So what do we know about this game so far?


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SWAT 5 if Sup Forums and /k/ got together. Looks fucking amazing, sounds like a lot of thought went into mechanics and story.

What game?

Is this some kickstarter shit?

>not coming to Xbox one


Is that a Walther MPL I see?

>being a peasant
sucks to suck

>not coming to Xbox 1
you're the one getting dropped you flaming retard

>unironically buying into PC masterrace meme

I feel bad for you

>It’s set in a nondescript modern America, where an income disparity between the classes have become unsustainable and the country has been plunged into havoc.
Eh, the trailer looked like it might have the balls.

I'm sure that means as much to him as a rat feeling bad for him.

I hope it's good and doesn't get stuck in Early Access hell or some shit. I really want a tactical SWAT game that isn't casual shit like R6 Siege.

t. copper

Siege is not "tactical" at all. Come on son, you know this. Siege is a good and fun game, but there is no kind of tactics or SWAT shit in it like the old R6 games, or even other games in the genre.

This has fucking nothing to do with Sup Forums you deluded drone

>billion possible decisions which operator to pick how to enter the building and operator synergies
>have to think about possible countermeasures by enemy i.e. traps and roamers
>corner peeking in third person (R6)
>yelling a warning before you unload into enemies (SWAT)

> commies, muslims and degenerates take over a destablized America and only a newly federalized SWAT team can stop them
> not Right-wing politics

I know that it's definitely not ready.

>commies, muslims and degenerates
My bet is on some Tom Clancy scenario where there's an evil white male organization planning a coup d'etat involving CIA/NSA

Honestly it would be kind of neat if you don't get involved in the political struggle at the higher level, you're just trying to deal with local symptoms while everything falls apart around you.

yeah, the devs are sticklers for balance.

Hard to spin elementary school-hostage crises, gay night-club shootings and hotel bombings as the good guys. So there is probably some "both sides are wrong" in there.

What even is this?

Upcoming tactical shooter. Since, no one posted the trailer:

No one really knows much about it yet.

SWAT kino

Why would the people committing terror attacks be painted as good guys?

I hope it turns out good, I'd kill for a good successor to the Swat series.

I have a big feeling it will be disappointing. Out of the blue, a SWAT-looking shooter made by an incredibly small dev team.
Only time will tell.

It's a multiplayer game based around fucked up taboo topics (Anal Staircase, dead children, naked holocaust-looking prostutes locked in storage containers).

As opposed to CS:GO, for narative symmetry they might have to provide some shred of justification for tje Red Team.

I hope they don't desu. Everything about this screams /ourdevs/ and I hope they go full cop worship like the trailers imply.

CS:GO actually used a functioning terrorist organization as one of their factions, though it's supposedly disbanded now. Still weird to see those among a bunch of fantasy organizations.
>cop worship
Why would you do that? Cops are people, just like with other people there are good ones and bad ones, but unlike other people they can get away with a lot of shit.

They might just do some generic deathmatch + co-op like old Rainbow Six games.

I feel like they should focus on the co-op and single-player aspect of this game, not compete with Siege.

The difference though is that for the human mind seeing a name of a real terrorist organization isn't going to inspire the same kind of revulsion that a fantasy terrorist organization standing in a room of naked, starving women while waiting for the doors to bust open is going to inspire.

Those scenes are from the singleplayer mode. Source: my ass but feel free to screenshot this.

lemme know how that 30fps with "true" checkerboard 4k feels.


I mean worship in an aesthetic way. Their theme is hyper-dramatization. Jarsh division between good guys vs. bad guys.

Plus a few of the devs are active /k/ommandos. They are extreamly open about the game being tactical gun porn.

Only fitting that mindset would carry through the storyline.

>yfw it goes full Sup Forums and you go around killing rich (((white))) businessmen/politicians in the later levels and everything starts taking an Akumetsu turn

Feel bad for him back on Reddit.

>no gameplay
its not even worth discussing yet

yeah no try to breach the first floor window and caveira will eat your ass dad

>there is only one way to enter the building
woooooow how was I supposed to know?

>caveira lightspeeds into the room while you vault any window that isn't site and kills you because you breached alone because of those billion points of entry while the team took the meta way in

You must not be very good at the game if you still encounter Caveiras.

i don't, the only time a caveira rears her ugly ass jawline is when we start taking site and she speed-demons back to site with her spaz. i was just setting up a likely scenario that would happen because of MUH BILLION ENTRY POINTS that are almost suicide when the team can just take the meta and best way onto site via reinforced wall and/or site window. you'd only go through the building if you had someone with you or the team was going for an aggressive sweep.

not sure if you are pretending or not

> Mission 14: "Think Ya Hot Shit Doncha?"

>multiplayer tactical shooter

No thanks. Tactical shooters only work singleplayer. You will never find a group of randoms who can actually work as a team.

>thinking going alone with a caveira on the loose is considered baiting now
have we sunk this far into memes where playing it safe and sticking with the team is dumb? i want off this planet

>not playing with friends

Tactical shooters don't work in SP either because AI is always dumb.

Hi, reddit!

I think you quoted the wrong post, m8.

You could atleast give me a name.

How about Jack? Do you like it, Jack?

