Can someone give me a legitimate reason this is a bad controller that can't just be rebutted with "you just didn't know...

Can someone give me a legitimate reason this is a bad controller that can't just be rebutted with "you just didn't know how to fucking hold it?"

The analog's quality, that's it.

There's no reason that the d pad has to be so far away from the analog stick

It's rather terribly designed and somewhat counterproductive, had the controller been designed to allow you to use both the D-pad and joystick by moving your thumb rather than your entire hand like later controllers, more games could have had more options with the controls

The Z button only exists because you can't reach the L shoulder button while having one hand in the analog stick position. Most games use the analog stick, making the L shoulder button functionally worthless. The analog stick position also inhibits access the D-pad, diminishing use of the entire left side of the controller. Its form inhibits its own function. That's why it's a bad controller.

The holding positions are too uncomfortable for the hands.
It was never "how to hold" but "why do i have to hold it like that? This is stressfull to my muscles.

I always had to do the middle finger way where my middle finger is on the Z trigger and my entire left hand is just holding the control stick. something about the control stick just doesn't feel right using a thumb only it just isn't right.

>posting without having ever used it
Here you go OP, you have your answer.

The fact that you have to defend it with "you don't know how to fucking hold it" makes it a bad controller. Give a child a 360, DS or a wiiu pro controller and they literally can't fuck it up. The placement of the buttons is superior on the mentioned controllers due to the fact that you can reach everything without having to shift your hand position.

the analog does not seems to be made for prolonged use, it's wonky and annoying for the thumb.
It needed a second analog, at least the PS1 had an updated version, I can't believe Nintendo stuck with it for all those years.

No child ever had issues with the N64 controller either. Using analogs AND the d-pad isn't intuitive or ergonomic at all.

I have used the n64 controller for almost 2 decades, is my fav controller to use, but the stick's quality is awful.
Dont talk if you don't know shit.

>Dont talk if you don't know shit.
>that post

The analog stick is so prone for having the deadzone fucked up that the devolpers included a way to reset the deadzone by doing a button combination.

maybe if i give you this pity (You) you'll be sated enough to think of a better shitpost next time than replying to everyone

It would've been smarter to switch the placement of the stick and the d-pad because most games didn't even have d-pad movements or they were inferior to the analog stick. Other than that, I liked it as a kid. Way better than the cheap unerognomic brick feeling I've had with the Playstation.

Pretty much this. Every complaint like these if the N64 controller are from people who have never held one, or are too retarded to know how to hold one.

>legitimate reason this is a bad controller
Because there are multiple ways of holding the controller to gain access to gain access to certain buttons but then losing access to others.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Players/devs used to choose either the Dpad OR the stick up until the PS2. Using both was a wrong decision. Nobody would have been stupid enough to try to use both at the same time back in the days.

Its a fucking stupid anf gimicky design. Get rid of the middle arm, move the analog to the left


A decent controller

so fuck size of the hands, preferences, favourite genres, we're gonna decide if it's bad or good controler right here, right now
objectively correct of course

this board is seriously retarded, I was sure that's just a meme :^)

Has anyone ever taped the top end of the controller to a stick and pretend it was a trident? Ha.. ha..

>Can someone give me a legitimate reason this is a bad controller
the mechanical wear on the stick is really really really bad

If you played any decent amount as a kid and haven't touched it in years, remember to change out the analog stick.

Chances are it was worn to shit and that's why you moved on.

He's right you dumbshit.

I don't like how the analouge stick loosens after years, and the d-pad is inferior to the DualShock 1, but thats it otherwise

Are you all americans or what? Stop hamhanding your stuff. My sticks are still perfect.

>having access to more buttons is bad
>everyone who thinks otherwise is dumb


>trying to emulate with a modern game pad is almost impossible because trying to map buttons is a shit show


>yeah, it was pretty good, that's why it went away completely and will never return and the game pad design has been streamline into something different

I barely used mine and every single controller's stick wore out eventually.

>d-pad is inferior to the DualShock 1
Kill yourself

Games where you could use the D-pad or Analog Stick had the same button placement for Z and L, your argument is invalid.

Having to move your fingers in unnatural stupid positions isn't "having access".

settle down

it's built like the designers thought 3d was going to be a fad

It wasn't an issue back then because every game used or or the other or both for movement control. I may be mistake with Starcraft64.

This, I'm an old fag, bought a N64 day-one, and never have any problem with this controller, it was even excellent for Golden Eye & Perfect Dark.

>being this dumb

How the fuck do you use L if your use the joystick?

Because it didn't have a stick for camera movement? Faggot.

