I shit posted about pc being shit until i finally had money to build one and also ps4 only has two good game which are persona 5 and BB
Tell me your secets Sup Forums
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My first time was with a dog when I was 15.
No you for u.
Never finished the original Mario bros because it's too difficult
>I own a PS4 and have a couple dozen Sony-exclusive games for it that I've enjoyed
>My Wii U's been collecting dust ever since I pirated BotW and played it early and got bored in 2 hours
>I have a good PC but I only use it for Valve/Blizzard games
I tell everyone that I dont like jap shit while reading manga when no one's around
I think I was 17. It made me realise that the sexual abused I faced may have impacted me more than I thought.
I used to jerk it to the pic of Excellen in that manual thing that came with SRW: OG when i was younger
I hope things are better for you now, user.
In dark souls 1 I beat gywn fair and square before the Taurus Demon (it fell off the ledge).
I play most games on the lowest difficulty because most games can't get difficulty right.
I hate multiplayer games.
I act like an expert on games I've never actually played for myself and only saw Let's Plays of.
Yeah, it's every game you've played fault. Sure. Not an issue of your skill.
I always play my games on easy mode.
Same thing happened to me, except he died just after I fell off.
There's no shame in going to the vet.
I'm not even half as intelligent and educated as some people think of me. It's eating me alive.
I completed Dark Souls
Not blind
I finished it but with save states
I can't play the Resident Evil and Silent Hill games because I watched my cousin play those games on PS1 as a kid and I got scared as fuck.
I am 29 years old now, I tried to play REmake and dropped it after I got killed by a zombie dog.
>I have the disastrous habit of dropping games im not instantly good at
>I talk about loving the DmC and Bayonetta games but ive yet to beat either on any difficulty above easy
>I'll defend DK64 to the ends of the earth when i know it has hundreds of unavoidable flaws
>I still think the Dark Souls series as a whole is the best video game series to date, Just thanks to the fact that i STILL revisit all of the games frequently to make new runs
I praised the new Kings Quest games to high heaven when i didnt even finish the second episode
>I have never beaten a full puzzle game without using a walkthrough atleast once
And that's just the start of it
I think Souls games are boring and repetitive. If they weren't hailed as "the hardest games evarrrrr" I don't think anybody would give them a second glance. I like the armour and monster designs though.
I pirate every game that is made for the controller first as its fostering retarded UI, less complex games and long press everywhere.
>never owned any sony console in my life
>my first consoles were my parents' nes/genesis (I beat mario 3 in 2002 at the age of 5)
>skipped straight to gamecube and gba, never played a 64 or snes game until years later
>first game I personally owned was the first raimi spiderman gba game
>not big on consoles, my main systems have been nintendo handhelds and pc/emulators
>I prefer single player games because I suck ass in every multiplayer game I've touched
>only non-nintendo console was the xbox 360
not at all but i'm trying to get help without my parents knowing. thanks though :)
I seem like a normal dude and have a gf, but in reality I have a fake facebook account for talking to traps and all in all, I've had sex with like 20 traps since 2008. No one knows.
Wanna make it 21?
i was raped by my older sister
The Russian bride meme already died in the late 90s man. Russia is now a powerhouse and you can't buy women like that anymore.
I fish for (you) by responding to obvious bait.
You poor naive child.
It wasn't rape man.
I'm the who made those
threads lately just for (You)s
>It wasn't rape man
Rape man didn't do it, it was his sister.
Bloodborne is mediocre as fuck, and I seriously don't know why everyone praises it to high holy hell.
I browse /x/ at high hours of the night and then I can't sleep because every little noise makes me think of monster waiting to kill me
demons souls blew my mind when i played it in 2009, i had no idea what i was doing and loved learning how it worked after i was already half way through the game (no boss weapons, always hollow, no dupe souls, and one type of weapon throughout the games entirety until the last stone
I love handhelds and have a huge amount of them, and I'm incredibly frustrated with how many people I've seen who ragged on the vita for being big, its battery life, and having ports that are buying the switch and all they care about is ports.
It makes me feel like a huge amount of people don't actually like video games, they just treat it like sports where they've got a team and swallow only what the team gives them and hates everything else.
i have a chubby qt brown gf and will give nudes to anyone who asks
I honestly feel like 98% of what nintendo has made since about 2004 has been significantly lower quality than everything they produced before. I don't get the praise anymore.
I've seriously considered robbing a gas station nearby for the money I need for a PC but I don't want to be arrested and I hate seeing people scared. Plus, if they have guns I'm fucked. I also don't know where to get a gun.
It's easier to earn the money than it is to rob a gas station successfully.
Way easier.
Also, because of time locks and register balancing there won't be much at all in those registers.
The only games I've ever played online are Chu Chu Rocket and MGSV.
Get a motor saw and rip open an ATM
I finished as a kid on my NES, the most unrewarding ending after so much labor. And yeah, without the possibility of saving, it was labor
What about men?
