Sup Forums how do you clear a backlog of long ass games its mostly jrpg games does that make it impossible?
Sup Forums how do you clear a backlog of long ass games its mostly jrpg games does that make it impossible?
First, stop fucking lying to yourself. If you play a game for about 3 or 4 hours and then put it down, you probably don't like that game and should just sell/remove the game from your list.
Second: Your attention span needs addressing. You've been posting on Sup Forums which updates at the speed of sound, probably with 12+ tabs open. Stop this. This is giving you onset ADD. Open only one tab at a time. Learn to force yourself to play the game longer. Ignore rule one to do so.
Three: If you hate a game but are only curious to how it ends, stop playing it and just look it up on youtube.
There, I cut out like 75% of your list and gave you motivation to clear the rest. You're welcome.
>Step 1: Stop playing your backlog
>Step 2: Play your backlog, ignore step 1
>Step 3: Look up game endings on Youtube
No, you didn't help, retard
by playing the fucking games instead of posting on Sup Forums about how you're not playing games
>Assuming everyone is on summer break
I'm not exactly blasting through my games at work summerfag
Then stop being a faggot and just enjoy playing vidya instead of thinking of it like some fucking chore.
Who called it a chore?
you're bad at giving advice. please don't do it again.
Why are you worrying about "clearing a backlog" if you don't feel like it's something you have to do? Having games to play is only a good thing if you aren't some turbo autist who's just concerned with clearing as many games as he can for the sake of clearing them.
>Wants to play through the games they bought
Look at the brain on this one