Fuck off nonce, as a LONG time player of Resident Evil 2 using the d-pad, im here to tell you that this is objectivly fucking correct. The d-pad handling on the dualshock 1 is tighter, more responsive and superior to the N64 d-pad.

>the pong controller was bad because it had not dual analog sticks or rumble feature

It was "excellent" for those games because of major auto aim.

Without it those games would have been a disaster

Weakest durable first party controller

The even worse decision was cardboard boxes for game cases.

What were they thinking? All those game cases ruined and gone forever while older systems games cases are still around.

Why would you need to use L if you're using the joystick?

for some reason, every match i would play with my friends as a kid, we always turned auto aim off

thinking about it today, i don't know how we could handle it, but apparently it was decent enough

Most games didn't used the L button, mapped it as the same as the Z button or used the D-pad but not the Z button.

Now that is just fucking retarded user. Unless you're a major handlet or have burn scars so bad you can't move your fingers there's nothing uncomfortable about going from dpad to stick. Did you throw a shitfit when the GC controller came about and you had to use the dpad for map controls in ww?

-The analog sticks wore down fast, even under normal play. and are an enormous pain in the ass to fix/replace
-the entire left half of the controller is completely useless for 90% of games. Whether you want to admit it or not this is a design flaw.
-The buttons and the controller themselves are low quality child plastic, kind of like the 360 controller.

I wouldn't really complain as much if Nintendo simply used higher quality materials/process to make the stick and the stick box. If you ever saw a N64 controller taken apart, you'd know the stickbox which the analog works in, is the ugliest fuckin thing ever and you would wonder how it even stays together.

t.former competitive smash 64 player who has ruined a lot of those controllers through simple play.

>older systems games cases are still around.
not many

Yeah, it wasn't a problem back in the day because the design was so limiting you literally couldn't do anything but mirror functionality.

Nintendo always had the best dpads you freaking nigger. Sony's are among the worst ones ever made.

Not really a big argument but you have to at least give them credit for trying something different. Considering the current state of the mainstream gaming industry right now you should at least appreciate things that are bold enough to stray away from comfort zones old or new.

>-the entire left half of the controller is completely useless for 90% of games. Whether you want to admit it or not this is a design flaw.
That is not a design flaw, that is actually good, a shame there weren't that many 2D games on the n64

I always liked it, never had any real problems with it... though I don't really see why it NEEDED to be shaped like this as it didn't really feel any better than other controllers either. Sure it makes the system stand out a little more but it also just begs to divide the people you're trying to sell to.

You're a massive retard.

Well i mean, how far back you talking? Because Sega had the right idea and i hardly ever see unboxed Genesis/Megadrive games for sale

>-the entire left half of the controller is completely useless for 90% of games. Whether you want to admit it or not this is a design flaw.
About 85% of your brain is currently unused. Does that make you an idiot?

That's why we need so many buttons nowadays, two shoulder buttons on each side AND triggers extra, two analog sticks, one D-Pad, 4 buttons for your right thumb, two additional ones on the back for your ring finger and pinkie, a start button, a home button, a social media button AND an additional youtube button so you can upload 10s videos as you play. Don't forget a touchpad, gyro, rumble and a hand cooler because it heats up to 100 degrees.

I hardly ever see sega stuff here

If you can't reach all the buttons without moving your whole fucking hand then your design is a failure.

So much this.

Have your final (you)

You got a single fact to back that up?? At least i gave an anecdote about an actual game where i own both versions faggot, this isn't about bias or favoritsim, its fact.
>d-pad is big, but stiff
>d-pad handles well, but is tiny
>wagglin and small again

At least show your work user, show that you have tried both, i can drone on and bore you about the differences between the PSX and N64 versions of Resident Evil 2 all day, i got time. Stop being fanboy, this isn't about bias, show your work.

>Any other controller: You have to either crank your thumb to use the joystick or crank your thumb to use the D-pad
>N64 controller: Simply change where your hand is resting on the controller.
There's never been any game that required you to use the D-pad and Joystick simultaneously and it would be a stupid game if they did.

If you can't reach all the NEEDED controls without placing any hand or finger in an unnatural "resting" position then your design is objectively a failure.

Ah, im bong. We were never really into Nintendo outside of the gameboys

Basically no games for N64 used both the left AND central grips. They designed it this way so that some games could use the stick while others could use the D-Pad, and this way you can either use the Z-button or the L-button depending on which movement scheme the game preferred.

Granted their very next controller found a way to let players comfortably access the stick, D-Pad, L, and Z... they just hadn't thought that far ahead yet.

If you want the truth, it's rather bulky and ugly looking but still has the best rumble to date with the rumble pack. When it shakes it fucking SHAKES.

