Grimoire Thread

Grimwah, it's better than we ever imagined it could be lads. Everything Cleve promised and more. Not enough mascara for the tears of joy being cried around the world.
Discussion continued from

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What do I do in the shrine of raptors in the room with the empty sarcophagi?

Another user told me I can go in here to cure all my ailments but I suspect I must solve this. That, or I am missing a secret hidden button I have not found yet.

why in god's fucking name is it impossible to roll anything above 28 with 4d8? is 28 bonus points on the party good enough?

Place the owl statue in the sarcophagus

>Owl statue
I d-don't have one of those

Has anybody found any recruitable NPCs other than Little Rosy so far?

The monk and crowl wants to join you. I'm not sure what class he is but I didn't recruit anyone.

monk in crowl**

That's more than enough. Remember later on you can change your class to the advanced ones. Don't worry too much about rolls as long as they are above 23. It's not that important.

How to kill the rude dudes and the snake in the first dungeon? I guess I just need to grind for a bit?


Just make sure you have a sage with charm and a bard with sleep. Stun lock him and keep him out of the fight.

Adding to my post

Where do I get the owl statue?

Did you bought the game?

Not him but I bought it, worth every penny. I'm actually having fun in a video game.

You find it in the shrine of the raptors in a hole in the wall. Press space bar to grab it.


>Warrior - Good frontliner, can don any armor (depends on race still, however), starts with boost in most melee weapon, but that's the limit. Outclassed later on by Smiths.
>Berserker: Access to berserk skill and similar in feat. to Warrior, but mostly uses axes/scimitar weapons. Berserk is best conjoined with sleep at the end of the round, to negate its detrimental effect to the party.
>Templar: Meant to be secondary class later on, but can be accessed immediately with Durandil and good roll (30+). Not recommended due to Durandil's con to only wear special gear. Mix of Warrior with Cleric spellbook.
>Cleric: Obvious healer with good buffing spells. Templars and Bards get access to their spells later on, and there is also a Cleric companion you may obtain early on, so I suggest to skip this.
>Necromancer. Niche caster with unique spellbook and Raise Dead. Pretty shite early on, but proven to be of much fun as your spellbook expands. Vamphyr seems to be the only ones to reach a good roll to unlock at party creation.
>Wizard: Nuke caster with destructive magic later on, good to have early if you wanna skip Sage and/or Thaumaturge. Bards have access to their spellbook, so it's really up to you.
>Sage: Recommended class for their utility spells and Detect Secret. Has skills such as Rob, Mythology, etc... I skipped it as your first companion Little Rosie does every of these but better regardless.
>Thaumaturge: Rosie's class. Very powerful elemental spells at their disposition. Spellbook accessible by Thieves and Ranger later on.
>Bard: do NOT take this class if you don't wanna cheese through the game. Bard in this version are sleep/charm machines, with combined access to Cleric AND Wizard spellbook starting from level 3. If you wanna make your life very easy, take a bard, find a sleep/charm instrument and only increase his speed.

Is it worth the forty USD?

do you think he deserve the money?
After all you get to the famous turtle.

>Ranger: Shooter with high scout. Bows and Arrows are rare early on making them quite useless, but they become killing machines once you stock up on projectiles, and skill up their special one-shot. Access to Thaumaturge spellbook later on.

>Thief: Good to have for lockpicking and backstab (Successfully hide in combat then attack next round). Functions are easily replaced by the Knock-knock spell and another nuker/serker. Stealth can be powerlevelled just like Instruments for bard early on.
>Metalsmith: Warrior but better, with ability to forge items. This feature hasn't been fully implemented according to Cleve however.
>Jester: Unlockable. Similar to bard with access to more spellbooks
>Assassin: Unlockable. Upgrade from thief with lethal blows.
>Pirate: Unlockable. Also has lethal blows.

There's a bandit caught in a sticky situation in a dungeon. God knows how he got in considering the things you need to do to get in yourself, but if you rescue him he'll join up.

Why are these games called blobbers?

How come sometimes it takes a couple turns before the game will let me target enemies in further rows?

