Wasn't Marina supposed to win everything?

Wasn't Marina supposed to win everything?

when all the kids who are bad at splatoon choose ketchup, what did anyone think was going to happen?

how many percent of players did ketchup have?

I think it was 74%

You don't remember the meta from Splatoon 1?

All the virgins choose the underdog, so they play against kids more often, so they win more often.

It's sad, really.

there is literally nothing wrong with bullying kids online

>making up bullshit
Everyone on Sup Forums has always picked what they like, don't kid yourself.

I agree with Mayo
But no the disgusting way Pearl uses it


If that was the case, Pearl wouldve won last time

Last time the game was free.

This time it's played exclusively by nintenbros and autists who dropped 60 bucks on a rehash.

A deal's a deal Marina!

Nobody bought a Wii U user



Marina would've won if they scored it like Splatoon 1. Do we like the new scoring or the old way better?

Can't win everything when the game doesn't give the higher numbered team the chance to actually participate in the team battles.

It dwarfed Mayo so more than Half of the team could barely participate.

Old way was better.
The winning team had literally 2% more wins and that was it while the losing team had 74% of the votes.


Pearl is superior. She got 3/3 in japan last time.

Gayos go home

>Losing both battle categories but still winning the splatfest
Ketchads everyone.

Yeah nah, with the current system even if it is a single percentage over then that team will win, which is ridiculous as the more popular vote will always be fighting against eachother.
They should go back to the multiplier system where votes were x1 and wins were x2 then tally the numbers.
This new system is extremely unfair, even more so with how uneven the votes have been.

>it should go back to the system where wins didn't matter at all

kill yourself

Extremely unfair? Nigger you only have to win solo or teams. That's it. Didn't stop mayo from winning in Japan or Ice Cream winning in the beta. You're just a crybaby bitch.

>actual faction numbers don't matter because only mayo vs ketchup matches count
>people on the underdog team get to play more relevant matches because there are fewer of them
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

You've got that backwards, they matter even less now.
It used to be done by maths and wins were double points which the underdog could easily make up for having less players, now it is up to a 50/50 chance on who gets the best of 3 categories.

I played mayo side and the literal 2% we had on match wins felt like such a shitty cop out win, doesn't feel satisfying at all.
I remember playing an underdog team in the first game and it felt satisfying winning by actual match wins, as it was done by actual numbers adding up, wins counting by 2 and votes counting by 1.

>competition is a test of skill
>skill doesnt matter
>Mayo could have won 100% of its matches and Ketchup could have lost 100% of its matches but still win due to the large volume of actual votes for ketchup
>this is fair

Build a wall, ketchcucks

>Almost none of the ketchup points counted because no one played mayo
This was so retarded. Ketchup would have won by a mile if it actually had all it's points counted.

all the points where they fought mayo counted
same as all the points where mayo fought ketchup counted

you're literally complaining about a 100% fair system just because you lost

Ketchup was literally too popular for its own good

>abloo abloo 2/3rd of the worst ketchup players were stuck in mirrors while 100% of the worst mayo players always played and they still won
Cry me a river, faggot.

jesus christ the parallels are actually starting to get really uncanny

where is the news that mayo players used russian aimbots to win

That isn't how it worked at all you retard.
They would tally the percentage numbers themselves, giving wins double tally and votes only one, meaning the underdog could still take the win if they played better to make up for less votes.
Now it done by best of 3 categories, instead of adding up fucking numbers like it should be leading in to mayo barely scraping by with a measly 2% which isn't a satisfying end for either side.

I am just done with splatfests if this is how they continue to score it, they got rid of a decent system that took into account popular votes but also the better players for some 50/50 shit.

>the team that wins the most matches in solo and teamplay wins the prize
>popularity is literally just a tiebreaker
>im am just done with splatfests if this is how they continue to score it

She will not divide us

>mayo wins
>Sup Forums is not filled with furry art
i don't get it

t. highschool dropout

>I want the system that would give us the win despite losing solo and team matches
Wow you don't say

Who won in Europe? I'm guessing mayo, but I'm just wondering if it was literally 3-0.

post ugly pearls

Mayo. 34 vs 66%


I always picked which side I preferred. I took my wins and my losses without making excuses.

But I still wasn't able to save her.

Post lewd Marinas

Same. I often ended up having the same taste as Callie.


boiled down to extremely basic math, lets assume 73% of the population picked ketchup. (SPOILERS: THEY DID)
if there were only 100 people in the fucking world
that would mean that ketchup would have 73 votes.
Mayo would only have 27 votes.

This means mayo would have to win 23 times in order to catch up, and lose 0 times.

imagine a game where 27 players were in a little hut and there were 73 players in the enemy team. The "underdog" would have to win TWENTY THREE FUCKING TIMES AND NOT LOSE ONCE, JUST TO BE EVEN IN POINTS
and this is FAIR for you. fucking millenials

>save her

I kind of disliked how the Final Splatfest didn't amount to anything in the new campaign. No friction between Callie and Marie, no reason for Callie to join the Octarians, nothing but fucking mind-control.

