The sheer hatred for the xbox brand is downright ignorant and disgusting. Stop acting like microsoft "ruined" the gaming industry. Man the fuck up and admit that these consoles are good.
The sheer hatred for the xbox brand is downright ignorant and disgusting...
Other urls found in this thread:
What got you upset about this?
If Microsoft isn't what ruined it, then whom are the responsible parties?
>Man the fuck up and admit that these consoles are good.
I own 2 of them, they're not very good. The 360 was okay once the hardware issues were fixed, Xbox One is just shit and I honestly regret buying it.
There's no doubt that one gen of video games industry being led by a western company was worse than all the years preceding it. So many new, bad practices were introduced
Can't speak for the other two, but the Xbox Hueg was legitimately good.
>hackable, with an upgradable hard drive
>best console versions of multiplats
>great exclusives that flew under the radar
just admit that people who consume video game media are being fucked from all angles by the very same companies people defend.
>seaon pass
>day one dlc
>less content every iteration
>broken buggy pieces of shit on launch
>most of the budget spent on marketing instead of developement
(you) defend this.
I got no problem with the Xbox brand as a whole, but the Xbox One is just a shameful console, and it's losing this generation as it should be
Sure it's powerful like the PS4 or whatever, but I just can't find any games that make me go "Gosh dang, I really want to get an Xbone to play that!"
If you just want a strong multi-platform console, or just REALLY love Halo or GoW, then it's ok, but the PS4 is basically the same thing but with more exclusives
The only 2 games I kinda want for it is the Master Chief Collection and Sunset Overdrive, but I hate playing shooters on a console, and Microsoft have been putting all their exclusives on w10 anyway
So I'm just waiting for those 2 games to be put on w10 as well
Fuck off
The Xbone is the worst console i've ever owned, but I fucking love my 360 though.
The Xbox and Xbox 360 were great. The Xbox One is just fucking lame.
i fucking love my Xbox one. Have a one, a 360 and an Xbox hooked up right now.
>Sure it's powerful like the PS4 or whatever
Pretty much every multiplat on the thing performs worse and it not only doesn't get Japanese games not made by Squeenix, but it also doesn't really get many exclusives. Halo, GoW, Sunset Overdrive, and I guess ReCore are fine but there needs to be more. I don't give two shits about Forza yet they seem to be going whole hog into it every single time.
Go away Crapgamer.
The original Xbox might have been ok, I have never used one. It has a small pool of unique exclusives.
I think last gen it was a toss up betweeen the PS3 and 360 because the same as this gen happened - the PS3/4 had a bunch of very interesting exclusives which are all turning out mediocre. Last gen the 360 had that added bonus of better performance.
Meanwhile this gen Xbox One has the only good racing games. I had a One for a little while and sold it for a PS4 Pro (a mistake). The One was a nice system, until the Windows 10 update which was criminally bad. Worse layout, much worse performance. My system went from taking a few seconds to boot, to 2-3 minutes.
This gen I wish I didn't get an Xbox or PS4.
Most people here will tell you that the OG Xbox and the 360 for the first half of its lifespan were good, which is true. Post-2010, what good has the Xbox brand brought apart from a handful of decent games?
Nice one, shill.
Agree. Microsoft gave us xbox one games. I really hope halo 6 will be on pc
I could only find a retail game list, but the PS4 doesn't have many exclusives either. I think lack of exclusives is a problem all non-nintendo platforms share.
t. another neckbeard waiting for a 6 years old game to be ported to pc
>most pc games are basically "aaa console games but shinier" or indie shit no one wants to play
>pc is better youse guyse
IDK WTF happened but I never seen a brand get destroyed so quickly, ever since Kinect it seems like Microsoft does everything in their power to fail
>Most people here don't have both of Microsoft's handhelds
Keep in mind a lot of the games are also exclusive to the Playstation brand and usually just shared between the Vita and PS4. Yeah, it's not really exclusive but when your choice is Vita and PS4 most people are going to pick PS4 as well. The Yakuza games for example are also on PS3 in Japan so do we not count them as PS4 exclusives in the west when we have no way of obtaining them in English? It's just stuff like that.
E3 for the xbox one exposed the devilish plans they had for gaming. Sony was going to also go down darker paths but had the luxury of Xbox going first and taking 80% of the pushback.
fuck off xbot, your console is shit and thats a fact
I'm thinking of getting an Xbox one purely for the backwards compatibility
Buy my console.
Xbox and 360 where good, Xbone sucks.
I remember all the fuss about DX12
What happened?
Unless you're getting it to only play the mainstream stuff, you're better off just getting the consoles themselves.
Kill yourself shill.
I've just been collecting and playing og xbox games just from the announcement alone. I'm afraid that some games would spike in price too soon.
t. OP
It isn't the consoles themselves. It's the games you Moron.
This is a Sony board there is no point I have both and can laugh at you fucks trying desperately to convince people your game box is best.
>paying for online
>wanted to do this whole "ONE GAME COPY PER CONSOLE" bullshit
You can defend this all the way you want my retarded Americano friend. For me Xbox was the beggning of the fall of the golden gaming times.
