Dare I say?
Freedom Planet thread?
Dare I say?
Freedom Planet thread?
When does the damn sequel come out?
And they better keep the green cat clenching her bike between her thighs.
just girls doing girl things
I better fucking hope thats a (male).
fucking finally, a freedom planet thread
>Freedom Planet thread
>get hopefuly for Milla's campaign
>hope it'll finally answer some stuff about her and help me like her character
>her level is just the most arbitrary filler shit imaginable
>the style it uses could have easily been used for a special level when she busts out of prison briefly only to be recaptured (they actually use the sewer background for the cutscene)
>she doesn't even get to fight the final boss
Hopefully the sequel won't feel quite as full of holes.
Best girl
How is she the best? She feels like such an irrelevant side character shoe-horned in only to have her be the moral focus of the ending out of nowhere for no particular reason.
She's just a useless character with no explanation.
I never played this game but I think the dog girl is absolutely adorable.
She's the best because she's adorable
That's literally it. No other reason.
Wait, this is not a sonic game but it is a sonic game if sonic was a girl?
And yet Carol is both
>Has more personality
>has a reason to take part in the events
>doesn't require the game to gimp itself mechanically for her levels
Carol has spunk, Milla is the tryhard version of cute where they overdo the sap to the point where the character just turns into farce.
godtier taste
>How is she the best?
You won't find floppier ears
Post best stages
Mine is Pangu Lagoon
I liked the speedrun at SGDQ. Flad's movement with Lilac was immaculate.
It'd be awesome to see a GDQ run both FP1 and FP2 together one day.
Still need to beat the first game. Fort about half way and quit. The story really made me roll my eyes way to many times