What is the last game that truly blew your mind, one that made you think about it for an hour after the credits rolled...

what is the last game that truly blew your mind, one that made you think about it for an hour after the credits rolled, that made you google different people's opinions and understandings of it?

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Lisa the Painful.


God, Lisa The Painful was so good. The only thing sadder than the ending of that game is the fact that everything else related to Lisa sucks. Not even its own creator was able to reproduce the spark. It really stands on its own.

999 probably



Xenoblade Chronicles
Well okay my mind wasn't blown away, but I did google what gnosticism was all about.

replayed the main halo trilogy on mcc the other day. its like perfection: the series.

I don't consider the Joyful to be a new whole game. It's just a mediocre cherry on top of the cake. It has its good moments and it expands the lore of the Painful by a little.

You don't want to go down this route with me user, it will just ef up your thread:

Ehhh Last of Us, Phantom Pain and every episode of Life is Strange stick out in my mind. I wouldn't say they blew my mind but I watched a lot of let's plays after playing myself to see other's reactions. Sorry.

I like to pretend it doesn't exist

BotW. Easily the greatest game I've played.


Not necessarily mindfuck, just confusing and opaque yet strangely emotional feeling when i finished it and linked the flame. The music helped a lot.

Spec ops the line too.


One of the first times I felt like I could really "do anything" in a game.

I could break the game's mechanics and fly around like a wizard

Breath of the Wild was a real ride. So was Doom.

I get what you're trying to say OP, but there are genuinely some pretty fantastic games out there nowdays.

Chrono Trigger

Metal Gear Solid 2

Silent hill 2, played it for the first time in December and still occasionally think about it.

The Wonderful 101.

Atelier Sophie

Shrek 2 the game

Titanfall 2

I was blown at how come this game exist, where FPS single-players have become just boring. Also, one of the best "buddy" in any video game.

I always find portal 2 had some kind of mystery behind it, and unanswered questions.

Nier Automata. Not because it was deep or super philosophical. But because it was really well done, had a level of polish and care in it and was clearly made by people who not only made, but liked to play games. I ended up caring about the characters and what happened to them and I genuinely wished for a happy ending for them.


Nier Automata definetly stuck with me long after I finished (and platniumed) it.

Fuck I love Killer7 threads.

Silent Hill 2. Played it two years ago though

google didn't exist the last time that happened

doom 2016


It has been so long that I cannot remember. Please, end my cynicism.

game goes downhill after the first 2 acts
it's still one of the best games of the '10s tho

Pyre, honestly, but by a loose definition of the OP. I for sure thought of it for some time after I beat it and hopped in a discord to talk about it, but it didn't really "blow my mind". Supergiant are rather consistent and predictable now to some degree.

Found the weeb. That game and the other VNs have shit writing and bad characters. I don't understand why weebs universally enjoy blatantly bad writing

>one that made you think about it for an hour after the credits rolled, that made you google different people's opinions and understandings of it?

Mass Effect 3 because of how shitty the ending was.

The patriots and SS3 was just a giant midfuck

Witcher 3

I know it's not even a "game" but PT, with the all the speculation. Going back thinking about how when it was first released it was just a sequel to Silent Hill, but then so much more about PT became revelant after Kojima left Konami. Hopefully Death Stranding lives up to its expectations

Silent Hill 2 I guess. It didn't blow my mind, but it did make me think about it and look up stuff.

Can't remember what ending I got, but I do remember my mother walking in during the final speech and saying Mary had a really annoying voice and asked what the game was about, and I could barely tell her anything when she asked questions.

I eventually looked stuff up. SH's origins, James killed his wife, all the meanings behind enemies and such and found it really fascinating. I eventually did tell my mother about it and she said it sounded pretty awful.

I also looked up stuff for SH3, but only things regarding Heather.

MGS2 was the true mind blower for me, after finishing Arsenal Gear and being scared shitless, and finishing the game I even posted on Sup Forums asking if I understood the ending correctly, and that Solidus was pretty much the good guy.

>Hopefully Death Stranding lives up to its expectations

Probably furi.

Recently got into VR and that's also reignited the wow holy shit factor I hadn't felt from vidyogames in years. Raw data is jaw dropping.

This. It's the best game ever made.

Nier: Automata

garbage controls, run of the mill blockbuster plot with 2deep4u Japshit mixed in

It would be MASK if it wasn't for the fact that he can't crit.
Favourite track? youtube.com/watch?v=LFtVf17QiBY

This user knows whats up


>do remember my mother walking in during the final speech and saying Mary had a really annoying voice
I hope your mother is dead, and that you moved away finally.

Everything you said is false.
MGS2 has tight controls, its plot refuses to be blockbuster shlock and it's not even 2deep at all.

This masterpiece

>controls too complex for your simple mind
>bad controls
bless you.
You will need it.

that's a tough one. I love jazz/techno/ambient fusion in general.

MGS2's controls are razor sharp, are you stupid?

Not him, but the gameplay in whole took a big nosedive down from MGS1.

Automata. Other than that Bloodborne, Armored Core 4, Vagrant Story, Suikoden 2, first MGS and maybe FFT.

Last Guardian. First time in a while a game actually felt new and surprising.

