Launches in 16 hours what's everyone's opinion so far judging by the first looks we've gotten

Launches in 16 hours what's everyone's opinion so far judging by the first looks we've gotten

Didn't this game already launch May 24, 2016??

Thats Overwatch

Pre-ordered, played in the betas. Can't wait to play tomorrow. I'm sick of PUBG. Enforcer & harrier main here.

D.O.A game nobody asked for.

Launches as in actually releases? Where the fuck was the marketing for this game? It's not even that bad, passable at least, so what the fuck.

He was making a joke out of the game. A lame joke, but a joke nonetheless.

best game, worst marketing

vanguard / jugg / medic reporting in

Easily the best mp shooter I've played the last 10 years. The lack of attention this game is getting is criminal.

You serious? Was this game even marketed?

Assassin/Harrie main reported in.

I've never heard of it, though I'm willing to admit as with blc I might have missed something


It'll be free to play faster than Fortnite mark my words. Even then the game is pretty tough so I don't see it getting a huge player base.

Harrier? Have you tried it?

They should have done f2p with a $30 to $40 smite style "unlock all current and future characters for free" purchase.

Instead, it's going to hover around 1000 users concurrent for a week, then slowly drip down to 100.

Offline bots?

That would be said, because it plays better than anything else on the market.

yes, thoughts on harrier; Great momentum based classes with hitscan weapon to destroy Asshole Wraiths with. Really good support class that can dish out massive DMG over time. Might get a little Nerf after launcher (few weeks maybe) but nonetheless, a well thoughtout support class.

Okay just a tiny shill post.

If you haven't played this game you shouldn't write it off as an overwatch clone. It plays more like a modern unreal tournament. Barely anyone knows about this game but those who play it love it to death. It's a hidden gem this one

yeah, like Toxikk.

Not trying to be a debbie downer but this user is right >it's going to hover around 1000 users concurrent for a week, then slowly drip down to 100.

Game is going to die real quick.

>Barely anyone knows about this game
This is how any online multiplayer shooter dies. See: GunZ 2. It was REAL fun when the game became waiting in a 15 minute queue for a match just to end up with the same group of people you were with last time, with maybe 1 different player because there were only 10 people playing at that point in time.

The game requires too much skill and so will die a quick death. Go for mass appeal or forget about it.

Cool. I don't trust my hitscan-fu yet but I'm looking forward to trying it out. New maps looks amazing. Where you over at bosskey or something?

The characters are ass ugly. Seriously, they're so fucking lame. And the combat is just boring.

or Reflex.

never heard of it, what's it do?

I liked what I played of the open beta but idk if I'd buy it

Yes, i was """invited""" to the event, saw Frothy and got fucked by him in-game. All in all, you'll enjoy the game when it releases today.
You must be a console plebeian. Or you just are slow as fuck when playing the game and dragging your team down with you. Please go back to playing OW or CoD.

I think we get the idea. There is little faith in this game.

Meanwhile I haven't been this hyped for an fps since the orange box.

It was OK but nothing to write home about

>characters are ass
Imo some are meh, and some are cool as fuck

>the combat is just boring.
yeah nah not even close.

I fucking loved it! LESS THAN 2 DAYS I'm hyped!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to play it on my Nintendo Switch.
It's coming out on the Switch....right?

game sucks
CliffyB should just make another Jazz Jackrabbit

>Can't even afford a PS4 or PC
The door is to the left, poorfag. Dont let it hit you on the way out.

>game sucks
>gives not justification on why it """sucks"""

>Looks okay maybe I'll look it up
HAHAHAHAHAHA no. This game is dead already.

>since a game company I dont like publishes said game i don't like it
>hasn't even played it
And this is why Sup Forums can't be a discussion board anymore.

>not maining gunslinger and dominating low gravity zone for your team while asassins and that guy with a knife fucks around and think they are hot shit genji wannabe's

It's fucking NexonNA. The game is already worded as if they're planning a transition to F2P nickel and dime bullshit. The only good thing they're doing is grandathering early adopters to not have to deal with that bullshit when it happens.

From what I have seen it's dead on arrival.

>Jesus christ another moba lite arena shooter.

These niggers release another one every week now.

Gonna get either this or Titanfall 2, I need some fast paced FPS though.

Not like I need to justify it, I'm just not gonna buy it and that's that. Hope you have fun with your game.

Skill curve will scare a lot of players who play character shooters.

>server is US East
>main menu says 81 ping
>in game get 400+ ping
iss a gud gaem

There are no MOBA elements. It is an objective based team shooter. Like UT2k4. Flag assault, onslaught, etc all under new names. Loadouts are character bound. I wouldn't even put it in the same category as Overwatch either since team composition doesn't matter, just skill. Also there is no "hero locking" system. You can have 5 enforcers if you want.

It looks pretty fun but I don't have a system capable of playing it so I'm going to shitpost on Sup Forums to try to ensure that no one can enjoy what I don't.

Ho, so just like OverQuake.

>team composition doesn't matter, just skill
Then what does it come down to when skill is normalized? Hint: Team comp

why do all of epics games looks so fucknig ugly? i mean from an art style perspective, the characters all look like they vape

Lawbreakers is what you get when a bunch of low grav pub players in UT get together to make a scrub video game.

have you even played the game? you can 1v3 literally any class with any class if you have the skills. this is not overwatch. you dont need a tank, a medic etc. if you are a better player you will win with the medic against the l33t dps class 1v1 100% of the time.