Sony > Nintendo > Shit > Microsoft
Its people like him who spread bullshittery through the community like cancer.
>Finds ANY possible news about microsoft every single day
>Clickbait title shitting on sony
>Repeat at least 3-5 times EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY.
I've glanced at this channel a few times just to see if he was just fucking around but its hard to tell if he's getting dicked by MS for pennies or if he was just lucky enough to get other sheeple pro MS subscribers hence continue making his vids
>Tfw you hear pro ms people being retarted
90% of the comments on his vids are: DURR HURR ANGRY SONY PONIES COMING IN FOR DAMAGE CONTROL. 'THE BEAST IS COMING'. Even other xbone owners are getting annoyed with his shit.
As for MS in all honestly the entire gaming industry might have been completely different had ms not made a console. Competition was fine between Nintendo and Sony, and at the time Sega but HERE COMES MS WITH THE DUDEBROSHOOTER CONSOLE
Now we have elitist people shitting on ANYTHING that isn't a FPS thinking its not worth anyone's time.
I've never had anything against Nintendo but sometime the shit i hear from ms just triggers me.
I only respect the first Xbox.
Xbox one owner here. everything is multiplats except for halo and gears and forza. if i had the money i'd buy a PC instead.
it's really good as a medic center though
until console recognizes k+m and starts supporting and separating servers for these devices they will always suck.
I've been an Xbox person for a majority of my life, but goddamn dude, I've never felt the urge to hit someone like Crapgamer so hard in my days.
Another xbro here
If I had the money I'd buy more games.
Why would I want a PC when I can already play everything on my xbox?
People complain about paid online don't realize if it wasn't for the Xbox live payment model you would all be paying for individual subscriptions $15 for ea $15 for activision $15 for capcom etc these fucks aren't going to do this shit for free and Sega was the first one to introduce it.
sega sold it as an isp tho
Ironically, the biggest pulling weight the Xbox 360 has for me is Japanese niche games. The rest such as random exclusives like Ace Combat 6 and normie shit like Forza only help round it out to be a keeper forever. Sorry haters.
Fair but they still did it first.
Gears and Forza are on PC.
That post does make a point, but he did not predict that the asshole setting everything in motion fucked off the company and someone more humble took over and steered the ship away.
No it's more like Xbox tried something new, the fans didn't like it, so they listened to the fans and changed it.
Hitler is.
>Microsoft join to take out Sony
>Sony joined due to a bad deal with Nintendo
>Nintendo only became big due to the industry crash of 1983
>The industry crash only happened due to video games being big
>Video games were invented from radar technology in 1949
>Radar technology was used extensively in World War 2
>World War 2 was started by Hitler
Woooooooooooooooow Thanks Hitler, literally the worst thing he has ever done.
I watch his shit because it's so hilariously dumb. he's the ultimate flip-flopper, he claims ponys are "changing the narrative" but he's changed his every 6 months since the Xbone launched, first it wasn't about resolution it was about exclusives when Xbone launched and had a few games like Ryse, Dead rising and titanfall, now he says it's all about resolution and exclusives don't matter, he changes his tune to suit his needs, he's a hypocritical piece of garbage, everything video he has conflicts with something he's previously said, it's entertaining as hell though
Hitler started world war 2 because of Jewish betrayal of the German people and the Treaty of Versailles.
And World War 1 was started due to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
the one good thing about xbox is that we get almost every PC game so there's that.
Now he's trying to slowly backtrack from the "uncompromised 4k" shit he's been spewing the last year, soon he'll be talking about how checkerboard 4k is just fine when he talked nothing but shit about it for a year and a half
listen you horsefucker that doesn't fit my narrative so i'm going to call your opinion bullshit because i'm right and everyone else is wrong.
The only good one is the original Xbox, which still is the one that really kickstarted a lot of modern cancers.
Underrated, and ahead of it's time.
Good launch, but PS3 was better in the long run.
Not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be. Windows 10 compatible features are pretty cool. If you primariliy play on PC, but also want a console, Xbone is a better choice than PS4.
He's a corporate slave in every sense of the word, he's even claimed he's not a fanboy before. Yeah, I'm a Sony fanboy, and I don't deny it.
>If you primariliy play on PC, but also want a console, Xbone is a better choice than PS4.
>IF you want to play the same games twice, buy a XB1
Fuck off, Jamie Moran.
>PS3 was better in the long run.
uh yeah, no. ps3 was a terrible console
>If you primariliy play on PC, but also want a console, Xbone is a better choice than PS4.
But how? Other than some sort of brand loyalty, at least with a PS4 you get access to games your PC won't.
Being able to do a lan party with a console was pretty awesome.
Started okay, then red rings. Then the Kinect.
Get out.
>PS3 was better in the long run
all the multiplats ran better on the 360 and it had a better graphics card too.
