He did nothing wrong


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I wish Amy Hennig was still working at ND and not this numale loser.


Neil Druckmann

Go to bed, Niel.

>write male characters
>let his feminist coworkers turn them to females

>Neil Druckmann is an Israeli-American
Stopped reading there.



You guys can't make an argument without adding political shit into your words though.


>he was born in israel
I personally don't like those people but there are always exceptions,it's about personality afterall.

So tell me wherever was he born makes him a bad person?

You now remember when he blew Cliffy B the fuck out on twitter


you have much to learn padawan

Cultural Marxism is a byproduct of Jewish thought.

Everyone who made ND what it is today no longer works there.

Gee I dunno. You tell me.

she vocally disagreed with the forced diversity and homosex romances so she was forced out

Is this Ben Stiller and Shia Labeouf combined?

what's he even talking about

The games he helps making are alright

i still don't understand what are you trying to prove here. i asked something else and you are sending me something else

I kinda wish this was true. Druckmann is such a faggot holy shit.



You're pretending to not get it. Probably a jew yourself.

I fucking hate kikes so goddamn much.


Cliffy B is speculating that, despite all the sales that Uncharted makes for the game alone, its primary worth to Sony is its ability to move units which will in the long run get them more money, and that the game sales probably don't break even.

>Le fugg le jooz amirite Sup Forumsros?!?

Only obese redditors who try so hard to fit in still try to push this

i'm asking that what does it have anything to do with my question. i'm not trying to make political arguments here.

i'm only asking you gave pic where it says he was born in israel, and why are you so triggered over it or does that change his personality?

why even have focus test groups if you're just going to ignore them

t. Hershel Cohen

No she didn't.

Umm racist much?

Don't get me wrong but didn't UC4 get more sells even more than prior series?

Kind of hard to ignore when the Jews themselves admit it.

>that grammar
Not a native English speaker huh? What's your other language, Hebrew?

he wanted to write characters in that way, so i'm still asking what the hell is wrong with this? you can ignore character's sexuality if you don't want to see and not make it as big deal and focus on the exact story afterall right?

>blaming the Jews for your small penis

>learning anything from a loser with a small dick

now you're still avoiding from my question.

You said one word at the beginning, which was answered by numerous people, Goldberg.

>bringing dicks into it

Why are jews so obsessed with penises?


He's pandering to a a bunch of cultural Marxists, that's what wrong with it.

>I'm another small dick loser that believes all the bullshit Sup Forums and stormfront teaches me


He did somethings right


This guy is a propaganda pusher.
He contributes nothing to society and actually does more to destabilize society.


can you even talk or make a civil argument without insulting someone?

>things that never happened

>getting buthurt over an user saying you have a small dick
way to prove him wrong you miserable vrigin, also fuck off you have a board where you can waggle your worthless small dick with good company

Or maybe he's just want to include those kind of characters without thinking political shit.

Every statement he makes is couched in deliberate political posturing.

These are happened just because someone couldn't accept that Nathan had daughter instead of a son?

I don't need to be civil. We made a correlation. It's up to you whether you want to ignore it or not.

>loving anyone with a big nose

and i chose to not ignore and trying to talk with you on that i respect everyonelse's opinion but i'm asking ''why?'' i'm still waiting for exact explanation from you, without insulting me or anyonelse

He also did nothing right

Yeah, that's why Hollywood is obsessed with diversity. They just want to include those characters, it has NOTHING to do with politics.

... lol

most guys with small dicks are never civil, like how every girl that seen your dick made a choice to laugh at it

Or maybe you want to see in that way.

>being envious of noses larger than your penis

What's it with American Jews having the most stereotypical german/yiddish names imaginable? Not even among the few Jews left in Germany and Poland are these names so prevalent

i legit thought this was the guy from the walking dead

bit disapointed desu

Are you seriously telling me that people are being gay or supporting woman just because of politics?



>white woman with manface
Looks pale and male to me

So gay people want to be gay and act in that way because of politics?or defending woman's rights in anywhere technically make me triggered feminist? nigga what.

gays were around for a long time before they became "accepted"

they were considered no different from pedophiles in the 1930s and 40s and 50s

it is objectively political to support anything that normalizes homosexuality

and as far as women's rights, they have everything they could possibly ask for now... maybe 100 years ago "supporting women" had a purpose but today it is literally just virtue-signalling

>So gay people want to be gay and act in that way because of politics?

Yes. The whole idea of a "gay lifestyle" is a political construct.

>or defending woman's rights

The whole idea of "women's rights" is based on Marxist Critical Theory.

The executive at the top in charge of hiring actors sees movies as a platform to manipulate the minds of it's audience. Viewers see Spiderman is black, suddenly all those black kids at school? They're cool. Definitely not gonna rob you when they catch you alone. Subtle things like this to manipulate people to destabilize something over a long time.

Don't see it as women's rights only, it's about human's rights and I can't see anything wrong with supporting them as long as you don't flip shit on otherside with stupid reasons. It's not wrong. But if you mean kind of people like who only blatantly hate woman or only blatantly hate man then yeah that's wrong.

>gays were around for a long time before they became "accepted"
Yeah they are exist in this universe whether if you agree or not. They are always being judged from their preferences so that's why they trying to normalize it, want to move on without getting hated. And I'm kind of person who thinks people love whoever they want and as long as they don't harm anyone they don't deserve to be hated.

this jew is killing sony. """"western gaming""""

>Yes. The whole idea of a "gay lifestyle" is a political construct.
dude you can be gay without involving with political issues y'know? supporting them also don't entirely mean you're making political propaganda. don't generalize people.

>The whole idea of "women's rights" is based on Marxist Critical Theory.
what do you exactly mean by women's rights though? is it really bad to defend them,you know in past they all were treated like a shit.

t. neofag
you sound so fucking retarded. hear yourself out loud

Nepotism. They take jewish-sounding names so that they get hired and helped by other jews.

the problem is gays are like 3% of the population but 30% of the child molestors / rapists

what did Paul Rudd do?

Yes. Look at the timeline bewteen U2 and last of us. This fagt marginalized her role, for his stupid little progressive agenda

>knowing what's from neogaf
Just so you know I've never browsed it and never will.

wtf are you? euro? shitskin? kike?

(((((he))))) most certainly did

Rapists/child molestors/pedos can also be non-gay people. So, what's your point?