So this game is essentially half life 1 with horror elements, right?

So this game is essentially half life 1 with horror elements, right?

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Did HL1 had gameplay revolving around slow-mo you underrage fuck ?


So this game is essentially HL1 + slow motion right?

Have you even played either game?


hl1 didn't invent the fps

No. This is if you took Japanese horror and mixed it with the over the top gunfights of a John Woo film. It has nothing at all in common with Half-Life other than the fact that it has a research factory, shady government secrets, and is a first person shooter.

I don't really know how you came to the train of thought you are even on.

Psychic Rape.

That really was a big theme with these games wasn't it when you really look back at the first 2 games.


Whatever it is, it's an excellent game. One of my favorites.
The expansions and sequels all suck.

When you think about it? Yeah, pretty much. More literal in the 1st case because at least she was alive when it happened.

Second one? Full on psychic rape.

F.E.A.R 2 was fun, but not anywhere close to being amazing like the first one. Extraction Point might be even better than the stand alone game. But hey, I don't want to argue. I totally agree 3 and Perseus Mandate were not very good.

Yes. I agree.

its not even scary and its some of the most fun you'll get out of a shooter along with top notch combat AI

>[Post a Reply]
It honestly had some really tense moments, and is a better showcase of jump scares, but I agree, most of the time it's just a spooky little girl walking behind you and laughing, and zombie peoples shadows.

And you are God damned right about it being one of the funnest shooters you can play, and the A.I. is so enjoyable to fight agains't

Perseus Mandate and Extraction point are both still tonnes of fun, if not a little retarded at times. Extraction point sucks once it introduces supernatural enemies. Agreed that FEAR 2 and 3 suck though.

no its fucking not

Hey Perseus Mandate has Steve Blum which is pretty cool.

Haha, wait guys! I get it! OP is pretending to be retarded! Haha man that jojo reference, us 4channers, huh?

>you poses a question
>people replies to your question with his opinion
>post a condescending picture and does nothing to contribute towards the discussion


It has literally nothing in common with HL design-wise, outside of being a shooter.

Fear is a weird beast. It has god awful level design, pretty graphics but hideous art direction, completely silly story, fucking TERRIBLE pacing, literally no challenge what so ever, gimmicky mechanic that honestly was not interesting even back in Max Payne, insufferable characters, three-weapon limit, and the A.I. is actually insanely predictable and might as well be hard-scripted in... But it's still weirdly fun.
It's definitely a lot more fun than it has ANY right to be.
Which seems to be a running theme with Monolith, honestly. Just thinking of Shogo, of how utterly awful the design of that game was, how ugly it was and still, how much fun I had with it.

Fuck me, now I want Shogo 2.

Monolith is easily one of my favorite game companies, solely because they understand how to make a big dumb Hollywood film in the form of a video game.

But HL1 has a bunch of horror elements

Honestly, that is very true. Half-Life managed to scare and unnerve me the first time I played it, so I honestly have to agree.

So this game is essentially Quake with demons right?

tfw never completed FEAR because it was too spooky for me
The bits I did play were fantastic though.

Shadow of Mordor is one of the worst games that I have ever played in my entire life.

Honestly, anytime a horror game gives me a gun, and I really want to play it, I always think of this quote. Maybe it will help you too? I want you to be able to play through it, as it gets pretty darn great. Best of luck to you!

Maybe I should have said their older games then, as I have not gotten to play Shadow of Mordor yet, but I have hear good things about it. I really love their older stuff such as Blood 2, Shogo, No One Lives Forever, and Alien Vs. Predator 2.

B-b-but Alma doesnt bleed.

But if I remember correctly, she also can't hurt you (aside from a few select moments if memory serves me correctly).

She does though in her real form.


Pretty much my opinion except I think bullet time is very interesting in Max Payne because both your and enemy bullets are projectiles so you need to dodge their shots and also lead yours. In FEAR it's just there to let you devastate the clones in even more ridiculous ways, like kicking them in the face etc.

>being afraid of your lolimom

I expected joke about Alma's period. Oh well.

F.E.A.R had some of the best lighting I have ever seen in a game.

Okay, that's all god n shit. But tell me, why do people pretend to dislike FEAR 2?

Simple is good.

Oh I love F.E.A.R 2, my only major problem with it was the lack of an overall story.

I like Fear 2 and even I see why people dislike it.

>make COD clone
>remove 90% of the cool guns
>remove all the features that make FEAR 1/expacs good
>add bullet time

that's FEAR 2 in a nutshell, the only good thing that came out of it is the hot as fuck alma and ghostrape ending.

Hot Damn son, that is some hot ghost girl action...

I can see flaws of FEAR 2. But it is nowhere close to a bad or boring game. It is above decent game.
Compared to FEAR 1 you mean? FEAR 1 story wasn't that good and FEAR 2 story isn't bad.

I love Fear 2 story because of how ridiculously bleak it is. All the people you meet die horribly and nothing you do accomplishes any good. And it's set in the middle of a ghost apocalypse.

F.E.A.R 2's story wasn't "bad", it just wasn't really there for me. And I personally thought the story in the first game was actually pretty darn good for what it all was.

Look at that slut. She's all over you like free pizza at an anime convention

No, it's good.

I honestly lost my head a little because you made that reference.

I like both games on the same level. So you guys do like FEAR 2 or not?

I like them both for different reasons, I guess.

kek. Also I just remembered this video too.
Not them but I love FEAR 2 but the foxtrot 813 DLC was ok. It was just something extra to play.

Snake Fist was the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved...

That video was golden by the way.

/v is not a single mind

I thought Fear is okay, boring story, boring environments, but with fun gunplay.
I didn't really use slow mo because it didn't game the challenging, exactly the opposite.

First expansion was okay, second was better than the original game.

Fear 2 was shit, it was a weird mix of cod and fear1. AI was shit, enemies were shit, the gunplay was shit. (often taking up to 3 shotgun shells to kill a basic enemy standing next to you)

I thought i was gonna hate fear 3, after I played the second one, and to my surprise, the game was fun af. It did feel like a cod game, but the weapons were fun, and environments and level design was way better then it's predecessors.

Not at all, it's more about combat than story telling like the HL series. Also the AI seems really smart and satisfying to fight

>/v is not a single mind
I didn't imply otherwise.
>Fear 2 was shit
So you dislike second game because it is gameplay worse than 1? What exactly did you like in third game? For me it doesn't make sence that you like FEAR 3

This is the most pointless post itt please end your life

The only thing the original Fear was good at was gunplay.
Weapons were satisfying to use.
From particle effects, screen shaking, light, ragdolls, and overall all weapons had a different feel.
Either it's turning enemies into a mist with the shotgun or turning them into skeletons with snipers, all weapons made you feel good.

Fear2's weapons had none of that.
All weapons just felt weak.

Fear 3 had fun and powerful weapons.
Simple as that.

no, it was like skyrim
with guns

>Played 2 on PS3
>Glitched out and let me spin my head like an owl first time seeing rape ending

>Different, annoying protagonist
>No leaning
>Replica voices suck now
>Entire game spent fighting lameass ATC forces

How was Becket Annoying? He was almost the complete same thing as the Point Man...

>mfw I thought she was beating me while I was strapped to the chair
>mfw I only realized it was rape when the dude said alma raped him in the second game

I was too innocent

just hurts to see how lazy and uncreative devs are today

But he wasn't Point Man. That's annoying to me.
On that note, does anyone else miss the late-90's/early-00's design that F.E.A.R. had? Everything looks so turn of the millennium I can't help but think of it nostalgically.