LoL vs DoTA2

Which one is better and why?

>the year two thousand and seventeen of our Lord

>Which one is better


the one where you don't have to pay for gameplay elements.

Which is?


i'm not sure, maybe it's the one where you can buy champions?

Dota 2

The only winning move is to not play.

Lets see
>Have to buy characters
>Have to get to level 30 to get all masteries
>Have to buy runes with IP, this means that the guy who spends money or champions or IP boosts can spend more IP on runes
>About a third of the rooster is meta at any given time, punishing new players who buy wrong characters
>Items do nothing interresting
>Devs force a meta
>No custom gamemodes/mods
>No fun alternative game modes besides URF but they actually try to balance URF by removing characters, URF is also not available half of the time

Dota 2:
>All important gameplay related things are free
>The whole rooster is playable as long as you pick the characters properly and have a good gameplan
>Items make any character counterable wich allows for more interresting character design
>Devs dont force a meta
>Allows modding and custom gamemodes
>Actual fun alternative game modes such as ability draft and all random deathmatch

Does it really matter which one gets second place?

Brain cancer seems better.

I think that the only people who say LoL to this question unironically are people who haven't played enough of both to have a legit opinion. LoL is like a fun parody of Dota.

i will say is not the best, but that it is fucking fun, it's fucking fun

>punishing new players who buy wrong characters
Nah fuck off with that. You literally have to be in the top 1% of players for meta to be more important than individual skill.

still a factor, though.

7.00 killed it for me

So it actually matters on higher level play. Thats the one place where it shouldnt matter

Talents are actually pretty nice, I prefer them over leveling stats because leveling stats was boring but objectively better on some characters like Sven and Juggernaut

Not disputing that it's true, just that it doesn't affect literally 99% of the playerbase.

This might be a shitty comparison.
LoL = TF2, fast paced, silly, enjoyable with friends because you fuck around
DotA 2 = CS:GO,slow paced, serious, semi-enjoyable with friends.

Kinda does though, a new Heimerdinger is worse then a new Ahri

>LoL = TF2
But the writing isn't good.

TF2 has actual gameplay balance, good writing and non enforced metas.

It's also not a first person shooter with 9 classes where you capture flags and control points
I can't believe that user would compare LoL to a game that is not 100% just like LoL

>games the come from a poorly thought out mod
>match lasts 40min but with only 2 team fights that actually matter; rest is just snowballing
"MOBA" is literally a meme that got too far. Only thing worst than MOBAs are MMORPGs.


Does that make Dota TF2?


The one that I play is obviously better, that's why I play it.
That one that I don't play is shit, that's why I don't play that one


Sup Forums consists of weeboo trash worshipers.

Real fags P dota

The skill cap of ASSFAGGOTS is much higher than any other game in existence.

The real question is why play anything else than Dota 2 or LoL?

They're both shit if you don't know how to play them, and frankly if you're anything below the top 5%, then you obviously don't know how.

The fact that you can climb to any rating with any champion just proves that individual skill is the only thing that matters.

Sure, why not