You need longer range weapons

>You find it in the shrine of the raptors in a hole in the wall. Press space bar to grab it.

The only "interactable" hole I can find in shrine of raptors is in the room you start in. I click it/press space and nothing happens. No owl.


I say so. I can't put this game down. The basic gameplay loop is incredible, finding secrets, investigating areas, mind reading npcs to figure out information. Charming an npc and stealing all their shit they are selling. This is a really good and competent DRPG.

If you like the genre then you won't be dissapointed.
24+ is top 10% (one in 10 rolls)
25+ is top 6% (one in 19-20 rolls)

You will see the owl on the wall, it's not hidden. Also there's a secret wall in there, press space on walls to find secrets.

No like I'll try to cast a spell, but it it'll only let me target the first row, then the second turn it'll make me redo the action and I can select the other rows.

I pirated the game and I don't plan to play it.

To start arguments in these threads and annoy autists.

Both enemy parties and your own have ranks, that's why the top two characters in your group get attacked the most. Certain abilities and weapons can reach distant ranks.


i pirated it and played it until the catacombs.
Then i fell strange and bought the game
Never happened to me , i literally pirate all my pc games but for some reason this was different.

This seems to be the only owl statue I can find? Pressing space on this doesn't do anything. Also in pic is the extent to which I have explored the shrine map. Maybe I am just blind, but I can't see owls other than this one.

Sometimes actions can get a little confused on the first turn of combat if they're 'remembered' from a previous combat. Try switching it to a different option, selecting that, then switching back. Also try clicking the square that shows the number of which rank you're targeting to change it manually.

Hell right I do, use to play little gems like these no one has seen before, never tried a M&M type game tho.


I hope this meme continues on it's so cute

It's a tiny little item, its like a little figurine. I don't remember but I think you are close to it. Either that or I spawned with it when I started the game. Look for it in your inventory.

Thanks, I'll try that next time.

You haven't found the passage to the lower floor with the Oracle.
Cast Detect Secrets with a Sage.
Use the Owl Figurine on the empty ledge near the exit ladder.
Or you can identify & use the map from the dead adventurer to reveal the map.

Your party isn't represented on the porthole (game world screen) and can't go off and do seperate things. They move and fight as if they were one blob.
Reminder that the leading developers of the genre call their work blobbers (pic related) and so should you.

So what is this trash looking game and why are people bumming it?

Fuck off kid, sapes like yourself who have never played Wizardry or any DnD rpg won't like it. Just leave the thread because it's way too complex for your puny sape mind.

>Or you can identify & use the map from the dead adventurer to reveal the map.

I have done that now, and still cannot find my way into the newly revealed area (I assume I need to put the owl in the hole) but I still can't find the owl. I don't have it in my inventory, and I'm not sure where to get it.

can bards get lockpick at any point? I'm going for 7 members with 1 spot open to recruit someone, but that means I have no thief. Would it be worth it to cut my necromancer (who is only there to raise dead my aeorb sage if he dies) for the thief?

Press spacebar on walls to find the secret switch.

Is cheesing a viable strategy in this game?

has anyone successfully made an assassin? are the classes completely fucking random

Does anyone know the exact bonuses and deductions to ability scores and resistances attached to each race?

You get raise dead in crowl which is after the first dungeon. But you can learn lockpicking with bard. Any class can learn it, so just make the bard your primary lockpicker.

This is my current map. I am positive I have pressed space on every single wall that connects to the unexplored area that was revealed on the dead explorers map.

>bard is viable in a game
>"don't play this cheese cheating class"

You have to get a 29+ or so on roll to pick it. But you don't need to pick it right away, at level 10 you get advanced classes and can change a thief to assassin.

If you started the game in Sanctuary (overlooking the cliff)

It should be the first item in the party inventory bar.

Not sure if you can get access to this area otherwise. It's the perk of starting here.

That's just what I wanted to do with a bard anyway, thanks

The wall is right there by the exit, look at the opening on the map.

This seems accurate.

Are metalsmiths really worth it over a warrior?

It's a prestige class you can switch to at level 10, not something you should try to roll a level 1 character for. If you do get the roll they'll be very weak at level 1.

