Play game

>play game
>make friends in game
>regularly hang out with them in teamspeak/mumble/discord/etc.
>foul language and dirty jokes
>female joins the group
>ends up in an internet relationship with one of the group
>suddenly no fun allowed
>friend becomes white knight
>dirty jokes and foul language no longer acceptable
>group ends up disbanding

Why does this always happen?

>Why does this always happen?

Cause you're underage.

>internet friends

this concept boggles my mind

am I retarded

Because your "friends" are thirsty (probably ugly IRL) faggots

Online friends are whatever, underages do it nowadays, but online relationships? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA

Probably because any group of people that hang out and tell dirty jokes on teamspeak/mumble/discord/etc are likely to be thirsty bois who don't get much/any action, which lends itself too well to one of those people becoming an overprotective clingy white knight when a girl finally comes along.

Of course they want to share their hobby with their new girl but are terrified of her thinking poorly of them because of the company they keep, so they enforce the NO FUN POLICY and everything then plays out as described.
Any well adjusted normal person would either not make a point of having the girl jump on the server in the first place especially if they're not that into games, or in the best case the girl gets right into the dirty jokes and fun because she's actually into that sort of thing.

Any well adjusted person would not try to date girls on the internet to begin with

Happens IRL too.

>play game
>never make friends
>regularly demolish and abuse noobs and girls
>feared and reviled by name alone
>goad several whores into suicide
>suddenly having more fun than ever before
>enemies flee servers at my approach
>dirty jokes and foul language met with fear and awe
>end up getting banned
I wouldn't have it any other way

sounds like you and your friends are bitches. there have been very few females i've played with who haven't been at least as capable of dirty jokes as the guys

If I found out my gf okayed games I'd dumo her instantly. Guurl gamers are massive whores, there's a reason they always have 300+ friends.

how do you quantify '300+ friends'? people they talk to during the game? or people they actually talk to and play other games with?

Is this nigspeak? It sounds like nigspeak.

Never happens.

As in, their friends list.

Almost every single female gamer I've ever seen on steam, Xbox, PS have had insane amounts of guys in their friends list. Usually in the hundreds.

Its phone posting. and my auto correct didn't work. Put 1 + 2 together and figure out the originally intended word

Shittalkers to the end unite.

maybe they play the game a bunch and have different groups to join up with so they always have people they work well with instead of getting pugs? No, it must be they're all whores. you're right. that makes more sense

>good at anything
Are you serious about this user?

>play game
>have irl friends ply game
>regularly hang out with them in teamspeak/real life
>foul language and dirty jokes
>We all dislike gamergurlz
>no normie girl ever joins the group
>fun always allowed
>group for 12 years and still going

so you turn thirteen next year?

oh, oh, let me try!
>good at anything
i'm sorry your mom didn't want you, user.

I can tell you're a virgin that hasn't really spent enough time with women to understand what they are like.

There's also a reason they usually let everyone know they're a girl, whether adding something like "miss" in their name, profile picture, or group/clan is female related and made public.

You also don't think there's a reason grills tend to play only insanely popular multiplayer games only instead? They're usually girls that are too ugly to get attention from guys on Snapchat and insta so they get it from guys a step or two down on the social ladder where attention is guaranteed.

>make friends ingame
Found your problems.

Will guys on the internet ever learn to stop being desperate thirsty idiots?
I don't even need to put effort in pretending to be girl to get things from them.

user, i met my fiancee on guild wars. she doesn't go around saying 'look at me, i'm a grill!!!!!!' she plays the game, gets good, and doesn't really like it when people try to treat her like she's special just because she's female.
I can tell you're a virgin, since you assume all girls are the same, and incapable of having decent human qualities.

Females, gods first second mistake. The first is creating everything.

>since you assume all girls are the same
But they are. I get that the average Sup Forumsirgin is usually ugly and skinny fat but I'm genuinely good looking, basically a fuckboy IRL. Literally all girls are whores, my time in college and later high school made that clear. Plenty of girls wanted to cheat with me just because I was way better looking than their current boyfriend. The only girls that aren't like this are too shy to get what they want, including your holy gf lad.

>literally all
nice citations there. that's like saying all men are the same. all men are skinny-fat and ugly and incapable of doing anything besides playing videogames and talking about boobs, which is clearly not the case

*smashes patriarchy in a single post*
M'lady I...

Not him but aren't you experiencing a bit of confirmation bias by paying attention to the bitches that came your way and not noticing all the bitches that dont

>all men are the same they just see me as a piece of meat

Online friends aren't real

How else are they supposed to talk faggot?

i don't give a single fuck about the patriarchy, i give a fuck about identity politics and generalizations.
also, i like how you said 'literally all girls are whores...except those that are too shy' you're not even internally consistent in your posts.

As in, the shy ones are also whores in nature but are limited by their inability to talk to guys better. Kind of a stretch in itself to say they aren't whores because of such a limitation.

I know it sucks to hear but its pretty much true. Even the "innocent" girls I see alot of guys putting on pedestals on places like Sup Forums tend to be massive sluts behind the scenes that want to throw themselves at every dude that so much as looks at them.

