Any PS4 lobbies up for some Guilty Gear?

Any PS4 lobbies up for some Guilty Gear?

>tfw you didn't practice for todays thread

ky hater here

any lobbies up?



>tfw you're a yuropeen and never get to participate in these lobbies
Why don't yuro Sup Forums goers like GG?

I was going to post a scathing response but the last time I bantered with a European I got a 3 day vacation.

As an alternative: maybe Europeans have better games to play.

what the fuck is happening with Sup Forums

At least you can play with Sup Forums.

I'm a third world shitter that cant get a single match without at least 14f of delay, so playing with Sup Forums is impossible and everyone from my region uses either johnny, sin or raven all day long.

PS4 Lobby USA East search ID: o6r4


Being an ausfag is suffering, no one plays fighters here.

Why would you hate Lord Ky?

Don't bee like that user, shadman does some funny stuff once in a while.

Cmon man

>Greed severs u
>takes 120+ damage off you for a fucking overhead
Yeah... why.... would he hate Ky...... wow.....

But you can respond to it, like seriously just punish those Greed Servers by blocking them.

PS4 Lobby USA East search ID: o6r4

Just grabbed the game a couple of days ago and I'm learning Ino, is Dustloop the best place for data and combos?


stick to your dbz "fighting" games

They are too busy with FIFA

Are you retarded or something? Wow.

I don't play Ky but if you're getting hit with raw Greed Severs you need to practice more

I'm not from that yurop, I'm from Dota and CS yurop.

The info is a bit outdated but it's still a good starting place

It's not great, a lot of info is old, but it's your best bet as a beginner outside of ingame tutorials/combos/missions. and the subreddit is pretty helpful too desu




>t. Ky Kiske, King of Illyria, Commander of the Holy Knights, Lord of Unreactable Netplay Overheads

Is life on a 1000 point scale? In that case 120 damage for an overhead isn't too unheard of.

Why is she so evil?

How do I get good

It's like 20f startup, man. An IAD would almost be faster

She's just misunderstood

You know what to do

Ignore this, never go full UNGA

Always go UNGA

>playing Xrd gave me the urge to play XX again
>get rekt hard by I-No just like the good old days

I'm mostly joking, but it can get pretty obnoxious to block on reaction if the match is laggy. 4 frames native delay, add a 5-7 extra to that and the window gets to around 160ms, which is pretty good reflexes. Granted, most Kys go full flowchart predictable and you shouldn't be playing high lag matches seriously anyway.


I hear ya, but most dusts have only a couple frames more startup, so even if you're not playing against Ky you should still be ready to block high. I personally would rather deal with GS over Millia's dust.



Can't find the other one so fuck it I guess
Lobby:scrub zone



i'll see if i can get some games in but i might dc mid way

Better than nothing , thanks for the heads up

I wanna cum in rammy's butt

what am i supposed to do on wake up as axel against ungas and button mashers besides blocking


Ram is not for lewd

we in this one now

Are you literally listening to ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER?

its 2007


>12 frame delay
>Day 1 Elphelt

This stream is ass.

she's actually the purest

Ram was born wearing hotpants and a belt. She was born for lewd

>in to anal

Is there something impure about carnal lust of the butt?

What did I-NO see?

fuck this fuckng faggot elphelt player

This elphelt is a cunt

fucking hell what's with all your shitter connections? can't a guy get a game not above 18f? you guys better not be playing wireless.

Is he raging about Ky again?

Just a question, but no one really else plays Jack-o as weird or poorly as me right?

you saw my match right? clearly you're better than I am

if you're in the room that's being streamed, yeah you're pretty bad, but I'm going to guess you're new. also fix your connection.

Which PS4 room we in


where can I check the room ID?


Man, this shot really highlights how bad their skull structure is.

i admit, that did piss me off
and i think you did that on purpose

I-No is yummy

Because yuro hours begin way later?

Had fun playing GG everyone

Thoughts on this character?

I feel bad for him whenever I fight him

Top 5, takes skill.

So is it true that there won't be anymore new characters being added?

No it isn't true.
In an interview Ishiwatari pretty much said the next character will pretty much be Robo Ky.

... I why didn't you wait until tomorrow for a thread Elphelt!

>All these Guilty Gear threads lately

Must be Arkys trying to shill because back when i played Revelator one we never had this many threads on Sup Forums and most of it was just circle jerks!

Enjoy never actually improving in this game because you arent OCD enough to sit there and learn every little detail about every little chracters bullshit.

Guilty Gears problem is that its to complex for its own good.

And im not a fighting game newbie either and have been playing fighting games since soul calibur 2 and mvc1 days.

Not to mention some chracters can just flat out ignore the things that are supose to keep you from getting destroyed(faulty defenses and burst).

It retarded how Dizzy can use her minions to bait burst,faulty defense, and just gaurds.

Is this PS4 lobby a beginners lobby? I don't want to upset everyone again.

Good bait.

Play on PC, a fair bit of intermediate/good players are there.

Even if a GG thread is made during those hours it usually dies right away.

You can't put me down

You mean good facts/truth

None of you will ever be any good at this game and will always get your shit pushed in

Fuck yes

Can't be the one getting my shit pushed in if I am the one doing it to my opponent.

I have and the volume is the same. The same "good players" I run into on PS4 are the same ones on Steam. Literally.

five dollars have been deposited into your account, thanks user

There's quite a few who just play PC exclusively and pretty frequently.

max life is 420 but theres all sorts of scaling involved, 120 is nothing to write home about, dude's a shitter

I bet i could wreck your shit,but i dont care for the game anymore so just take my word for it scrub.

I bet all you do is jump all day and spam her dive kick move and her ice car type move

what kind of loser talks shit about a game he doesnt play like lmao do you not have anything better to do