>"only one person in the world can enter and leave the netherworld of his own volition - Demon Lord Odin"
>every playable character in the game does too
>and they do so with a help of some other NPC, not Odin
"only one person in the world can enter and leave the netherworld of his own volition - Demon Lord Odin"
>and they do so with a help of some other NPC
Then it isn't of their own volition, is it?
>of his own volition
>they do so with a help of some other NPC
I'm not seeing a contradiction
I mean they enter it while stile alive and not by, you know, DYING.
>Nobody tries to fuck the Elf Queen or the Queen of the Dead
Thy only had a few locations in the game. so they had to use every single one of them.
They could've not make such a big deal out of Odin sneaking into the Netherworld for crystals, when every other magician can do so too apparently.
>when every other magician can do so too apparently.
And the queen rapes them to death, they sent other people to hell to die.
Also Odin has his super secret way out that doesn't require meeting the queen.
>This game FINALLY got a price drop
What the fuck took so long?
Hm, I guess you have a point. They might know the way in, but they don't actually go in and out all the time.
You know Odin plowed them, hard.
I wouldn't bbe surprised if he was Mercedes father what an incredibly shitty fate she got,
the worst of the bunch.
That's what she gets for having the worst playstyle.
This man is correct.
I allways drop the game when I reach Mercedes.
Maybe i should get it for the Vita and play in short bursts so i don't get burned out so fast.
She wouldn'ty be so awful if all her parts were shooting sections instead of getting just two, those were fun, no need to reload either.
what is his way?
"Of your own volition" means "willingly", not "under your own power"
I'm on like second to last chapter and I don't remember any exclusively airborne stages. And I never fly unless I have to anyway. Because POW doesn't regen in air, and you can't reload or use items, and like half of the skills in the game can also only be used on the ground only.
i remember a couple stages having shmup sections which was surprisingly fun
Only the wise men know the way, Odin tricked them and stole the information. They hate him for getting played for fools.
So much shit could have been avoided if they killed that old skeleton king. Every fucking character had ample opportunity to do so as well.
Once Valentine got out of hell, it was all over. Ingway and Cornelius are the one who fucked it all up.
Is there a reason this guy was such a huge fucking dick? Casting an irreversible curse on every person who looks at him or his sister funny.
Although I haven't finished all the stories yet, so no spoilers pls.
An extreme case of butthurt and not fucking the loli willing to put out hard.
Kinda, but he's a massive cock. Everything that goes wrong is wholey his fault.
You CAN trace it all back to Odin being a huge cunt though, but there was a prophecy at play, it couldn't be avoided, big players knew their role in the story and played along.
Odin tried to stop it, if he could hold the cauldron he could save at least Ragnanaval, he even made The Balor to stop the undead. But Ingway fucks all that up.
You should wait for lolis to grow up before fucking them though.
>best girl gwendolyn falls in love with shittiest character because some love potion shit
I hate this
I really liked that bit emphasizing the real world's mythological Odin's wisdom/trickery aspect, in his rather brutish looking video game counterpart.
The cauldron was an evil piece of shit and he wanted to nuke everything else with it.
There's literally no way it would have ended up better than if he hadn't touched it from Valentine.
Love is love.
She doesn't, there is no spell placed on her heart. Odin lies about that.
Mercedes needed the Old fart wizard as a guide
Oswald was dragged in by Odettes cronies
Cornelis just woke up there. I can;t fucking remember why.
But I guess you have a point about the other two.
Also best girl is the devil.
Really? I havent finished the game yet, but that would make it easier to stomach, even if I dont like Oswald much.
Gwyndolin literally asks for help to the one guy who actually knows how and Velvet uses the guys Odin stole said info from.
>every character in the game hypes up Oswald to be fearsome and invincible in combat
>get to his story
>he is the absolute worst playable character in the game
what did they mean by this
Everyone asumes he wanted to nuke everything. His plan was to make weapons to stop Armageddon.
The fairies say no and go to war because they are born of phozons.
>>he is the absolute worst playable character in the game
That's Mercedes, Oswald always in berserk mode with his skills is an asbolute rape machine.
>he is the absolute worst playable character in the game
I haven't got to Oswald's story yet, but he can't be possibly any worse than Mercedes. I refuse to believe that.
I got really tired of his gameplay as soon as I started and dropped the game. Stil havent gone back. I think I finally should, because Velvet looks interesting and I love her voice.
His shadow form causes one organ to shut down each time he uses it. Its killing him quickly.
Mercedes is the worst by far. Oswald is were fatigue sets in, but its very good.
Miyuki is a goddess.
So uh, is this game any good? Or is it a hit or miss kind of thing?
Anything I need to be aware of before I decide to buy it?
You just need to control his speed in berserk mode, honestly, the guy just needed a longer reach, but fits him as it is.