Really don't know what god was thinking when he made women.

please provide evidence.
>god was thinking when he made women
oh, you're muslim, okay. carry on, mohammud


You are literally unable to disprove the accusation you level. Literally if X its bad but if not-X they are really X in disguise so not-X is also bad

This is how womyn become made all this paranoia is rattling in their heads

>all the girls that come to me are whores
>all the girls that don't come to me want to be whores but are too shy
>how do I know they're whores?
>I dunno man I just do I'm a fuckboi bro
Imagine being this fucking autistic.

Are you an atheist or something? So yeah it makes sense youd be an idealist that hopes things are better than they actually are. Human construct or whatever dunno much about this kinda stuff.

It's all personal experience no shit. But I'm sure even you have noticed a pattern in what I'm talking about, even if from online experience.

I have a few sisters that would talk to me about their own friends. They'd talk about how their "shy" friends that are seen as being innocent in public were literally always the biggest whores in secret. Its almost like a paradox but whatever.

I've met 2 or 3 girls online and my policy is to act exactly like I always do with my friends, telling lots of racist jokes, offensive jokes, etc.
If she cannot handle simple jokes, then I do not want her as a girlfriend.

i do not have a belief in god, but that's not evidence for your claim. so source please?
>I have a few sisters that would talk to me about their own friends. They'd talk about how their "shy" friends that are seen as being innocent in public were literally always the biggest whores in secret. Its almost like a paradox but whatever.
holy shit, it's almost like girls like to get kinky in private. my girl is in a field that has a lot of resonsibility associated with it, and the first thing she does when we get in the bedroom is beg to be tied up. that doesn't mean she's a whore. You're lumping ALL of a gender into a negative image because you're incapable of being a decent fucking human yourself.

Is this the chad way of online vidya?

Women want to fuck much more than men. That's the single thing that ever goes on in their heads.

"Literally all guys are manwhores, my time in college and later high school made that clear. Plenty of guys wanted to cheat with me just because I was way better looking than their current girlfriend. The only guys that aren't like this are too shy to get what they want, including your holy bf lad."

^ this is your fucking logic you autismal faggot. Literally multiple people have called you out on your circular logic fallacy at this point but you just dodge around it and go "I just know they're that way because I do lol." Your logic literally is:
>All girls that tell me they're whores are whores
>All girls that don't tell me they're whores are actually whores too, they just haven't told me yet
>I know this to be true because I know this to be true
If you honestly cannot see the problem with this thinking, you're completely beyond saving. You mention college experience, but how did you manage to get through college being this retarded?

source. please. your biased anecdotal, at best, """""evidence""""" counts for nothing other than showing you're jaded as fuck.

What, my dear user, does liking a good fuck have anything to do with being a cheater

If all women want to fuck so much, then why do they still refuse to fuck you, user?

No mate. Not in bed. As in they want to get fucked by every guy that passes them and looks them in the eye, and would if given the opportunity. As of right now, that's not possible because of a few constructs, a big one being slut shaming. But at the rate things are going now that will be gone in a few decades. I'll be dead af by then but I wonder how dating will look like then.

Also, even being sluts in bed, isn't it strange how that works? What, those suppressed wants they project in bed just disappear in daily life?

Not a shitty person, this is just how people are and I just had to live with it.

Is this fuckin reddit.
Yes they're all literal whores
Just that the stupid ones go with it and the smart or shy ones can't just because they don't know how it all works.
Get off reddit for once kids.


the people who have "internet friends" are

source please.

Yes, Exactly it does.
Na I just know the truth you refuse to accept. Nothing wrong with them all being whores, i'm just helping you to keep watch over your little slut so she doesn't run off onto someone elses dick, be grateful son.
You have proofs?

You're not wrong on that first paragraph either. There are obviously differences in gender, guys are supposed to be on the giving end in everything but it still basically comes up to that.

I'm trying to help some Sup Forumsirgins out so they don't get disappointed later on in life by clinging onto sheltered idealist wishes but that's not how it is, yeah all I have is anecdotal evidence but whats """advice""" in general if not just that

>be grateful son
I can keep a woman happy because i dont treat them like some second class citizens. unless you can provide cold, hard, facts, research, data i can safely dismiss your claims with just as much effort.
>yes exactly it does
that's not even a proper response
sometimes giving advice is backed by evidence such as "should I use a condom while fucking this chick?" and then advice is "yeah, condoms are known to reduce pregnancy rates when used properly by up to 95%+" and then STUDIES can be provided. your jaded view on the world has no proof, so it can be dismissed without proof. instead of just 'being yourself' to score a chick, maybe you should change your attitude and other people will like you more

You don't need study to proves what he is advancing just a few life experiences.

It's like saying nigger are more violent, it goes without saying.

>niggers are more violent
i know where you're going with that, but if i asked for source I bet you'd have fucking image dumps worth of news articles and statistics to back that claim up. so, yes, i do need a study showing that 'literally all women are whores'

>no qt shy gf to break in and whore out.
Feels bad.

Either a assbleeding numale from Neofag or a assbleeding sjw femenatzi. Than again. Whats the difference?

An extra hole.

>no arguments
good night, may you guys find someone who actually cares about you, be they man or woman, one day.

>jumping ship this quickly as if you won any argument
Typical numale

Ok we told them truth they don't want it - ok. Let's go do something else mate.

Cringe thread

Yeah, it's pretty cringey how everyone's tip-toeing around the fact that women poison everything.

>play game
>make friends in game
Liar, that's not a thing.