Just mug people in other towns during the night.
You know the rules, make an album and link that shit.
I'm only capable of enjoying fighting games and Pokemon for some reason. I'm not particularly good at either of them.
m8 I don't think you ever need to worry about making people scared
I can only bench 75 pounds any more and my arms just give out. I hope it gets better.
Off yourself nigger.
I've yet to beat Bloodborne, but it's already one of my most favourite games.
I have well over 1000 hours in Paradox's games but I have never bothered to finish a playthrough in any of them to the end date.
I must have put over 250 hours in NV and beaten all the DLC four or five times but I've never beat the main story.
I've got an autistic obsession with using faction specific equipment in shooters. Like I'll only use an AK on the Russian team and an M16 on the American team, etc.
I'm also a closeted furfag. Nobody else knows.
Do you have a medical condition?
We're all waiting user.
1 point for MH
1 point for nipples
i'll take it
Got any more?
>Not brown
>not qt
>not melynx
i-it's the lighting, i swear!
She looks like somebody I met long ago. Is she Dominican?
>I've seriously considered robbing a gas station nearby for the money I need for a PC
Saved. PC mustard race in a nutshell, never tell me once again that building a PC is cheaper than a console
This will be hard but i wont stop wanking now
I don't have any. My life is an open book.
I don't come here for this.
I play my PS4 more than my PC. Despite having 200 games on PC the only game I find myself playing is Overwatch.
i've got more of her in the felyne suit, but they're less flattering
God I just threw up in my mouth.
Go on.
She looks super mexican
Tell her to stop doing the stupid tounge thing, it doesn't do her any favors
i find it kind of endearing
shit, reposted
I'm not actually a pedophile, I just pretend to be one because I think kids nowadays could use more sex.
...at least...y-you...have a...something that could be assimilated to a girl...f-friend... no, she's horrible, better be a wizard.
In elementary school I thought it'd be funny if I pissed on my friends back in front of his father as he sat below my bed in my room. White discharge came out of my dick instead, his father was horrified and their family remained terrified of me for years to come. I didn't have an N64 so I kept going over his house to play it and never understood why they all acted weird around me until I thought about it later in life, years after hanging out with him.
I wonder if he posts on Sup Forums? I think his name was Sam. Sorry about that. Pretty funny though huh?
should i just go for broke and do full frontal? it won't be great
Sup Forums has irreparably destroyed my ability to socialize thanks to weapons grade autism and being cultured to this shithole for 11 years.
I now can't have a single disagreement without it become a full fledged argument. It's driven friends away and I'm honestly afraid that this is my life now--unsure of how to escape it since I'm about to go to college for the first time after 7 years of faffing about as a NEET. I'm terrified it's going to eradicate any semblance of a social life.
I spent 50 dollars on a gasha game at once
I haven't even touched a metal gear or legend of zelda game
I'm a IT professional whose only gaming experiences in the past 3 years had been browsing the shitposts and webms that you faggots post.
I fantasize about being so old that I'm retired and my wife is dead; my children are grown and gone and don't want anything to do with me. I buy bags of trees from some neighborhood kid who rips me off and I play shit-tier games like WoW 2, TES9:Skyrim2:RipToddEdition and League of Legends season 45, baked as fuck with my wrinkly old hand down my pants.
How the fuck are any of these secrets, kiddo?
What do you usually argue about? You gotta recognize what's actually worth fighting over, and realize people aren't going to think the exact way you do in every situation and that that's not a bad thing. Have you conditioned yourself to enjoy arguing or something?
i'm gonna do it
I spent $80 overall
>I haven't even touched a metal gear or legend of zelda game
get on that shit
pls no bully
she's ticklish on her sides, sometimes i grab them to mess with her before we go at it
I tried to play deathtrap dungeon, but I can't dor the sake of it figure out how to cast spells. I got the melee down. Dont know if it isnt working as intended, or if I am just retarded.
Despite all the things like microtransaction and always online being recently announced,
I'm probably still going to get Shadow of War because I'm so into it.
She looks okay from the neck down
i hate half-life 2 a lot and like to list off games from the same year that are much better
one of the go to games in the list is riddick
but i never played riddick
I have never played on an Xbox before, and have only ever owned Sony and Nintendo consoles. I also play computer games on a Mac
you sure?
Eh I won't judge, she looks cute enough, and as long as you two are happy together, I don't give a fug. Happiness is what matters after all.
Yeah nevermind
>this is an relationship and I'm still single
College is the best chance for you to repair all that.
Just let things go, compromise sometimes and try to be a bit more positive around other people.
In the beginning you might feel "fake"or whatever but after a while you will genuinely start being less of a pessimist.
I was always sarcastic and pessimistic and desu, no one wants to hang out with someone that always brings them down.
I've changed and now I enjoy the company of other people, have a bf, and enjoy being myself more as well.
thanks, user
i'm feeling kind of scummy abou sharing these now, though