My GOTY this year tbqhwyf

Medic + Enforcer
I gotchu MVP, man

Played the beta for half an hour, was hyped by the trailers, lost any interest after

Best online shooter of the decade.

Titanfall if you are ok with the CoD TTK, this if you want something new.

UE4 is very limiting in terms of character design. You need high budget to make hair and body detals look good. That why every game hides people behind a space armor.

It is boring as shit and has nothing unique about it. If you think otherwise, holy shit you need to check your standards.

Also, expect f2p in six months.

Cliff, please leave

its not even that my man the armour looks gay as fuck too, everything about the "attitude" looks stupid as shit. overwatch looks like watered down pixar's CGI but at least it's not the game equivalent of a fedora.

Played for about an hour at E3. It's fun if you're bored. Not terrible or anything though.

>for an hour
If you find it fun in just an hour, you can't imagine how addictive it is when you master it.

>you can't like games in my Sup Forums

Liking a game and claiming some bland mediocre hero shooter is the best shooter of the decade, are different things you ridiculous shillfag.

It's very different than pretty much every other recent shooter as it's not really team focused despite having classes. Characters are better than others in certain situations but there really aren't any classes that counter others or depend on other classes.
Unlike Overwatch, Paragon, Paladins, et cetera, it's entirely possible for someone to carry their team and effectively win a match on their own. There won't be anyone getting angry about off meta picks or some shit.

It's also a lot faster paced. If you have a good handle on your classes' movement options, then several of them can make it from your goal to the middle of the map in about 5 seconds

i clicked in to this thread just now and thought the image looked similar to overwatch too.

I just checked and saw it was made by Nexxon, no wonder it looks cookie cutter.

Did they fix performance since closed some months back?
I remember it ran like ass and lagged out the ass so much my friend stopped trying even though he liked it.

Is zero-g movement good? I remember I couldn't get used to it in the few hours I had time to put it.

I didn't like how all the guns felt so weak at long range, and the game has no soul as an IP, generic as fuck. Despite the weapons feeling a bit off, I think the gameplay design is decent, but I wish the maps were more complex. Dunno if I'll go for it now since I started playing Gigantic instead after trying the beta.

Poor marketing, this is only the second time I've seen a thread about this come up in the span of a few months.
Also: Have they nerfed Wraith yet?

I'm truly baffled that people can find that fun.

I've seen a few recently seeing as it's coming up, but yeah there's basically nothing which is very bad, if it can't build momentum it'll just be forgotten. You could make a case for shilling though since apparently the few people who played it are in.

it's like classic wow pvp crossed with a hero shooter, it's great. the art style is amazing too.

Honestly the game had massive problems with movement and balancing last time I played it. Even after playing it for ~60 hours in the betas everything and everyone felt like they were moving in cream and the blitzball gamemode was broken as SHIT.

Name a better multiplayer shooter launched in the past 10 years, then.

It works for me ;^)

Low-g movement is amazing, you just have to figure out how to keep and create momentum. The game is challenging because it actually has 2 movement systems.

Yes, Wraith is even worse now.

>Problems with movement
Dude, I can't believe that after 60~hours you haven't figured up how to go fast and keep that momentum.

Gonna be a flop/DOA. One of the worst games to come out riding the hero shooters meme train. Quake Champions is even going to be more successful.

>Have they nerfed Wraith yet?
They knocked him down a couple pegs but he's still kinda ridiculous in capable hands
90% of my deaths didn't consist of wraith in the last beta so that's a good sign

the movement just really takes some getting used to. the only class I remember to blindfire in lowgrav with with is Titan.
Blitzball is still the worst mode though. Jugg is absofuckinglutely required for it

the movement looks nice but i can't fucking stand hero shooters and their weapon systems

>not blindfiring with Enforcer or Battle Medic
Dude, what.

They can't really lower Wraith anymore than he is right now. A Titan can already demolish him with 2 rockets.

What does weapon system mean? Having weapons on the characters?

Let me rephrase
I played almost nothing except Titan
Enforcer even being my least played

the main gimmick of zero g kinda sucks, mostly because of the controls, why does space/ctrl not make you go up and down?

Oh boy cant wait for more brown n bloom shooters! Why can't Cliff ever get into a GOOD art style?

yes, spawning with all the equipment

also the constant cries for buffs/nerfs and balance patches changing 500 things a week
fuck hero shooters

>Gonna be a flop/DOA.
No shit.
>One of the worst games to come out riding the hero shooters meme train
Except it's more fun than all of them barring TF2 and Quake Champions
>Quake Champions is even going to be more successful.
Because it's QUAKE. Even though the performance for that game is even worse than this game, it's still quake and that's a name people know about.
Meanwhile this game that got shitall for marketing. It showed up at E3 two times and almost nowhere else

Do you think regular shooters don't have constant cries for buffs and nerfs? Or any multiplayer game for that matter? That's just the state of the industry dude. And it's not totally unjustified. Very few developers have balanced a game correctly the first time

Except it does.

no it doesn't i even checked for keybinds, you have to look where you want to move

>he thinks regular shooters don't get buffs and nerfs
It's time to go to bed, grampa.

Just blindfire to ascend/descend easily, dude.

I know but i hate how it feels, its fucknig shit to look away from a target to move your character


Damn kids and their internet patches, back in my days everyone used the exact same three weapons and we liked it that way!

You call this neon clusterfuck brown?