Is it even worth buying? What are the best features of this system?

Is it even worth buying? What are the best features of this system?

Been thinking of buying one too. The arcade ports looks fantastic personally. Seem it's going to be pretty much the Vita just with actual support from the first party.

big thing for me is what kind of digital/ virtual library will it have? can i buy smash brothers on it without waiting for them to rehash it?

desu its worth the purchase,
Theres no better feeling that being able to play 2 players anywhere, anytime.
I usually play with my coworkers during breaks and we have a ton of fun.

The only problem it's facing is the lack of games, but i think they're taking their time with releases for now.

Imo Mariokart/Overcook is so fricking worth it.

>it's fun if you have friends

So the no, it's not worth the purchase.

0 interest. Handhelds are for kids, what remains is a very underpowered console with very expensive games. NOT FUCKING WORTH IT.

It's shit, but a necessity if you want Nintendo games.

i would've gotten it if it wasn't for the shitty paid internet

Is this true? Do you need to pay to play online? This makes it so much worse if true

it is

worrth it.. cheap, mobile, indie machine with mario and zelda... its a nice package

Yeah but its going to be like $10 a year so unless you're a total poorfag it shouldn't be a problem

It's Ouya tier console.

It's only 20 a year though.

If it's so insignificant that we have to pay ONLY $20 should we really have to pay for it? Whatever that GaaS shit is it better be worth it.

I'm waiting for Mario Oddyssey. If you're not into first party nintendo games I guess you could hope that the system is successful and third parties gets on board, but you'll probably have to wait a few years even if that does happen.
TWEWY sequel when square enix you fucks

It will include virtual console and they're revamping online because of criticism to include stuff like lobbies and chat. There's a reason it for pushed back to 2018 for paid service.

We both don't know yet, so why bitch and moan about it.


The games. You buy it for the games.

Well theres always Splatoon 2

I bought a switch using the Facebook market place, got a classic controller, splat 2, BotW, mk8 for 320.

Note that it has a strict NAT type system for Online gaming.

meaning if you NAT type is C or below, odds are you cant connect.

Most cellular phone companies dont allow OPEN NAT Types, so tethering with your phone is almost a non existant
So the best solution is to use a home routers thing.

I would wait, ARMS and Splatoon 2 are the only exclusives and they get boring when they're your only games, they're better enjoyed in short bursts


The best feature is honestly the most overlooked: It's a game console.

I am an idort, and unlike my PS4 and Xbox One which are PCs with proprietary Layers that run games, this is a gaming console. Simple 1-button sleep wake, 12-game quick menu, put card in and play. No muss, no fuss, no extra frills.

It's a game consoles, that's it strength, that's the best feature. On top of it, it's also a kick-ass gaming tablet and a decent handheld.

can you buy and play smash brothers on the switch right now? like can you buy the wii u version through the store?

This. Home consoles are slower, require you to download all your games, and are full of fees, problems that used to be associated with PC gaming PC gaming is literally more accessible than console gaming now. That is, save for the switch.

What are some fun games I can buy for switch that I can play with this cute girl I know only using single console and the 2 joycons?

Snipperclips. Play it with your mom, sister, or best girl; you're sure to have a fun time.

Super Bomberman R
Shovel Knight
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Fast RMX

Those are the games I use for local play with my buddies. They're all fun. Bomberman started out bad and got a bad rep but they've actually improved it a lot with updates.

No. Everyone's expecting a Smash 4 Switch though - probably next year when they've actually got console inventory.

thats disheartening

Hey guys, remember how people hated the small 32gb internal storage? lets keep that.

also remember how people like that smash brothers was a launch title for ever nintendo system since the 64? lets not do that....

I really don't get the massive shilling the Switch gets on Sup Forums.

Makes me kinda angry desu

Tetris and Mario Kart.

Bitches LOVE Tetris and Mario kart

>every system since 64

No. No Smash bros has ever been a Launch title, period.

found the troll

>also remember how people like that smash brothers was a launch title for ever nintendo system since the 64? lets not do that....

literally what

Not at troll at all, I just don't see why is it being praised so much, in Sup Forums of all places, the games are clearly not worth it, and most of us really don't care about handhelds because. well we don't go outside

I can't wait for Dragonball Z™ Xenoverse™ 2 on the Nintendo Switch!

It launches next month! And is the only version of the game you can play portably! It also has an amazing co-op mode!

troll spotted

who just goes around saying desu all the time? that shit aint normal, you are either a very weird person or a troll

Plan to buy it but I'm waiting for Pokemon and Fire Emblem to be released desu.

to be honest, you're a faggot or a newfag.

Or I got baited

The only Switch game currently in existence can be played on PC through Dolphin. There is no reason to buy a switch now. Wait for more games and a price drop.

It'll be the best system for smash, ever.
the definitive smash machine.

so you literally spout desu comments just cause of memes from back in 2008? thats your whole reason? you are trying so hard to fit in around here you see the need to use outdated memes from almost ten years ago? fucking seriously?

Makes for a good companion console if nothing else. Best features are Nintendo exclusives of course, and the ability to get comfy in bed with some Switch games.

Wew, you're dumb as a rock, in case you're baiting have one last (you). choke on it

im dumb as a rock because you are being an idiot?
if some kid ran around shouting believe it and you asked him why, even though you knew it was from an anime you want to know why and the kid mocks you for asking why he is being such a tool does that make sense? I think you are either very tired or are too stupid to grasp simple logic.

Jesus christ bud, You're getting one last (you) because this bait is good shit.

If you're ACTUALLY being serious, then kill yourself desu, if you don't know the filters by now then you have to lurk more you fucking newfag

if it was $50 less maybe

It's yet again just another Nintendo only console
there will be little to no support from third parties in the long run

>being this mad in a discussion about nintendo switch.

Good points
>Sleep mode works great, tiny load times
>Graphics look surprisingly good on the tiny screen
>Pretty comfy in handheld mode

Biggest complaint is crippled online and the overpriced Eshop. It shouldn't be cheaper to buy physical carts nearly every time.

Honestly, my favorite part about it is just how fast its interface is. It doesn't take forever to start up, especially from sleep mode, and it doesn't install your physical games. You just turn it on and play a video game. No bullshit. It's so refreshing.

>handhelds are for kids
Because consoles are right up there with paying off a mortgage and going to jury duty, right?

You can emulate Splatoon 2?

I have no intention of buying one until the shortage situation has calmed down, but if you don't have a WiiU, it's probably a great console to have.
BotW, Spla2n, MK8 and SMO seems like a great package.

The best feature is probably being able to play it without hooking it up to a TV. I do that more frequently than I thought with the WiiU.
It's also nice to see Nintendo has gone region-free for once again after doing the opposite with the 3DS. I'm fucking mad I cannot play 大逆転裁判.

Paying for online multiplayer is garbage, though.

so far, playing in the bed, playing when you have to make long yourneys, (playing multiplayer games via you phones internet after you turn it into an improptu wifi dongel ftw)

though im a "bought it for splatoon 2, hoping something worthwhile comes out on it" faggit