Switch is going to get great onli-

>Switch is going to get great onli-

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no one thought this

I like the Jet Squelcher
I think I'm gonna main this until the Squiffer and Bamboozler come out

Don't have a Switch yet, what's so bad about it?

Wait what's wrong with it.

Haven't run into anything, even during splatfest.

I haven't had a massive problem so far

Some issues with matchmaking, and disconnects like most other multiplayer shooters. Not defending it, just saying it's normal.

People blame Nintendo for their shit internet.

WiFi card is trash
Need a LAN adapter if you want to stay connected consistently

this is bullshit, ketchup is clearly superior

no you dont you just need to not live in the 3rd world

I live in the third world and it works just fine, what he needs to so is not to cheap out on his internet.

Marina is way cuter

>12.5Hz tickrate
This shit is unacceptable.
And Nintendo thinks that we should pay them for this shitty server next year??

Can't remember how many trade kills I got because of this shitty tickrate.

I've had literally zero issues with my wifi, you must have shit internet.

I do however have a huge problem with the garbage voice chat system, you can't even fucking match-make with friends and talk. Fuck this shit. It's only good for Salmon Run.

Splatoon 2 is lots of fun and the servers have worked great.
But the fact that you need a phone app for it and content is locked during certain times of day is still retarded.
It is always one step forward and two steps back for Nintendo but fuck me I will still buy their gimmicky shit because they make fun games.

ketchup is just gay bbq sauce


>Networking works worse than WII U

I'm selling a SWITCH anyone ?

>switch can hold a wifi connection with shitting itself
>its right next to my WiiU which i never had a problem with for online
>both consoles are less than 2 feet away from the router

Carbon Roller is really fun
How do I get good with it?


People with shit internet blame anything but themselves, even with my spic connection I have had only 2 disconnects in two weeks. one was my provider's fault.

I fucked up, wanted to reply to

Like he said, you don't charge head first with it unless it is for a specific strategy or major hole in their plan.

Rollers have been nerfed.

But I'm still going to play it.

15 hz tickrate.

It's absolutely ridiculous. Literally third world. From the 80s.

As a rule of thumb, you should almost never try to engage someone if they see you before you see them. Carbon roller is best at ambushing, especially after the nerfs to both rollers and the carbon in this game.

You should focus on either flanking opponents or ambushing them. Never be in a place the enemy can predict you.

If you've been spotted or need to draw enemy attention, that's what autobombs are for. Your special is particularly good for either territory control (splat zones) or setting up a big push (rainmaker, tower control).

Have fun, user. It's still a fun weapon, even if the sweet spot for the carbon was reduced so much that getting OHKOs is a bitch now.

Why did they do it? Splat1 was 25hz. It's a direct downgrade when even the first had lag issues.

Shouldn't you be sucking off your favorite twitch streamer?

To be honest I thought Carbon was just always a 2hko until I played around with it a bit more

low tickrate, P2P connections (which well be paying for soon), disconnects and latency.

also the app

Is this worth buying a Switch for if I already own BotW on Wii U? Just got $400 for my Birthday the other day and I'm considering it. Also want Mario in a couple months, but that's basically all that is even out this year.

That's a problem with the game and not the Switch's online tho.

Splatoon 2 by itself makes it worth it IMO

You'd be getting it for only one game then. Do you consider Splatoon to be worth $400?

I liked Fate/Extella since I'm a fatefag and a musoufag

Alone, perhaps not, although I enjoyed the first one and this looks improved from it. But again, I'm going to want Mario in October. And maybe Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario+Rabbids as well. And next year will potentially have Pokemon and Metroid Prime 4. So I'm looking at it as a bit of an investment in the future.

Reminder that if you lose in ranked it's your fault
If you were truly A or S level you can carry a tram of C and B shitters

>low tickrate, P2P connections (which well be paying for soon), disconnects and latency
So average console stuff.

P2P matchmaking (sometimes you'll get "The other console is not responding" message when trying to find a lobby), 16Hz tick rate, shit voice chat. Those are three biggest issues.
Other than that, people blame the game for their shit connection, I have 100 hours played and so far got disconnected only once (which was my fault, moving out of LTE range).

With that tick rate and p2p it's clearly not a good competitive game, but it's still fun to casually splat every now and then.

This. Only disconnects I got were my own fault, watching a video while waiting for the match to start without thinking about it. I have a shit connection that can only handle one online activity at a time

>expecting good online from nintendo ever
>can't even do voice chat
>still have to do friend codes

keep buying goy


Interested to know what most of y'all are using

>No hero replica weapons

Most sensible coment around here.

Surely you'd expect better for paid online services, but there's probably a limit to how you can defend or condem the game based on these facts.