No it didn't, it was an improvement in every way

Because all hardcore weebs are new to being weebs. Do you see a lot of weebs with 10+ years of experience? The weeb phase only lasts for about 3-5 years. By the time you realize how copypasted weebshit is, you're not a weeb anymore.

t. been a weeb for 5 years myself

I had Automata in my mind for days after finishing it. The ending is really something only games can do.

I'll say SOMA. Maybe not "blew my mind", but it deals with themes that are really interesting to me, and I've thought about a lot prior to and since playing it. It's certainly not the first media to discuss what consciousness is, or what it means to be alive and "human", but I enjoyed being a part of the story and finding out how the different characters involved came to terms (or didn't) with their own mortality.

I really really like the game, and it's one of my favorites of the last couple years.

You're probably being ironic, but looking back now it is one of the masterpieces of PS2 era. It was a lot like THPS, it introduced a completely new abstract idea and made it work.

>tfw into anime and anime games but never been obnoxious weeb in over 10 years spent on the hobby

...they literally improved upon every aspect of it.

Yeah, people like you also can play shitty VNs and think they're deep. You still can't see all the cliches because you've been too casual with anime. It's people like that who think that Nier is somehow interesting and original and that it isn't in fact a collection of anime cliches with a bunch of admittedly cool 4th wall breaking moments.

This, everything I love about MK series condensed into one game. And it has the best mortal kombat movie we'll never have.

>t. person who never actually played MGS1
Are you confusing it with the remake? Remake brought all the MGS2 gameplay back into MGS1.



It's a fucking hobby I enjoy with all the silliness attached. If I wanted something deep I would play Paradox games and read books. I've read maybe 5 VNs in my life

Unironically Dark Souls.

I don't have a problem with silliness. I have problem with silliness being copypasted from one VN to another, one anime to another. Surely even you know how often shows straight up copy jokes from other shows. Or characters. Or entire plotlines. Happens all the time. At a certain point, it's like staring at a wall, it's just nothing

On the contrary.
The narrow same-face corridors, combined with the borderline survival-horror-style changing camera angles + the overly complicated use of pressure-sensitive face keys = Very convoluted and clunky gameplay.

MGS1 on the other hand played like a top-down 2D "shooter", just with 3D environments, meaning it was easy to follow and control at all times.

you can't reason with MGS babies, to them holding down 5 buttons at a time to aim and shoot is 'razor sharp' gameplay

Good to hear someone else saying this. MGS2 is the only game out of the mainline series that I absolutely hate to replay. The small area to maneuver in, the bullshit of having no map before you hit a node, causing you to get spotted off screen and you can only potentially stop it by using the awkward as shit first person, it's all just horse shit.

Like yeah, they TECHNICALLY expanded the gameplay by giving you new moves, but then then fucking trashed it with the map design and the no radar before a node thing.

And the cherry on the shit sundae is that if you want the bonus items to make playing the game a little less shitty, you don't just get them for beating the game like in MGS1, or doing an actual fun challenge like in MGS3, you have to do the most tedious bullshit to get them in MGS2, to the point where you may as well just never get them.


L1+SQUARE = 5 buttons

I've 100% 2 and it was the best MGS experience bar none.
3 is babby tier easy. It takes 1 run to fully complete it.

I guess we'll differ on calling collecting 3000 dogtag macguffins across different difficulties 'fun'. I'd sooner go to the dentist.


Persona 3

>implying catching 48 differently coloured frogs or shooting the kerotans is any more fun than tagging soldiers

The last of us

>implying I ever did any of that

Beating the game with no kills, no alerts was fun as hell. An actual different way to play the game with actual rewards.

You don't get the infinity paint that way.

Besides 2 is harder to BB

No, but you do get if via FOXHOUND rank which also has no tedious collecting in it. Plus I never claimed at any point to speak for 100% a game, just getting items that make replays interesting. At minimum, I'd call that stealth and maybe infinite ammo.

MGS2 sucks dicks in that regard because they only give you one way of obtaining that and it sucks. Stealth/bandana are great replay items, but not if what it takes to earn then is dragging your dick through broken glass. The work to get them is more tedious than 10 regular playthroughs so you might as well skip it.

DSP pls go

MGSV. the whole game, from the (meager) story to the gameplay itself is structured around subjectivity and interpretation, so it was interesting to see how my take on the events of the game measured up to other people's.

Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Wonderful 101
Fatal Frame V
Amusement park in Tomato. Completely amazing.

idk, I enjoyed it. After VR and 100% tags, I never used the special items.
Got so gud even e extreme was piss.

Ironically enough very easy was the worst difficulty to play through

Even when I found the 2nd workshop and got grabbed by an Amygdala, I knew I was in for a fucked up trip.

Same here. Been thinking about it a lot lately. The ost is perfect too, listening to it really brings back those feelings that the game evoked so well.

The last of us, and dark souls are the last games in the past 2 year's that really made me think

Honestly? Probably Sonic Unleashed. Played it for the first time a few months ago. It had its flaws but the cinematic presentation and literal earth shattering finale were just fucking incredible. There was even feels, last thing I would expect from a Sonic game. And all the little attention to detail and well done cultural celebrations. That game was a hell of a ride, I don't care what any Sonicfag or Metacritic score says.


me also

Same here