When does it get fun?

Just bought it. Played 3 rounds, ended up at #97, #43 and #26 respectively. When does it get fun? Should I just get a refund?

When you start fighting for supply crates
When you drop at the military base
When you play a round only with a car
When you get your first win

when you have friends to play with

It gets fun after you post this exact thread onto Sup Forums.
If you go and boot up the game now that you've posted this thread, it will be fun.

>bought it
>got 97, 40, 4
>realize its an RNG game
>got a refund

>When you start fighting for supply crates
Did that. Punched some faggot to death while he had a shotgun. Was mildly amusing, but playing CS:GO on deathmatch and using only a knife is more fun than that.

>When you drop at the military base
Haven't done that yet

>When you play a round only with a car
Wouldn't I be gunned down pretty quickly tho/

I have a normie friend with the game. Maybe I should try that.

Honestly just game just feels like a one trick phony to me.

The game is way more fun in squads.



give it a go and then see why people tell you not to fall for early access

I really hope this game is banned from Sup Forums soon

>Honestly just game just feels like a one trick phony to me.
I regret purchasing it now I have to wait two fucking weeks for steam support to give me a fucking refund.

It might just not be your thing, but personally I don't enjoy playing solo at all but really enjoy duos and squads. Even with randos of a matchmaking discord is pretty neat.

All around i find it much more entertaining when there's more people to account for and strategize with

They also said Borderlands was fun with friends but it was still shit. Fuck it, going to try and play a round with my buddy tomorrow. If it's shit I'll refund it.

Not only that, it feels like it has no depth. Its basically a game of not fucking up and catching the other player first. There's nothing to really get good at, you only need to grasp the basics of what goes down and then be the lucky one.

you're probably a brainlet for buying this thing on the first place so just keep playing, it'll get "fun" after a while

tell me how early access matters to the fun 7 million people are having

I haven't seen it rationalized once yet. it's like you're derisively saying the sky is blue. yes, it is EA. and?

>nothing to really get good at
there are retards who think there's "strategy" involved in this game.
Fucking ayy, lmao.

Refund while you still can.

This. You already experienced everything the game has to offer after 3 rounds. The only thing you'll experience after those 3 is repetition.

>has no friends to play with

Some people don't have a competitive streak. Those people are what we call betas, enjoy your body pillow

>he doesn't have a body pillow
Enjoy dying earlier because you gotta get there first, champ


It was just boring user. It wasn't even remotely thrilling.

Play actively instead of passively.

If you want the game to be exciting, don't be a fucking pussy.

It also gets way more fun when you know you can win.

I'm so laughably bad at first person it hurts. people fucking 180 no scope me in .25 seconds, it blows my tiny mind apart.

>It wasn't even remotely thrilling.

hint: duo/squad is the real mode, solo is fuckaround

Competitive people don't play video games because they compete in real life.

How do you play actively? Drop in populated areas like Pochinki, hope you get a gun off the bat, and unga people?


Complaining it's boring is like going to a buffet, only eating rice, and then claiming the whole buffet is bland.

Spice up your gameplay, it's a sandbox.

Most of the skill is being able to kill people consistently from reasonable distances or trying to deduce where people are and moving in on them. Stuff like this is a lot more relevant in duos and squads where you have a chance to get picked back up instead of dying instantly imo.
I'd recommend watching some youtube videos of decent players in squads to get an idea what i mean. If it doesn't look appealing from that it's probably just not for you.

>tfw you have no pc friends but still want to see what the fuss is about

>play cs go
>r6 siege
Fucker, I play alot of esports "competitive" shit and they are all entertaining not to mention working like a fucking video game unlike this piece of shit. I'm starting to think you fuckers cant request a refund so you fucking pollute this board in defense of a company.

Off yourselves.

I was being active. Punched a dude to death, gunned down one, ran over another one. I wasn't hiding/camping.

I'll give it a go tomorrow.

Thanks for all the replies, have a good one.

>think r6 siege and assfaggots is comp games
>plays ruined CS 15 years after it was last fun or relevant
>durr my opinion matters


>bought it
>memory leak after the second game
>frame rate dropped to 5 per hour

Landing in populated spots is great because they don't waste your time.

Obviously sometimes you'll get shafted, but that just means you get into another game faster.

When you win, you have 3-5 bags of loot already sorted by the players you killed.

You either leave dead early on or leave geared and had fun doing it.

Are you so fucking autistic that you need a complete list of someone else's video game choices? Do I have to tell you that I played super nintendo on an old CRT Tv too? THis game is bad, stop roping people into this fucking shit.

It's just a video game, no need to be so angry over losing.

>first game
>Land right next to some dude
>chase him punching
>can't catch up
>detour into the house pick up a revolver and camp a closet
>hear him stomping around outside
>he opens the door and we one shot kill each other

I've played many games since and they are always interesting, if not exactly fair.

>Do I have to tell you that I played super nintendo on an old CRT Tv too?


of course youre one of those fags who fucking pains himself to play old games on CRT

hint: we hated analog video and got rid of our CRTs the moment we could. poseur shit.

this tbqf my dudes

I feel like the complaints are from people that think JRPGs and VNs are real "games".

Yeah I played FF7 in middle school too, but recognize that mario kart is a better game now that I'm not a kawai dicksicker

If you can get a refund, do it. It's a flavor of the month game.