I didn't find it necessary to list them since they're just reskins, sorry friend

Wow! Are chargers that umpopular?
I'm not even a sniperfag generaly, but those weapons are very fun to use.
Well, most of the time...

They lost a splatfest.
Hillbillies don't want to accept 99% of the USA internet quality hasn't improved since 1998.

its not really bad, but its like another wii u almost exactly.
also everyone is on wireless because wired requires a separate adapter.

Is the zap really that good?

It's not okay when nintendo does it!

It's just a fun and balanced weapon. It's not actually that great in many aspects, but it does the job.

once they announced the pay to play and the cellphone app voice chat I decided not to get any online games for switch. PC is best for online since it's free and you can use a great variety of input devices depending on the game. the main strength of the switch is single-player games anyway, and I seriously hope it stays that way.

I've been hovering my mouse over the buybutton for a Nswitch wild+kart combo for a week.

Should I buy it?


That's the stupidest use for inkjet I've seen.

I call bullshit considering a ton matches have disconnects, whether it's you or someone else. I never had disconnect problems with Splatoon. Generally I'm fine, but if I'm playing Splatoon 2 at the wrong time, I might be disconnected from a third of my matches.

It's tolerable, albeit still aggravating for a free service.
But Nintendo can fuck right off if they think I'm paying for this shit.

Peer to peer, plethora of disconnects, long ass wait times, jap bullshit lag is still present and noticeable despite no longer being able to fight japs

Take Nintendo's dick out of your ass

ok big boy,proves with recording that it actually impact the game.


This. The switch's online has been worse than the wii u's in every single way thus far.

Rollers have some somewhat severe problems now. You basically just cannot use them for anything other than ambush. Even then, if you clip the edge of their camera, they can turn and kill you with ease.

The weirdest thing about them is that they're supposed to be coverage weapons, but they're actually pretty bad at it because of their severe ink consumption. You can make literally double the XP just using an Aerospray.

Do you know how you get double KO's happening all the damn time? That's the low tickrate's fault.

My internet is fine. Your blind if you can't notice everyone else having constant disconnects in their matches. It's not just about personally being disconnected. This almost never happened on the Wii U and we were playing peer to peer with a load of Japs halfway across the planet.

I thought that was only for the Testfire, I heard they increased it

>I heard they increased it
From whom? Because there's no indication or valid source that I can find that says they have.

Watch some youtube videos and pause on moments where the player gets killed. A lot of the times you'll see their opponent not even aiming in the right place. This is especially noticeable with chargers. Or you know how you can swim through the rainmaker, but not pick it up until several seconds later? Or how you can splat someone, but it sometimes won't say they've been splatted for a second or two?
This shit might not matter or be noticeable to people who are happy playing in turf war or low rank, but its obvious to anyone competitive in S/S+.

Just saying, I find it weird that even my internet connection it's unstable on most of my devices I have yet to have any problems with both arms and splatoon.
Besides my anectodal experience (with a pic to prove it) it's as valid as everyone anecdotal evidence.
>this almost never happened on the wii u
Lmao, people complained as much if not more with splatoon 1 a few years ago.



3rd world countries have better internet than most major cities in the U.S


>start playing splatoon 2 for the first time
>level up a bit
>become autistically hooked on the splat charger
>Almost all games are 0 kills lowest inkage
>Practice with it daily
>improve to about 5 kills on average and 2nd or 3rd inkage
>unlock E-Liter
>get a hard on for this weapon
>I love it's looks, it's sub and special and it has the highest range
>play a match with it
>0 kills lowest inkage
>back to fucking square 1
>go through an existential crisis
>decide to just bite the bullet and get fucking good
>practice daily
>destroyed ketchumps during SPLATFEST with my Mayo King powers
>tfw on average I get a about 10 kills and 1st or 2nd highest inkage
>tfw practice made a noteable difference in my gameplay for once
>tfw this starts happening

Well lads. I'm on my way to becoming a God Teir E-Liter.

I think I might be turning Japanese. But regardless, I'll remember you all when I'm famous.

Have you or have you not seen a load of people disconnect? If you've been playing for a reasonable amount of time and are mildly observant, there's no way you haven't. My internet isn't unstable, and I have a strong connection, yet I can completely randomly succumb to disconnects. At certain times it's almost impossible to play because it'll disconnect me from every other match. It doesn't happen for very long, but it can happen.

They complained about different things, mostly japs and horrible ping times because matches weren't region restricted. Disconnects were never anywhere near as common as this. Some of the lag was admittedly weirder initially, but that was chalked up to being able to play with people from all over the world.

great blog you fucking faggot

Get your shit together, Mac.

