Designs like this are why I'm glad I moved on to a better moba, Heroes of the Storm. Also Hots has

Designs like this are why I'm glad I moved on to a better moba, Heroes of the Storm. Also Hots has

>better gameplay, more fast paced
>more fluid and faster movement and controls
>game is nonstop action, no boring last hitting bullshit
>feeders can't ruin your games, some guy on the enemy team can't get "fed" and obliterate your team as you can't do shit
>more interesting objectives than "get the dragon/throw at baron"
>better and more creative character and skillset designs

Why the fuck would anyone keep playing LoL when Hots is the superior game?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys. I know yall are smarter than this.

Every single MOBA is exactly the same. It literally doesn't matter which one you play. They are identical, save for some cosmetics and even THEN they're normally too close to tell the difference.

wow a new league of legends champ? I wonder if he has a 3 hit passive and a slow, maybe even a gap closer!

Did you really think "I like this game better than this other game" is worth a thread? Nobody cares. Go play hots.


Hots is nothing like LoL, it looks better, plays better, has better character designs, and it's backed by Blizzard, who is clearly the better company. Blizzard will never take your favorite character and "rework" them aka change everything about them but maybe one skill then tell you to suck their dick. Balance in Hots is way better than League.

That's most of the threads on this board, go be butt hurt somewhere else, league of lesbians player

There are some major mechanical differences between the big three (if HotS can be counted with the big boys). But they are all alike in one regard. You either play with at least two friends or you are better off not playing.

>Wow user, a team game requires teamwork? Who would have thought!

Yeah yeah, save the snark. The problem arises from the way mobas are designed, which is to say that a team is only as good as its worst member. Yes, carrying is a thing in mobas too, but not nearly to an extent that it is in other genres where the game isn't actively limiting what an individual player can achieve.

To give you a concrete example, think of CS:GO. It's a team-based shooter, and good teamplay will often win the game. However, the impact of a skilled player is much larger here because the game does not limit the player through things like stuns, items, varying amounts of health etc.

It is much more likely that a good player will ace the enemy team on his own in CS than it is in a moba, because mobas simply aren't designed in a way that would allow that to happen. The importance of individual skill is greatly diminished, and personally I do not find that conducive to an enjoyable solo gameplay experience.

>Hots is nothing like LoL
They are so much alike that everything from the map layout, play style, and graphics are virtually indistinguishable to anyone who has played less than 50 hours.

>it looks better
You mean identical
>plays better
You mean identically
>has better character designs
Almost indistinguishable
>and it's backed by Blizzard, who is clearly the better company.
I cant tell if youre joking with this one.
>Balance in Hots is way better than League.
I could give you this one but only by a little bit.

I'm not saying HotS *isn't better,* by my God its so marginal it doesn't matter because every MOBA is nearly identical.

hots is garbage, user.
Sorry you have shit taste.

At least shill for dota so we won't have to laugh you off the board.

Hots solves that issue though by making it so bad players can't directly ruin your team

dota is slightly different- the heroes are all free (which is a big change) but theres no region lock so thirdies ruin every other game (also a big change)

HotS is the worst MOBA on the market.

Pretty much no one takes it seriously. It's a joke.


Hots is the best moba, Dota 2 is too archaic in design and LoL is too shittily designed to even be a serious game. Hots is pure action and an example of why blizzard games are always the best of the genre they're in. Blizz trims the fat and leaves the MEAT.

>serious game
You see why MOBAs suck, right? Because players use terms like "serious game."


>mfw I play the hell outta kayn

HotS actually compounds the issue further by making XP a shared resource between the team. What this means is that if one person is underperforming, the whole team is underperforming. At least in Dota 2 or LoL, if a player fucks up, it only really reflects poorly on their continued success. Though having a weaker player is still a disadvantage, it's not as big as having the whole team be weaker by that player's margin.

No, LoL is the worst moba.

>snowball as hell, someone on your team dies once or twice you may as well forfeit
>items and characters get reworked all the time and ruined
>balance is a joke and nerfs are based on how many people on the lol reddit sub whine about a champion or how flashy a character looks
>Riot literally caters to shit people by adding a ban system because they want bad players to be able to ban at least one champ they suck at fighting instead of learning to GIT GUD
>games last forever, you will spend an hour in a losing game

Blizzard does none of that shit, Hots is well balanced, fun, and Blizz literally throws free skins and shit at you all the time. I got 2 of the legendary prime evil diablo skins just opening loot chests.

Even a retard can agree that HoTs sucks ass, along with all the other MOBAs.

