Trails of Cold Steel

CS2 Steam release when?

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I wonder how people are even able to discussion CS2 pc port here when CS3 gets released before it anyway. I'll just avoid these threads then because spoilers.

I can't handle this shit
>Talk to everyone in town
>Play for 20 minutes
>Event happens and I need to talk to everyone again
>Rinse and repeat

At least we got turbo mode now, so moving around is faster. But yeah, people often get new dialogue after events. Usually when it gets evening. Don't really want to miss those hidden quests.

I haven't found any hidden quest yet. I talk with characters when i find myself next to them but i am not going to run around and talk to everyone without events. I know myself good enough to know that i will only burn myself out and not complete the game. Jrpgs are usually long enough in themselves.

Any characters i should try to talk to to unlock any extra good hidden quest?

Can't wait until I have enough money to buy all of TiTS and CS on PC and just play them and nothing else for a few weeks.

>Look up quiz answers because I really don't want to get it wrong
>Glance up a bit to the previous chapter
>"Talk to the single guy you managed to gloss over out of the 20 in the area to get something"

If you don't enjoy talking to every NPC after every story event, this series probably isn't for you desu

is there canon waifu or porn?

Waifu poll from yesterday

Is it only for 100% completion?

The main draw of the series is the extensive NPC dialogue.


Absolutely disgusting

Sara is a poor man's Schera, but she's still better than any Class VII girl.
It's for fun.

What if Nisa steals CS3 from Xseed?

Is there any way to increase the bonding points you get during free days? Having to choose just two is bothering the hell out of me.

Why is every villain in this game holding back? I feel like I've accomplished nothing.

No. You can choose max bond points in NG+ though. Get clear game save from someone and take just max bond points, if you want to have fresh start with just being able to talk with everyone.

You can follow a walkthrough to see who to talk to, but the main appeal of the game is the NPCs and the world changing around you.

>Cat and NepNep beat Elise and Vita

Holy shit.

Whats the appeal of Fie? She is boring as hell.

Im at my end of 2nd day playing and I just reach Gaius homeland. Just how long is this game?

>Vita lust after her boytoy so much she probably pulled her back from Gehenna
top kek
How does zombie dick feel like?

I love Duvalie!

Someone needs to update the CS->CSII->CSIII chart already

We might actually have dual audio for once.

That the localization will happen sooner, dual audio and day 1 port to PC.

Also several game breaking bugs and a translation that takes so many liberties the A in NISA becomes redundant

I'd be totally ok with it. Both of them do meme translations at this point so at least having the goddamn jap voices will assure a buy from me.

NISA getting YS8 was a good move.

>several game breaking bugs
Have any of their recent ports been like that?

>actually getting game near japanese release

Yes please. I dont want to wait for years to get Xseed translation. Not to mention being europoor, I'd have to wait for months for eurorelease after americans already have it unless I import it.

pretty sure disgaea was really bad, i don't remember what else they've ported recently

XSEED doing meme translations is a meme and you fucks would know this if you actually played the games you do nothing but shitpost about

She's cute and snarky
Not even 10K sales. Serves them right for making that shit dub only.

> if you actually played the games
obviously you haven't

People are too retarded to use undub I guess. Well, less sales for these and CS3 going to Nisa is even more sure, so I'm fine with it.

I'm also glad NISA got Ys VIII so we don't have to deal with a dub only release. Though really it wouldn't make any senses for anyone but XSEED to get CS3.

Most weebs suck at computers m8. And then there are people who refuse to support shitty practices.

Why on earth would you want NISA to translate a lore-heavy series like Trails? Do you hate the series this much?

Cutest autist ever

Has NISA butchered other lore-heavy series before? Genuinely curious, give examples and links, not just names.

Long ago apparently. Their recent games were fine.

Post Alisa



Go away hater. NISA learned their lesson.
I stand with them.

n-nods respectfully?


I think you quoted wrong person there

Is there undub for the pc version?

How much does she charge for her services?

reminder Rean likes boys as it should be

What are you talking about haha

Stop being so silly haha

XSEED does good work haha

I fucking hate it when XSEED puts haha everywhere

>mfw Emmafag when I first played CS1
>Really warmed up to Alisa overtime

Uh... I dunno about CS JP, but this happened goddamn EVERYWHERE in the Crossbell games.