Shit, Callie didn't even get to be a villain. She was just a prop to the final boss. It would've at least be nice for Callie to antagonize Agent 4 and Marie at least a little, to claim that she went Octarian because they liked her performing, etc. Have the ending be about Marie and Callie realizing they can co-exist with Octarians, and introduce playable Octolings.

But nope. Mind control. Everything goes back to status quo, and Cap'n Cuttlefish and Agent 3 are off somewhere slaughtering Octarians for fun.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, because it sure is satisfying for me as a Team Mayo person to win instead of it being a gay fucking popularity poll.

>cute Pearls

No such thing.

holy shit this is cringey as fuck

I did go 43-7 in my last 50 matches against the ketchup fags, even thought two of those were Mayo on Mayo.

People just need to learn to stop waifu fagging and just pick the option they like best.

Better than a third of the victory being decided by the hundred or so team matches that people actually jumped through all the required hoops to play. I have seven friends with this game and I haven't been able to play with any of them because the online is so ass-backwards.

>Better than victory being decided by matches
Okay now I know you're just falseflagging.

I wish every day was Mayo vs Ketchup day so I don't have to end up with Tim, 7 that loves sugar the most in the whole world in every goddamn game.

>participating is TOO HARD
>why cant i just WIN

I'd like the matches that matter to be the ones I actually play. In the first game those matches made up more than half the score rather than a third here.

Just admit you want to cheat the system.
I want to see you admit that you want to win less battles and take the splatfest from popularity alone. Say it you little bitch.

And i won!

Either come back when the contest matters more than "which condiment is less garbage" or actually try to explain why the new system is better than the old one.

a fate worse than death

You think she has her nipple, clit, and anus pierced?


It's a good year for salt business.

Yeah that's what I thought. Coward.

It's not exactly the servers fault for the sides being unbalanced.

No because now people chose the other one for "le irony"

>complaining about servers in a game that uses P2P

typical ketchcucks

>Marinafags are fucking salty

You losers actually play this videogame for toddlers?

New system is superior because it means you cannot win on popularity alone, you HAVE to win at least one battle category to take the splatfest. But the less popular side is still at a disadvantage, because they need to win both battle categories to win.

Battles being worth double points was done because it turned out that otherwise they had too insignificant of an impact compared to popularity. The final score for battles is always within a few % of 50/50. i.e. 49/51, 48/52, 47/53. It's almost never more than that.

Whereas popularity varies wildly, and can easily be as difference as 70/30 as seen here. This means that popularity has a HUGE impact on the final results compared to battles, to the point where after the first splatfest they had to double the amount of points battles were worth. They even later tried battles being worth quadruple and sextuple points just to overcome the huge advantage of popularity. In the system where they were counted together and battles were worth double, Mayo would have needed to win 62% of battles to take the win, which is unheard of.

For the last time
Splatoon 1 sold more than bloodborne

>Implying Sup Forums isn't filled to the brim with manchildren.
Come on now.

Check the lobby for the next splatfest. They'll be back because now they feel they can influence the game. All Mayofags have to realize this.

And the greater hypocracy that Mayofags just picked the inferior condiment because they are waifufaging Pearl.

>Win on popularity alone
Which never happened outside of Cats vs Dogs, in fact the it's detrimental to vote for the team that will be more popular because they will be at a disadvantage because of more unskilled players.

The true irony is that if this splatfest was done under any of the previous rules, even where Wins get a multiplier of x6, Ketchup would have won.

Except it was always about waifubait choosers vs the contrarians. It was never about the actual choices. If we swapped mayo and ketchup here (mayo - Marina, ketchup - Pearl) the results would have turned out exactly the same way - Marina winning in popular votes, Pearl winning in competition.

Also, let's not forget Mayo team had furfags weaponized autism on their side, all of the furries banded together in Mayo.

Waifufaggotry seemed to subside after the beta in my experience. Ketchup was overwhelmingly popular because a lot of kids play this game and ketchup is probably the only condiment they know.

Tomato Ketchup is made with Sugar not Salt!

Thanks for the snails ketchads I managed to get maxed rolls on my shoes and shirt because I had so many to spare.

You're a literal retard if you can't detect that they're building up for a little "event" where they add playable octos.

I always do this

>pick the team with the most players
>blame the other team for being pussies
How did you come to that conclusion.

I mean, he has a point about the ketchup vs ketchup matches, I only had a handful of vs mayo matches while getting to king. Maybe make same team matches count a little bit? No need for the salt though, its a video game god dammit.

t. fpbp

everyone go home and take your loss with dignity

seriously, among the Ketchup lovers were the young kigs that suck off ketchup off of pockets given at fucking McDonalds, the fuck did you expect.

Which one is the rapping one? I hope the rapping squid won

yep, she won

post more, please

It'll be just like the first game
>Marina wins the first
>Pearl wins most of the ones inbetween
>Marina wins the final

Pearl won the popular vote and got 2/1 in Japan as well. Marinafags on SUICIDE WATCH.

Is that enema looking charger in Salmon Run supposed to be shitty? It seems to have zero redeeming qualities.

What the hell, an actually good and sensible post on Sup Forums. Am I dreaming?

I believe in you vgchartz.