Or rather, ASSFAGGOTs

You actually like that edgelord shit? This is another reason Hots is better, if you're gonna play an edgelord, pick fucking Illidan, he's the original thing all these other edgy chars copy so hard and fail.

Nu-League fucking sucks
>generic anime artstyle now
>no more grotesque characters like original urgot or trundle, they're all clean and generic
>boring as fuck new voices
>every champion in nerfed to fuck garbage or has a broken kit
>every new champ has an overloaded kit
>one stronk feminist character after another
>banned for banter
>worst community of all time from any game

>linking a dunkey video
>some washed up loser that sucks at the games he plays

Good one.

I'm not gonna argue with a delusional blizzard fanboy trying to shill a shit game no one but fanboys takes seriously. Fuck off, no one here agrees with you and you will convice no one.

Character models is the only thing that hots does really well. It makes all their other games look like shit.

The real reason that LoL is irredeemable garbage is the way that it's impossible now for one really good person to hypercarry, but one feeder can ruin a whole game. It's impossible to carry a 1/8 top now, but a 8/1 can only win a game sometimes if the team is alright. In the current state of the game, feeding has more of an effect than carrying. The team that feeds the least wins.

hyperkek it's simultaneously easier and more cancerous

But he's right though.

>being this incorrect

amazing! it's almost like you haven't played either game

Come play Hots, it has none of those shitty flaws. And no faggy anime shit either, I hated when league started becoming anime shit, It happened around the time Zed was released. Hots designs feel like they were made for men, know what I mean?

No he isn't, he sounds fucking drunk too. The guy clearly sucks at the game, that video was what, 2014? The game changed since then. I fucking destroy people in quick match with nova and valeera. Hots rules.

>illidan is the original edgelord
The bait of all baits

Name the first edgelord in video games then

>in b4 someone tries to name Sinistar

>Defending a game this much
>Defending Bliz this much


>nothing edgy existed before world of warcraft

None of what he said is true though.

bout to play some ARAM suck my dick whiny bitch fags

Who cares, my point is why would you want to play LoL when you can play cool shit in Hots. Look at Kayn, he looks like some gay anime design:
Some faggy scrawny emo with a scythe and a smug anime face. Meanwhile Hots has Illidan, a ripped buff as hell badass who takes no shit from anyone and has a manly face. Hots men are built like fuckin MEN, not girly boy girl things like LoL has. LoL is full of sjw shit too,, all the new female designs look like ass. Meanwhile Hots has this:

Hot elf girl with big tits and you can see her thighs.

>still plays league

Wow, what a fuckin KEKOLD

No you "moved on" because you are a weak faggot who gets influenced by other people and so you fell for the "lol is bad play dota" meme.

But LoL IS bad, and I play Hots, not dota. Hots is the most exciting and fun moba to play. LoL is on its way out anyway, that shit is dying now cuz people are sick of it.

>multiple maps with different objetives
>team level instead of character level
>no items

>3 years old video

Name a MOBA character that is like Infinite Crisis's Superman.

>HotS actually compounds the issue further by making XP a shared resource between the team. What this means is that if one person is underperforming, the whole team is underperforming.

But it also means that one guy that's soaking XP means the whole team is getting ahead, which is essentially what Specialist-type heroes excel at

>mfw elitist Dotards are butthurt as usual

Dota isn't even the best MOBA on Steam

No he isn't, he didn't even realise why the other team was the same level as him. It's like he doesn't know about soaking lanes.

Oh wait, it's because he doesn't and is an idiot much like you because you think he is right.

>I only play games based on designs
Are you brain damaged?

Dunkey is a fucking retard

>some washed up loser that sucks at the games he plays
aww someones still mad he called Splatoon 2 shit

Why would I want to play a game with characters I find stupid and shitty looking?

>Start Playing HoTS
>Realize butcher can have infinite damage
>infinite damage
>Get fed on shitters and steamroll every game
HoTS is only slightly better then any other trash moba


Gee, i wonder why they call it Gameplay and not Designplay.

Also, Kayn is one character out of 100.

Every character in LoL looks like shit though.

Try Valeera or Nova, it's so much fun and more fun than any assassin in league of lesbians

Thats your shit, worthless opinion.

I actually think HOTS is a better game.

LoL is a washed down version of Dota 2 with samey character kits. There's not much reason to play it over Dota 2 when Dota 2 is just a better game overall.

HOTS atleast tries to do something different with being a more casual game with the talent system, objective focus and more interesting hero design than LoL like Abathur, Cho'gall, Murky and Medivh. It actually feels like its own distinct game rather than a washed down version of Dota 2.

