What is the worst Zelda game and why?

What is the worst Zelda game and why?

Pic very related.

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all of them

Your favorite one

You posted it

That one. Wind Waker was absolute shit and I don't get why people praise it so much.

The Wind Waker

Twilight Princess

Anything that isn't a dungeon is complete shit and even then they're not all so great.

You posted it.

Because Aonuma is the ultimate casual who thinks Octoroks are too hard, has never beaten Zelda 1, and when he got his first solo directing job made a Zelda game that the right level of difficulty for him.

At least wind waker had dungeons.

>Aounuma never beat Zelda 1
Please tell me this is fake

zelda's adventure

The one you like the most is definitely utter shit.

>ITT: People who have not played all the Zelda games

Yeah, got it in 1. Wind Waker is trash.

Honestly there is no good Toon Link game. Only FSA is passable and that's only because of the "It's fun with friends" factor.

I've played all of them save Link's Awakening for some reason

He didn't get the sword and then died then didn't play it again

And Shigeru "down syndrome" Miyamoto thought it was a good idea to let him make Zelda games?

Yeah Wind Waker sadly. Too rushed.

He designed dungeons for some of the games IIRC

Koizumi was the real backbone behind Ninty's franchises anyway

You misspelled Tezuka.

>implying minish cap is bad

>implying it's good

Minish Cap is the rice cracker of Zelda.

kill yourselves

It was mediocre at best and extremely boring.

There's a lot of kids that were raised on the Gamecube that are praising Gamecube games like Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine to high hell because it was their first experience in those franchises. Can't really blame them as I used to shitpost about the N64/PS gen being the greatest.

CD ones

Those don't count


Spirit Tracks. Complete and utter garbage

It's a derivative of a derivative, do I need to explain why it's shit?

They do count
Kill yourself

Shit Tracks


You sound like a kid raised on ps3/360.

>that webm
holy fuck why is wind waker so shit

decent puzzle because I didn't count the candles on the first viewing. I look at shapes and patterns before numbers. Guess I'm retarded.

There are people on this board right now who think that WW and other Zelda games are worse than pic related. Fittingly enough pic related is mfw.

That's because not even Nintendo recognizes those games as legitimate Zelda installments. Not even a single sentence in the Hyrule Historia.

Majora's Mask and Zelda 1 are pretty mediocre. Both are too short, have lame bosses, and Zelda 1 especially has repetitive as fuck combat and level design.

Zelda II is where the series got amazing and Link to the Past is what cemented it as the GOAT

>That's because not even Nintendo recognizes those games as legitimate Zelda installments.
Who cares what Nintendo thinks? The Hyrule Historia also has Nabooru as the Fire Sage which is empirically wrong, you would know if you've ever played Ocarina of Time for more than five hours.

Just like how they forget the virtual boy and poor wiiu
That game is a legitimate, people are just fags

>Anons on this board like the Tingle games over the normal Zelda games.

the worst part of wind waker is not the sailing and not the triforce quest, it's actually the babby tier puzzles in the babby tier dungeons
sailing/exploration is the highlight imo, I look forward to it every replay

botw is the worst 3d zelda

Still a step up from OoT's.

The first three dungeons in OoT are boring slogs but I still like the other five. Dodongo's is the worst.

people generally say
>cdi games are all trash
>1 is dated and doesnt hold up
>2 is awful
>minish cap is bland
>spirit tracks and phantom hourglass suck
>triforce heroes is below average
>oracles are bad
>four swords is average
>la is overrated
gee its almost like the 2d games arent that good except lttp and lbw

What I was trying to say is that everybody knows they're complete garbage so it's already assumed that we aren't going to mention them otherwise this thread would have been pointless.
The Hyrule Historia came out when Skyward Sword was launched, I don't even think the WiiU had been announced.

>you can two shot King Dodongo with the deku sticks

Has anyone here actually played the CD-i games?

Confirmed way back in 2004:

>My first encounter with Zelda occurred in 1988 shortly after I joined Nintendo. After studying design in college, I began work designing pixel characters. At the time, I didn't have much experience playing games, and I was particularly bad at playing games that required quick reflexes. So, immediately after I started playing the original Zelda, I failed to read the movements of the Octorock in the field and my game suddenly game to an end. Even after getting used to the controls, each time the screen rolled to a new area new Octorock appeared and I thought 'am I going to have to fight these things forever?' Eventually, I gave up getting any further in the game.

6 years later:

>"I’ve never actually finished it," Aonuma told me. He elaborated:
>"I almost feel like there’s still no game more difficult than it. Every time I try to play it I end up getting 'Game Over' a few too many times and giving up partway through. Certainly after playing the original Zelda for the first time, I didn’t ever think that I wanted to make a game like that."

Just this last February:
>GI: Do you like playing the first Zelda now?
>Aonuma: I can't do it.

Added bonus: Aonuma compares Guardians to Octoroks:

>When I first played it, I couldn't defeat Octorok so I got frustrated-- they seemed huge and they were so fast.

