Sgadow of War will require permanent internet connection

I fucking didnt mind when they added microtransactions, but fuck this

Other urls found in this thread:

>not having a constant connection to the 'chons

They really want it to fail, don't they?
Just put some other shit, like upgrader your preorder, a strong female orc that needs no support and has another ring of power.

>Not having your puter or current gen console connected to the internet in 2017

Pretty much everyone has, but still thats fucking dumb.

whats up with the shit tier spelling itt bros?

Probably because it's monday

>Singleplayer game
>Needing permanent internet connection
Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me

what about when the servers go down? you're SOL.

it;s like they are really asking for it to be pirated.

I pirate specifically for the ability to play games offline.

I play on console. Is it true that all Steam games are online only? How to PC fags stand that?

That's a bummer. Guess I won't be playing it then

Same, except replace "playing" with "buying".

No? Steam has an offline mode and you can play games that don't need connection.

I play on ps4 and the opposite is true. We have no choice but to play online only you mongoloid

No, you are thinking of the xbone, nigoloid.

I believe it's true for both, or you have yet to play an online only game, or u troll top kekold

Microtransactions and requirement of a permanent connection aside, does anyone actually want another Shadow of Mordor? Who is waiting for this?

Its kinda funny, I was thinking about getting Just Cause 3 on ps4 because it was heavily discounted a couple months ago. Didnt do so and downloaded it during psplus. The whole online + leaderboard shit completely ruins the game, aside from its other issues like the retarded gear challenges and terrible performance. Shiet, dodged a bullet by not bying it

The castle sieges look kinda fun, but I doubt I'll endure another batman combat shitfest

So just play it offline?

Setting the console to offline is fucking stupid either way, also the leaderboards can't be turned off. I know it's a small thing to complain about but it still irritates me due to my autism

>Through the Market, players can purchase Loot Chests, War Chests, XP Boosts and Bundles (accessed only with an internet connection).
Don't they say only the market thing needs an internet connection? If the whole game required it, they wouldn't have needed to specify it here and they haven't mentioned it anywhere else that I can find.

>single player game
>always online

JUST. And to think I enjoyed the first game.

>always online
It isn't

>I enjoyed the first game
Absolutely plebian

pirated Shadow of War will be the best version. I wasn't looking forward to playing it, but now I'm kind of interested in the pirated version with no online, no microtransactions and everything available

False alarm guys... kinda

so as automata whats the big deal

why is this is a big deal? All the top games require an online connection. You're online right now

Automata doesn't need one until you try the true ending, and it's only because the P U R E K I N O wouldn't work otherwise.