>turf wars
>C rank
You can do it user, but you have a while to go yet.

I have seen some people DC every now and then, but not as some make it out to be, like what? Maybe 4 out of 30 ranked matches tops? 3 people out of 30 salmon run matches too? How do I know if some of them DCing just to not lose the ranked match?
Ironically in the first game the moments I had more problems was when there was a splatfest going with the regional matchmaking, so there is that.

>DCing just to not lose the ranked match?
They lose the ranked match regardless. A disconnect is an automatic mark down intentional or not.

I'd say it's closer to 1 out of 5 in my experience. Salmon Run seemed particularly bad, but I haven't played that in a while and it's certainly more noticeable when people go missing. Unlike in the first game where disconnects mostly happened at the start of matches, in this one, it's almost always right in the middle of it.

>How do I know if some of them DCing just to not lose the ranked match?
Because they're instantly penalized for it as if they had lost and risk being banned.

That is true, honestly. I don't know why that is. It's when most of the weirder lag happened.

Sucks that the game will still penalize the team with the d/c in ranked unless it happens at the start of the match.

Sucks that the game still doesn't allow you to reconnect after Splatoon 1 had the same issue. I really don't get why Nintendo can't get this right, is it not possible in p2p? DCing while have the enemy in danger with a minute to go and then getting a warning about how the leave is suspicious really grinds my gear.

>Horrendous wi-fi performance
>Using the chat app to communicate is a shitshow
>The retarded time schedule system is back and even fucking worse
>Still no fixing the bullshit design of not letting you switch weapons while in a lobby
They refused to fix their shitty online systems and are now gonna charge for them

Yeah, that "PREEEETTY suspicious" warning message about being banned is like a slap in the face. Especially after being kicked when you were close to winning.
In Splatoon, there were times you could come back from an "unstable connection" if you stopped everything, but in this one everyone just immediately poofs with no warning and you have to muck about for a bit until the game officially disconnects you.

>Still no fixing the bullshit design of not letting you switch weapons while in a lobby
This really gets to me. I cannot fathom why they did this again. It's especially bad now because the wait is so much longer due to matches being regional.

I shit you not, I only had 1 disconnect over the course of 100 hours. I was on a train, playing on LTE (mobile hotspot from my phone) and the train moved out of LTE range, connection dropped to HSPA+ and I was disconnected. Generally not a great idea to play on mobile data while in a moving vehicle.
I also had several times people disconnect on me (as in a team member disconnecting during match) but nothing too common. I guess there were also several instances where I couldn't get to a lobby with message that "Connection to remote console was lost" but that's even before the game starts and I blame this on the other persons connection.

I play in EU region, I use both LTE and fiber (when I'm at home) and never had any bigger problems with connection.

I never get out of range disconnects and have above average internet, but I get "unstable connection" errors fairly frequently, and notice other people vanishing in matches. EU and Japan are probably a bit better considering their internet isn't a complete shitshow like NA, but I hesitate to blame it all on that because Nintendo is by far the worst when it comes to my online experiences.

The problem here is that because it's P2P then BOTH sides must have good connection. I had one situation where 6 people were disconnected the moment the game started because the host had shit connection.
So, some of the disconnect instances may not be because of your connection but because the host has shitty one.

And yeah, as you said, EU and Japan has better infrastructure, so smaller chance of disconnects because of shitty host.

The system, at least in Splatoon, is a bit weird in that it tries really hard to find you a local match, and if it can't, it pauses for 30 seconds or so before loading you up with Japs

They did it so the packets would be smaller and you could play it tethered to a phone

They increased from 12.5 to 16

Not true with Splatoon 2. All matches are regional now, no exceptions. If they can't find a match, they kick everyone out of the lobby. It's common to be kicked and wait for a couple minutes for matches to start.

I never thought I'd miss instant matches from japs.

Factually unproven just by playing turf war.

>It's common to be kicked and wait for a couple minutes for matches to start.

How the fuck do I keep getting matches with yanks n japs then

Post proof or fuck off

Bro, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Just because you see japanese characters in people's names, doesn't mean they're from japan.


since today in every single fucking match there is like at least one person who drops out. so its ALWAYS 4 vs 3 or 4 vs 2

Post proof of only regional matchmaking occurring

They don't exist, that's what's going on.

>The retarded time schedule system is back and even fucking worse

In Splatoon 1, maps/modes were only available at certain times on rotation, even though people didn't like the system, Nintendo brought it back in 2 but added the bullshit of making it so the new Salmon Run mode could only be played at certain times of the day

why not write ugly fat disgustig 200kg shitbag? would be the same?
oh yeah right, it´s shorter