Fallout: NEVADA english translation released before yesterday!!!

Fallout: NEVADA english translation released before yesterday!!!


It's a Fallout mod, in the veins of 1.5 Resurrection.

It's MUCH BIGGER (think bigger than FO2), with supposedly superb lore, happening before FO1.


Legit link with nice instructions inside:

Link to 1.5 Resurrection:

FALLOUT 1.5: RESURRECTION; FALLOUT: NAVADA (maybe Fallout 1 and 2) discussion thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



No love for original Fallout games?

Looks interesting. I’ll definitely have to check this out tomorrow

I can just ever get into them. I wanna get into them but those crpgs I can just never get over the starting hurdle of getting immersed in them. I've tried FO1, Shadowrun, that Tyranny and path of exile(?), Undertail and Wasteland. Character building puts me off cause I'm always thinking I've fucked myself outta something or built wrong for how I'll actually end up playing

Is it true open world, or Fallout 1, & 2 open world?

>it's in russian

why are those ruskies so good at hacking and modding the original fallouts

Well I do love me some ye olde Fallout. Is everything there or I do need to look out FO1/2 on top of this?

Anyone know any good mods for fallout 2?

Fallout 2 Restoration Project

Fallout 1.5: Resurrection
Fallout: Nevada?

they've got nothing better to do

Not sure I understand your question bro.

Fallout 2 is needed for 1.5.

Fallout Nevada is standalone (included in the googledrive link).

Well, being from Poland myself, I must say we slavic ppl have a strange fondness for the postapocalyptic / cold war / slighlty post-commie cynical sense of dark humour.

All the STALKER mods (not counting the game itself), all dem Fallout 1,2 mods etc.

Also, we mostly grew up on oldschool PC gaming.

Lol, just play with what you've built.

Part of the immersion. There's not really a way of getting yoruself fucked.

Poles are sub-human monkeys

Suck my kurwa.

What did the soviets do to you little Polski


you'll probably have more success with it on /vr/

i played 1.5 res a lot, best rpg i played in years desu senpai

how do you like underrail? just wondering

i like it but fallout is better to me, underrail better combat, fallout better story/characters/atmosphere/etc..


Poles aren't Africans though. Sure they aren't as good as us Anglo's, but they're still a cut above the majority.

It's incredibly hard to fuck up character building in Fallout. Some guy here managed to complete it with 1 Agility (aka 1 action point) just through pure spite and drug abuse

Well that answered it anyway, cheers

Loved underrail, did not finish - waiting on starting again once the expansion gets released.

Felt more Stalkerish than falloutish; still awesome in its own rights.

I beg to differ, kind Sir.
Poland was stronk way before the Anglos.

Too bad WW2/Commies got the best of us.

Polish aren't a race, You're either a German, or a Slav.

>charges Panzer tanks horse back

Actually, we descent from Sarmatians.


myth: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_at_Krojanty

>It's just a myth, we totally didn't charge tanks horse back

>1920x1080 option
>interface doesn't scale

>Some guy here managed to complete it with 1 Agility (aka 1 action point) just through pure spite and drug abuse
Fuck I vaguely remember that first thread but I had no idea he stuck with it.

>4k resolution
>Shrinks the steam UI

>he don't know about polish steel that could cut tanks in half
yare yare kurwa

>english translation 0.1

It's been fine so far. Only untranslated stuff I've noticed has been the intro, one unimportant box in the character creation and what I'm assuming is sorting options in the inventory. The notification window, dialogue and that are all english