Are you winning, son?

>are you winning, son?

do people actually fall for these

I wish there were good porn games.

>Thats a pretty sexy game son
>Better bend over son, daddies a little pent up
>Yes dad
>Oh fuck yeah boy, youve got such a tight ass
>Daddy loves fucking your tight little ass

Literally my teen years

D-do you want to talk about it user?

False advertising.

I know that pose

So did you enjoy those times?

did you wing though

I bet you really love bulls.

What is that game even about?

Is it a generic civ clone?

>mom walks in

sauce me nigga

This looks like the shit ads from porn sites

>Found a WiiU laying on grass along they way to work
>Haven't touches it since

No news about a kid killing his mom for throwing out the damn thing, so everything turned out alright.

that pic is barely 12+. It's one of those "your GF must not know you play this game" add, right?

Wait a minute, the one on the right

Holly shit how that flew under the ESRB/Nintendo radar?


Those ads are the worst and are part of the problem in men today. If anything girls would take great interest in knowing you like porn games and think better of you for not being a stuttering bitchboi about your tastes.

Nintendo basically told them to make it as they normally would. There's even a story it there that they told Platinum they preferred the more revealing version of the Peach/ Daisy costume as it "fit the game better".

Regarding the ESRB, that's the optional superboss. Chances are, nobody actually made it that far.

It's a family tradition, right user?

Depends on just how insecureyou like your women. That said, out of the women i know (mostly in their 20s) a good chunk don't mind or prefer if you're open about it.

As long as you arent a creep obviously.

>As long as you arent a creep obviously.
And that's where it all falls apart. Because "creep" is completely arbitrary and meaningless.

Is she fapping?

The one on the right looks straight out of a Slaaneshi cult. Her loincloth his held on by piercings into her hips.

This is my fetish.

Do I have to be over 25 to handle the sexy?

No, nigga. Her butt hurts after the rough anal rape.

I'm pretty sure the ESRB doesn't actually play games and just watch samples of the most risqué content, could be wrong though

ESRB does play games but Nintendo also need to show them the most violent/risque content in the game

the game is rated m for extreme violence, language, sexuality, alcohol/tobacco, nudity, etc

There is nothing left to even put on the label

is bayonetta passable emulation wise on cemu yet?

>mfw gay people lie about their orientation not being the result of sexual abuse

Taco Beeellllll for lunch!

>Bayo is canonically not pure


>this will never be real

It's playable from beginning to end but the graphics flicker and audio skip is still present just drastically reduced.

my dad bought me shadow the hedgehog and watched me play it
it was weird

>there will never be a game about managing your Slaaneshi sex cult

Sengoku Rance

You're a creep if you're ugly.

Honestly, this.