Garrosh is cooler and more badass than this tryhard shit.

>Man, I don't find anything appealing about this game except for the gameplay.
>Better sink 5000 hours into something I don't really care for because of the gameplay.
Are you retarded?

Keep telling yourself that.

There is a difference between "watered down" and "streamlined"

LoL is the former, Hots is the latter

>I play games for something other than gameplay
Just outed yourself as retarded, friendo

I play both Dota 2 and HOTS, what I was saying is that HOTS atleast brings something new to the table and is alright as its own thing whilst LoL is the retarded attention seeking (as exemplified by Pendragon and Morello) little brother that tries to ape Dota 2 and fails since it's just a pale shadow in every way compared to Dota 2.

>He doesn't understand games are the sum of all their parts, not just a few.
It's not just about gameplay. Gameplay is obviously the main selling point of the game, but if every other aspect of it is dog shit, you're not going to waste your time on it. I don't know why you're struggling with this concept.

>I play the two worst games in the genre please listen to my opinion


Enjoy your Anthony Burch writing, samey character kits and developers that don't know how to balance the game around the fact that some characters have healing abilities.

what's the best game then, league of lesbians? LOL

>there is only 3 assfaggots

>are you retarded
he's still playing league of retards in 2017 so obviously yes

>LoL is so "good" that Riot is making it more and more similar to HotS with every patch

how? sounds like bs

yo for real tho how do you play kanye

>LoL is stealing HOTS map objectives
>DOTA 2 is stealing HOTS talent system

They're afraid

definitely. activision-blizzard partnership with disney is a behemoth few can contend with. HOTS also has offered something for those of us who can't commit to the tedium of lasthits.

HOTS has nothing but ground to gain, League has already faltered, and this TI will tell if DotA enjoys another year of dominance.

Rate my OC:

This is Narcissux the Edgemaster. He's a burst assassin with tankiness that also can jungle. His passive is Stacks of Hate, and everytime he does Q, he places a stack on you.
Q is Let it Ripp, a wide area blow where he uses his double scythe to spin around 3 times, each time placing a Stack.
Second W ability is Feel my Anger, which Narcissux channels his inner dark thoughts and feelings and detonates each stack around him, dealing massive damage.

Next one is his E called Self Loathe, where he gains a massive speed attack bonus and also can apply Stacks of Hate everytime he auto attacks and also makes him deal True Damage.

His Ultimate ability is Bottled Up Inside, like the Korn song, where he lets out a scream and everyone that has a Stack of Hatred around him suffers his agony and loses a % of Narcissux AD/AP and he heals himself for that amount. Since his hatred is unending, he can also deny that heal by tapping R a second time and reflect it for another bonus damage.

"Nobody understands me but the edge of my twin bladed scythes." - Narcissux after killing his father.

Yeah I don't like the direction LoL has been going in, and I abandoned Dotautism a long time ago

I mostly play HOTS and Smite nowadays

Kayn only has one of those.

His kit is actually very well designed. His character design was made by everyone's favorite cuck so that explains the mediocrity.

until HotS gets popular in china neither game has anything to worry about.

>league chinks stealing game mechanics instead of innovating
not surprised in the slighest

He has 2 though, slow and gap closer.

Kayn is actually a really good champion mechanically and your complaints are casual as fuck

I mean, i guess his ult can be considered a gap closer? Even tho you're never actually gonna use it for that purpose.

dota is the only non-reddit mmo

His Q.

Then explain the Dota subreddit

mobas are silly!

Its short, you are using it to jump over narrow walls and apply AOE damage mostly, kayns mobility comes from his e specifically his shadow assasin form e's, he is a really good champion user he has a high versatibility of item builds and playstyles and rewards intelligent flanking and rotations

I'm just saying he has both of those things, even if it's short it's still a gap closer.


So nothing, i'm correcting your misinformation, is that a fucking crime?

>league of lesbians
>good mechanics


>No shop

This shit makes the game boring
You can't change up your playstyle and buy shit to pair with it
It's just the same skills with no variation

Which game has good mechanics then? certainly not dota where most abilities are passives

Reminder to sage and report blatant shilling threads.

It's called the talent system, use it. It gives more variety than league of dykes shitty shop items, which encourage generic cookie cutter builds, and if you build "wrong" your team curses you out then reports you

Hots has good mechanics.

You change play style way more in Hots than league, even more since riot decided to rework every champion that had both AD and AP builds.

You mean the game where you can't carry because getting fed is toxic? lmao fuck off you casual piece of shit