Ehehe, Heehee, hyuhyu, oi oi, etc. All over the place.

How do you use Claire properly? I looked forward to using her but she's pretty mediocre

Not just in Trails games, XSEED loves using it everywhere.

I didn't mean XSeed, I meant the original Japanese script. It's super common there.

Haha, it's an integral part of Falcom games, fufufu.

Don't know about Ao no Kiseki, but now after finishing Zero with fanpatch, I don't see why people think Lloyd is any better than Rean.

They actually mentioned that too. They left them on purpose...

Butthurt anti-Sen fanboys use Ao and Zero to shitpost since a majority of players haven't played them yet.

He's not better, he's just more likable. He's just a young cop who likes his work and isn't a faggot with low self-esteem and dark mysterious power.

>a rookie goody two shoes cop who just slams everything with tonfa
>pic related

Rean is a legit gary stu.

Rean is kinda horrible though, they gave him way too much of special snowflake status and it clashes with both Estelle and Lloyd who are just normal people trying their hardest.

Full version

Build her like a physical attacker. No need for hit quartz so you can put in Mind for that magic skill or something.

Rean is just a middle man between Kevin and Joshua. He takes aspects of their plot lines but Sen got fucked over by bad pacing.

Lloyd is far worse harem trash protag than Rean ever was

Looks like asshurt Ao/Zero fags are here.

Rean marrying Alfin and becoming Emperor Rean Osbourne Dreichels Schwarzer Riese Arnor when?

Doesn't NG+ also have some weird NG+-only content, or is that in CS2?

Naptime is over, Fie

CS2 NG+ has extra dungeon and one nice questline to collect few interesting books for Thomas. I don't think CS1 had any extras like that.

So that's how it was. Thanks, sounds like there's no danger in using a clear save for max bond points instead of CE.

I personally like Sara more than Schera. Schera just didn't feel that involved in the plot aside from her connection to an enforcer, and Olivier, and even then, the enforcer she was connected with was pretty underwhelming.

Damn, that bassline is almost like FM synthesis.

Don't see the problem with this character.

If there was extra stuff, why would you NOT want to acess it on your first run? It just makes having to play again a chore just to see something small. Also, there is one extra scene, take Emma to collect clothes from the concert, and when they leave the place, there'll be an extra scene.


Schera is supposed to be Estelle's big sis but they only showed it in Luci's introductory chapter

I think I love Towa.

Doesn't help that her portrait makes her look like she's in her 40's instead of early 20's. But otherwise, i also think Sara's more fun, personality wise.

>buy a cheap ps4 for cs3 and play it on release
>wait until cs3 gets released on steam hopefully with original audio
I'm conflicted

Nice. Tsundere only become cute when they finally get tamed, I guess that's the charm.

Schera's face got way better in 3rd, both loli and adult

Why not both?

Yeah, tamed tsundere make my dick diamond. I'll never understand Japan's love for pure 100% tsundere that remain bitchy and violent throughout like Akane from Ranma.

Considering Nisa managed to grab jap audio for Ys VIII, there may be a chance that when CS III gets ported, they'll also have the audio. One of the issues could be that past games didn't extend their contracts globally, which is why it was supposedly not an option for past games to grab the original jap voices, but now that Falcom wants to extend their market outside of Japan, and they know it profits to an extent, they're going to increase the range on the voice contracts.
Of course that's just my speculation, it could be that Xseed just doesn't have the money for it, but considering how they port over other games with Jap voices too, i kinda doubt there's not something getting in the way too.


What the fuck is wrong with him? He says that all the time.

He's a happy guy.

Everyone in the series just goes "haha" a lot, it's pretty normal. Hell, sky also had a lot of it, but it was more like a smug laugh "HmmHmm"

>even elise has vote now

Nice I guess

Calvard when?

Who's your favorite NPC?

Beryl. Best dynamic is Hugo/Becky

Alisa is canon! Canon!


Friedel and Loggins OTP