OP here, the analog stick is probably the only argument I've heard that I agree with. I've had my fair share of blisters and broken springs inside the stick.

Regarding actual button layouts it's still great though. I've yet to hear anyone argue against that effectively.


You're arguing with kids who have no idea what video games were like at that time.

Who touched you in your nono place when you were younger big guy?

I don't see how putting the Dpad/L button out of common useability is a good thing. While it does offer a different grip option for the controller, It severely crippled potential game control design choices of developers. Its nonsensical to ever expect anyone to take their hand out of the comfy as fuck position that holds the analog/Z-button. It's a completely illogical design that removes a 3rd of the controller from realistic use.

>The analog stick is so prone for having the deadzone fucked up that the devolpers included a way to reset the deadzone by doing a button combination.

This is completely wrong. The reason the button combination exists is because optical encoding sensors don't know what the "zero position" is by default. Which means if you start the console while tilting the stick, the "zero position" will be misalligned. It has nothing to do with deadzones.

In fact, the N64 control stick has fewer deadzones than any thumbstick ever made and it has been proven.

N64's d-pad is exactly the same as the one on NES and SNES. Sony's D-Pad is notorious for being worse than those, and thus, worse than the one on N64.

>The buttons and the controller themselves are low quality child plastic, kind of like the 360 controller.
The actual plastic molding used for the N64 controller is thicker than the stuff used for the majority of PS1's controller. Only thing that lacks durability is the stick itself.

>I was proven wrong so I'll just attack you as a person because I hate it

i'm glad you brought up the blisters because they hurt so bad they make me feel like a total pussy that is too much of a pussy to talk about my pussy hands

but it's the stick, seriously
there's something about that which causes severe thumb pain if you take a year off from playing on the controller

Reminder that the N64 controller is just a normal controller with an analog stick thrown in because Nintendo wasn't sure that developers would use the analog stick or if the Dpad was still needed

The only time I have seen a genesis was with my first crush, she had one and shared it with his younger siblings
I only had a NES and the XEGS at the time and seeing Sonic running around was awesome

What makes you an idiot is believing that old debunked shit.

>Sony's D-Pad is notorious for being worse than those, and thus, worse than the one on N64

Mate, are you going on what you have heard? Or do you have an ACTUAL first hand experince like i keep asking you? Because i own both and can tell you from experince in the case of the N64 vs DS1 for d-pad control, you are completly full of shit. N64 RE2 handles worse around corners than PSX RE2 for d-pad control. Simple as. I have played both to death.

All you did was adhominem so I returned it in kind. You literally provided no argument, thus you lost. Personal responsibility junior, you attacked first and you dealt with a attack back in kind, that's how the world works.

If you wanna actually rebut what I said in my first post then I'll listen. Attacking or citing use of brain isn't a argument.

Mario Party really fucked up my stick and my hand

I own both versions of RE2 as well and I disagree

Why? Explain how the N64 d-pad is tighter in control. Also post pic? I can.

yeah because that little known first party launch title would have been really fun to play with just the d-pad.


>Explain how the N64 d-pad is tighter in control
Cornering is easier because the four points of the D-Pad aren't separated by plastic between them.

>Also post pic? I can.
That's nice but I don't have to prove anything to some user.

>tfw you're just good at games and can adjust to different controllers and schemes in a flash because you've been practicing for most of your life, ebabling you to judge a game on its own merits and base it on me just being shit at stuff.

I can't find a pic that expresses how good this feeling is.

The analog stick felt "grainy" to move and it was really hard to move at a precise angle.

>11M sales

Not every game needs analog movement. Did Final Fantasy VII suffer from a lack of analog? Obviously Mario 64 needed it but as failures like the Wii U have shown, not all of Nintendo's "important" changes to their controllers become standard.

>The analog stick felt "grainy" to move
Ironically the N64's control stick is less grainy than any other. It uses optical encoding disks which are fully digital (and therefore lack noise in the sensor) as opposed to potentiometers used in other control sticks which are analog and noisy.

I'm guessing your stick was in shit condition.

its only flaw is the analog durability

Why didn't they just use this for the default design?

That thing doesn't look as comfortable as the official controller.

>That's nice but I don't have to prove anything to some user.

Actually you have everything to proove, you just discarded your false opinion from the thread. Good one. You don't have both if you aren't willing to proove it.

Was that controller designed with only people that can fluently bend their thumbs backwards in mind?

>Sup Forums thinks having the d-pad and stick both in awkward reach is better than having the d-pad and stick separated but placed in the optimal position

Depends, do you need to use both?

Sup Forums thinks this is a good controller