(PS3 was only good for the JAP imports)
>Demon's Souls
>Little Big Planet 1 and 2
>Infamous 1 and 2
>Uncharted 1-3 (1 is a bit on the rough spot tho admittedly)
>God of War III
>Killzone 2 and 3
>3D Dot Game Heroes
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Infamous 1 and 2 + Festival of Blood
>The Last of Us (This is a good game, no matter what Sup Forums says)
>Dragon's Crown
>Terrible console
You're an idiot.
crossbuy, crossplay, game streaming etc.
But windows 10 is shit anyway. The main reason I got an xbox one was so I can stop worrying about Windows.
360 was good, the others are shit, other than the original xbox having halo 2 and few other great titles.
KEK its funny, how now uncharted and mgs4 are considered good games... ps3 was shit, stop deluding yourself.
> 2017
> no OG Xbox emulator yet.
why is this allowed?
I want to play Ninja Gaiden Black in 4K.
nobody cares enough
They are good games. Especially 2 and 4.
You will soon but with monkey's paw.
>Hitler started world war 2
Stopped reading there
not really, 4 is so fucking boring. theres way too much climbing which i wouldnt mind if they didn't make it piss easy
Microsoft really lost their way with the Xbone (and to be honest, the whole vidya industry)
I loved the first 2 consoles.
How the fuck are Halo/Gears/Forza considered good, it's basically Madden/Call of Duty levels of rehashing, actually CoD changes it up more and every change 343 made has been detrimental like a desperate attempt to gain new fans
>le 360 only had halo/gears/forza may may
today.... they will learn. this isnt even including all the underrated as fuck xbla titles it got. just face it man, 360 won.
>actually CoD changes it up more
>crossbuy, crossplay, game streaming
I get this sentiment, as comfortable couch gaming with a controller has its appeal, though I still think if you're primarily a PC gamer why not buy the console that broadens your game selection, and then buy the games that befit a couch experience on it. At this time I decide ahead of time how I want to play a game based on the type of game, and have never felt like I'd rather have it on the other.
PC/console crossplay is marketing BS since the PC will inherently have an advantage.
Leave Xbox alone!
The original Xbox and the 360 were really good consoles. I ended up enjoying my phat Xbox as much as my ps2 and the 360 was by far the best console out of the ps3/360 back in the 7th gen. Wii60 was the best combo. The Xbox one is meh compared to its predecessors but there are things to like about it.
t. Own every console since 1995 through pass downs from older siblings and ones I've bought myself
I'm not talking about 360 but NG2, Dead Rising and Shadow Complex have all released on PlayStation, the 360 basically just tried to screw over PS3 by stealing it's third party games as timed exclusives, undermining the competition might give you short term success but it's disastrous long term strategy, 360 was the first dick console, all they wanted was to steal MGS4 with the fanbase cheering them on, E3 2008 was basically just a big F U to sony, their big announcement to close the show wasn't a new game it was they stole a game from Sony, Sony stayed focused on their portfolio while Microsoft was just shutting down all their first party studios relying on third party deals, now those deals have backfired because Sony gets them with the greater install base
Now you're just moving goalposts.
And as far as the "it's also on another console made by Sony, so it should still count" argument, no. Let's say you have no playsations but really want a game that is on PS3, Vita, and PS4. Let's take Odin Sphere Lieftraiser for example.
A Vita TV console can be had for 30 bucks.
A PS4 is 10 times as much.
By moving goalpost, you neglect to realize that people (myself included) bought Vita TVs instead of PS4s because they "exclusives" are also on there, and the console is CHEEEEEEAAAAAP. I do own a PS4 ATM, but it's hard to say no to a 30 USD current gen console that is still getting games (Vita TV).
>it's play when sony does it!
wow the 360 tried to screw over their competitors?! fuck the 360 then!
no but seriously, are you retarded?
Thanks for coming up with our new slogan!
They way Microsoft did it was just sleazy backroom deals that didn't benefit the gamers, Instead of making new great games they just bought timed dlc for GTA and Call of duty while milking the shit out of halo and destroying Rare at the same time losing, closed up Fasa studios, day 1 studios, ensemble studios and many more while forcing lionhead and all their devs to make kinect games. They bought a bunch of timed exclusives that gave the illusion of strength but Xbox was not built to last, it was a facade, built on a foundation of sand
so where are the good ps3 games? oh wait there is none and all you can do is just spew this bullshit
Why do you focus on something companies do to each other all the time?You should of said "360 was the first dick console, all they wanted to do was to milk the RROD instead of fixing it from the get-go".
>it's okay when sony does it!
I never remember console hate like exists today before PS3, Microsoft rode the PS3 bandwagon like a mofo, egging their fanbase on with inflammatory remarks, they created the modern internet cancer fanboy culture
Yeah that Genesis does what Nintendont ads definitely weren't a thing, fucking idiot
Microsoft really burned me durring the tail end of the 7th gen with the kineckt train pulling out of the station full speed, the turd that was halo 4, and the generally shit press comfrences they held. That being said, I bought a ps4 this gen and sony has been trying its damndest to fuck me over alla the vita and pushing vr, whereas gears 4 on w10 is a beautiful sight.
Wow no games