zelda games, and only consider half the rest to be just decent.

That said, the best games in the series are legit masterpieces.