>>oracles are bad
news to me

Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild and the Zelda games for the DS

I watched the Game Grumps play them

majoras mask


>Breath of the Wild
It was funny at first but this really has to stop before people think you're serious.

its not bad just not good

>second dungeon out of nine
>as hard all five of WW's

Really makes you think

I thought it was pretty good, only thing I wish they added was putting items like the Hookshot in the overworld.

Wind Temple is much harder honestly

nice meme, kid

I watched my cousin play it, it was horrible
Didn't even ask him to pass the control

Correct, only the Water and Forest from OoT have more complex structures.

I think you just have a terminal case of shit taste.

Where'd you get these? They look pretty cool.
Also I still think the Wind Temple is harder but I also really just hate the design of it.

>likes empty open world
>calls others 'kid'

Zelda 1, Skyward Sword, Seasons, and The Wind Waker are among the weaker Zelda games

Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and Tri-Force Heroes are all tied for worst.

Complex =/= Good.

Anyways, Forest, Spirit, and Shadow temple are all better than the Wind Temple, and the Fire Temple is arguably as well.

It's not like it really matters much, since we ALL know the real best Dungeon in all of Zelda.

Yeah the Wind Temple can be a bit confusing since it mostly takes place in that main cylinder, it's kind of like a more streamlined Water Temple actually. Also the Command Melody is kind of tedious to keep using, the graphs are from Mark Brown's dungeon analysis series from YouTube.

That "empty open world" is still better than every other Zelda overworld. Believe it's time for you to hump off the Sup Forums contrarian train.

Ehh, the Shadow Temple isn't better than anything to be quite honest.

Aonuma made wooden dolls, that reminded Miyamoto of himself.

Then he put a man that hates Zelda in charge of making Zelda games.

No, Spirit Tracks has many great qualities to it and is actually enjoyable to play
Now Phantom Hourglass on the other hand

except of course ALttP, but I figured that went without saying

>Mark Brown's dungeon analysis
Cool thanks. My biggest gripe is the giant wind cyclone in the main room and how damn near impossible it is to control Makar through it. But maybe I'm just missing some obvious mechanic idk

Everybody but you has the sense to not include these when talking about the Zelda series in good faith.

reminder minish/4swords link are not toon link
blue eyes and etc small differences

One should never forget the mistakes of the past

It's really good but incredibly flawed
I hope they fix the formula with later installments

Fuck outta here, the CD-i games OST is 10x better than BotW's.

this and majoras mask are by far the worse 3d zeldas.. 4 swords for top down... zelda 2 overall.. cdi dont count

All they need is to add giant dungeon structures to the open world and maybe fix some weapon durability issues and the game is golden to me

>Spirit Tracks has many great qualities to it and is actually enjoyable to play
No it isn't. Spirit Tracks somehow found away to be worse than Phantom Hourglass despite fixing some of the problems from Phantom Hourglass.

What about adding in various items in the overworld like in ALttP? I both liked and disliked that you got all your items on the Great Plateau, I think I would dislike it less if there were still optional items you could stumble upon in the overworld.

>Zelda 2

my nigga. eagle tower was the only dungeon i had to look up a guide for. whoever thought up the idea that you had to destroy pillars to bring the top level down to you is a fucking GENIUS!

>use screen skip glitch to cheese through dungeons
>feel like a fucking genius
>Eagle's Tower whips out its dick

I was schooled.

It's just pathetic that there are still people that insist that Majora's Mask isn't a great game.

zelda 2 is the second worse... i forgot about spirit tracks

That and have actual incentives to doing shit around the world other than Heart Containers and Stamina. I would love if they let you unlock abilities/items to traverse or interact with the world like an arrow with rope attached to it, Hookshot, or something.
Also they shouldn't restrict themselves to having every major dungeon be accessible in any order. There should have been a difficulty curve, instead of all being piss easy and repetitive as fuck.
Also that final boss was insulting

We can only go up from here really so long as they improve upon themselves

>Zelda 2

I mean BotW kinda did that, they were just breakable weapons. If you're talking about runes I see what you mean but that might cause problems with the non-linearity aspect. On second thought you DID have to find the Ice Rod before Turtle Rock so it's not like it's a bold concept.

>Zelda 2
Reminder you had to cheese Dark Link.

Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were the same, ever since like Oracle the series was designed for the mentally challenged until BotW.

>they were just breakable weapons.
Yeah I'm talking more like permanent items that enhance Link's moveset in some way. Like for example if you came across a cave in Faron, went through it and then found a chest with the Hook Shot in it. I'm not entirely sure how the Hook Shot would work in BotW but I'm still disappointed there weren't any cave systems.

How so?
And before you mention the flute being a nuisance, it varies amongst many people. From what I've seen there's a good mix of people here who found it awful or easy to use
And if referring to the train tracks constricting exploration, it isn't very good but it's not that bad either. You can unlock portals to get from place to place easier, do sidequests, etc in order to keep yourself busy whilst on the train

>Zelda 2
You don't need to cheese Shadow Link at all.

Did you even play the game? BotW is the only 3D Zelda with any sort of difficulty at all. You eventually do get a shitton of defense and health, as well as knowledge of the game mechanics, but that's all very gradual.