Clicking/pressing space here (on the wall you're talking about) does nothing.

I didn't start there, and I didn't start with an owl statue

Up to you if you wanna play it. But bards are much more than viable.

The get Lethal Blow too don't they?

So yes. Warriors are always a bit generic.

Shit man that's where you would put the owl. I don't think you can continue there. Sorry man.

Can someone please link the Mega link for Grimoire? I'm not paying 40 bucks for this shit.



I think it was in the last thread, I didn't save it.!YzIAXIaI!s1nnCteu-E9amVhFeuJZD-gJF03sqRDwL59pEuTkBt0

Have fun

Fuck off sape. Enjoy your virus and spyware in your free download without the latest patches kek. Cleve is distributing the pirated copy so you can get cyber AIDS.


yeah it's insane how broken bards are

what was cleve thinking

i am glad the 40$ price exist
This is your average faggot customer
He will drop the game after beating the lich , maybe before mark my words.

Who would be cucked enough to buy the game and then make sure they keep uploading the latest versions for all the sapes to mock from the peanut gallery? I wish Cleve could find whoever is doing this and nuke him from orbit.

He won't even make it to the first dungeon. He's a retard who will literally be complaining about bugs in 30 minutes.

That's not the latest version.

Inspect bushes, acquire apples.
Or use leeches. Or grind to unlock spells that'll cure your ailments.
You could also be a faggot and cheat the owl into your inventory

Late enough for me

Honestly they aren't really that broken, it seems that way in early game but it just allows for a single CC'r with some spells for support.

My sage has the silence lute and my bard has the charm lute. Enemies can still fuck you up completely even with that especially when they start resisting stuff like that.

>mark my words


It's slightly out of date since it's

Latest is atm:

Cleve's changes seems to be breaking other aspects like the encounter rate or introducing crashes.

Hope it's not 20 years worth of spaghetti code :X

Cleve is collecting IPs from everyone who downloads for a lawsuit, if you think this won't happen, good fucking luck in court.

Fuck off sape.

He said he only playtested it in the hardest mode.
tis not even the most broken thing, you'll get some thaumaturge spell later on that can hit the 1K damage cap.

They rarely resist once your bard hits 100 instruments, which really doesn't take long. Even bosses are affected by it. Also if you managed to find their off-hand instrument, or the nirvana flute, you basically win the game.

this is not some scumbag SJW AAA dev, don't priate it

Cleve has earned that money

Thanks user. Metalsmiths probably do some cool things. Codex will know.

I already updated and not even one single crash. And the encounter rate is the same. I haven't had one bug like that since I bought the game on day one.

Bosses can be effected by it but some resist mesmer effects even with 100 music.

I've been reporting these faggots putting mega links and nothing. I thought it was illegal to share those kinds of links on Sup Forums?

>Hope it's not 20 years worth of spaghetti code
Why else do you think it took him 20 years?

It's a message about the power of music to bring people together

You thought wrong, faggot.
Where the hell do you think you are?

Enjoy your ban retard.

Let them download it, I already have seen the file with literal bitcoin miners and other malicious software. It's glorious.

this game has real life magic or something
If you really like the game you will pay for it
Just happened to me
If you are a sape you will play maybe 5 hours and then get bored.
I pirate 99% of my games yet i only finish 10% of them.

Go home codex man

go back

My characters shit is fucked up. I can't even "use" with him because it says he is in no condition. Guessing I need to temporarily "relieve" him some more first? (He does have some paralysis)

Codexers are legit worse than redditors jesus christ

He's right honestly, you have to be a serious loser to pirate this game. It's a legitimately fantastic DRPG that evokes nostalgia because of how good it is. It's ripped straight off the 90's era and it feels good.

You're a faggot if you pirate this game especially with the neofaggot SA goons trying to shut the success of the game down because they believe cleve literally is a race war advocate.

Kill yourself.

Post yfw the incline is unironically happening.

Enjoy your malicious software :^)

Yeah, just cure the paralysis and your guy will be able to use shit again

did you know when you speak out your ass like that it's immeasurably easy for people to discredit you?

kill yourself.