Then you get actual air games with Velvet, her last boss is literally a the floor is lava test.
If you're asking this you must not be familiar with Vanillaware.
How is the other Vanillaware game Muramasa compared to this? Interested at getting it.
I enjoyed juggling enemies with Gwendolyn, especially since she gets bonus damage on aerial attacks. But I honestly don't really like that sort of gameplay in action games. I played the entirety of Bayonetta on the ground, except that trial portals that had me stay in the air for fixed time.
Muramasa is great.
Very melodramatic, but increadible. The game is fantastic, and save the 3rd book its amazing.
Using her chains and skills to stay in the air as much as you can is super fun, you won't be using much in the beginning, but it's her optimal gameplay.
>shitting on the best character in the game
>hasn't even played his chapter
Accurate, yeah. Never played any of them, but the aesthetic always looks so appealing.
I see. How's the gameplay? Is the combat challenging?
Muramasa is wonderful and it can be pirated with all the dlc
>it's another "waifufaggot is assmad because his waifu has a canon love interest" episode
>not even done with the game
Combat is solid. Each of the 5 characters plays similarly enough that you can move from one to the next, but have their own uniqueness so it doesn't feel the same. Difficulty ranges from snore to ball busting but its always entertaining.
Literally first person I see who thinks Oswald is best character
Neat. Thanks.
I perfer Gwendolyn, but Oswald is a very close second.
Why is Mercedes so sexy?
Game turns into trash when you get to play as Oswald.
Filty gypsy design (so you know she has to be pure until marriage).
I think you're thinking of Velvet.
Time for /buyfag/
>just played through mercedes book
>she's my strongest character yet.
not really.
it was actually pretty cool how she cucked odin.
She does seem to have the highest single target DPS, but her crowd control sucks ass, and her overall playstyle and skills are quite awful.
Her story is like 90% crying, and the only bad ass thing she does, helps doom the world with undead.
>edgy mcedgerson
>retarded fighting style
nah, he's the literal worst and should have stayed dead
>retarded fighting style
>in a game where a literal poledancing whore uses jewels on chains for weapons
Oswald is singlehandedly made great simply because he helps Gwendolyn give Odin the finger
at every turn. Fuck Odin.
I liked his edgy powers and story too.
A lot different than I thought he was going to be,
but I suppose I should've expected that from vanillaware.
The setting is made interesting thanks to Vanillaware's scenery porn magic. The soundtrack is great. The combat is good but compared to Odin Sphere it is a bit restrictive (can't dodge in air, guard break attack takes more time to charge up, etc).
I personally love all Vanillaware games but Muramasa is a bit weak for me, solely for the fact that it got really really heavy with back tracking. And that's saying a lot for a Vanillaware game.
To add to this, Muramasa has incredible DLC that actually makes it feel fresh on repeated playthroughs. Lots of characters.
I always love mad waifufaggots sperging over male characters in games like this.
Leifthrasir would kick so much ass if it had some sort of co-op/arcade mode
>can play and replay DG with no problem
>find OS so boring i can't even finish Gwendolyn's book
What's wrong with me?
You don't like fairytales, i guess
Hopefully they'll port Dragon's Crown to PC and/or PS4 at least.
>she was actually wearing shoes this whole time
My life is a lie.
It's the "play" style the game uses for the stoytelling.
>tfw after a hiatus from playing a game I finally complete the final book and get the bad end because I forgot the story
I mean it is neat you have a choice for bosses, but it felt kinda anti-climatic. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday, and do it right.
Why not just redo the final book?
Are all Vanillaware games this repetitive? At least the gameplay is fun in this one, Muramasa is just a chore to play, even on easy.
What if Akihiko Yoshida and George Kamitani collaborated
>Are all Vanillaware games this repetitive?
Sorta, yeah.
>Muramasa is just a chore to play, even on easy.
Or maybe it's BECAUSE you were playing on easy, you pussy.
I only have a lifetime reserve of cum. I'd need more than that.
No I was playing on hard for 3 hours and I got by, but it didn't feel worth it because the gameplay isn't fun. I've picked it up again after 2 years but only on the condition that I speed through it on easy to get my money's worth. The graphics still wow me but the gameplay is just ass.
>goes from whiny spoiled bitch to taking matters to her own hands, one-upping Odin & becoming worthy leader of the nation even if it was short lived
she was great
My memory is hazy but I think it's Mercedes vs Onyx because muh Ironic fairy names and Oswald fights Zombie King Gallon or whatever his name was since He's the bastard son of Gallon's exiled son
You can probably guess the rest.
edgelord has the worst playstyle
>he disliked berserk
pleb taste
t. pleb
Fuck you I found her more fun to use than Oswald.
Everyone is better than Oswald
>30 seconds of damage you could do with a Power Potion leading to another 30 seconds of Oswald dying of a heart attack afterwards