Ready Or Not

theres been links posted and the name is in OPs filename god dammit

>enemy picks Caveira
>gg game over nothing I could do

>no gameplay trailer yet

I'm cautious. I want SWAT 5, but without any concrete info I'm not buying into any hype

Ah, yes, the tactical strafing back and forth on corners firing on the move aiming for split-second headshots. The tactical full auto spray meta when IRL 100% of tac teams would be using semi-auto and the tactical peeker's advantage meta.

Such a realistic and tactical game, obviously we don't need a slow paced SWAT 4 spiritual successor.

it doesn't even have to be caveira, defenders have home field advantage, a prep time and outside cams so they can gun your ass down as you enter alone
>break window
>jager propped up on a bed blows your head off

>IRL 100% of tac teams would be using semi-auto
You are wrong.

the real question is
will it have coop?

I didn't think the filename was also the name of the game and there was only one link and I missed it, calm down, people make mistakes sometimes, jeez.


>>defenders have a home field advantage
>attackers profit more from peeker's advantage
>everyone knows where defender cameras are
>attackers have 2 cameras they can place anywhere
>attackers have better guns
>prep time is too short to do everything with every defender

>>defenders have an advantage

>playing vs retarded AI is more realistic
>tactical full auto spray meta
copper confirmed, play turn based games instead

This game looks really cool, I hope I can play with some of you guys when it comes out

ay yo hol' up

im reading conflicting reports, is this multiplayer focused or single player storymode focused

cause all the degeneracy loses its punch if theyre just background assets

>game ends like Fight Club
>6,000,000 angry blogpost articles about it

cant wait for this to be released on Steam in Early Access and never leave it

meant for

All my friends who play video games are poor as shit and literally refuse to buy any game that costs more than 15 dollars.

>Powered by UDK
>Uses royalty free music for their trailer instead of "Ready or Not" by fugees

All of my alarm bells are ringing

>attackers profit from an exploit that should've been patched first month more than defenders
>everyone knows where cameras are
such is life for a two year old game, plus Valkyrie exists.
>attackers have 2 cameras that can move and be placed anywhere
just fucking shoot them holy shit. Mute is amazing.
>attackers have better guns
thats just an opinion, most of the defender SMGs have high RoF and less recoil than a rifle. they just lack in damage.
>prep time is too short to do everything with defender
alright i know the type of player you are. you the type of guy who runs acrossed the fucking map as Kapkan placing random traps above all else and now when you get back to site, its already compromised and you cant place those reinforcements.

>Made by team of three people
>Two artists and one dev

Dead in the water

>Bring order to chaos with up to 8 friends in co-op, or battle other SWAT units in a frantic, competitive multiplayer environment.

>what do we know

Next to nothing

Maybe they didn't want chimpess shrieking to represent their video game.

meant for

Watch any video of a SWAT raid or a USMS raid and you'll see almost exclusively semi-auto fire being used.

I never mentioned the AI, it's just as bad. And full auto spraying or tap firing is literally the meta.

t. platinum

Siege is a poor excuse for a tactical shooter, but it's fun as fuck to play with friends. It's basically Ubisoft's improved version of counter strike.

>different strategies that are open to counterplay
Was fishing for a reply like this. Thanks for making my point.

oh sick, thanks!

>yeh heh game is shid :DDD
>btw I'm plat
I believe you.

>it is

Read the article by a fucking SWAT instructor, he criticizes the PRACTICE of using M4 carbines in full auto and mentions that it's acceptable (and expected) to use SMGs in full auto because they're controllable and because you can't expect one pistol caliber hit to kill/incapacitate your target. I don't care if one or two videos you used had operators using semi-auto.

nigger what the fuck are you actually talking about, i just broke down everything you yelled at me then you just blurt out DUH THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT without even saying what that point was. kill yourself. are you talking about the kapkan thing? thats not even a strat, thats just some dipshit playing Kapkan that i saw who was level 15.

You're not dropping anything, the game dropped you.

I've been here for 9 years my wizard status trumps yours.

I've found in my experience that feeling superior for what platform you play games on is as reddit as it gets. I've met a lot of oldfags on Xbox but only run into filthy frank memespoutting underages on steam.

It's also acceptable to use pistols that offer full-auto as intended, they're actually extremely good.

Stay away from burst-fire like the plague in any situation though.

If Sup Forums and /k/ got together then it will be a shitfest cause Sup Forums would try to kill /k/ for anal masturbation using glocks while /k/ retaliates with AK-47s implanted in their penises

You were underage here for 9 years you mean.

What is Squad? What is Arma? What is Project Reality?

Stop playing "tactical shooters" with pleb communities?

The point is, there's not ONE strategy in R6 that will always work like is implying.

i didnt say that it would always work, i said that it was the most likely scenario here


Kino as fug.

to add onto my latest post, its not always a fucking caveira. i used her as an example. other hardcore roamers include jager, valkyrie, pulse, sometimes frost, and the meme of the month roamer currently is doc. nothing is absolute in siege, it'll always have some sort of flaw but holy fuck everytime i see an ash solo-breaching because she watched anthonypit do it and then she gets interrogated, my fury could erase canada from the face of the world. i never said that the roaming three speed would always work no matter the circumstance.

Well then. Perhaps we can agree that Siege punishes going in alone and encourages teamwork.

>i can't read

t. you

The game is a shit excuse for a tactical game, but it's a pretty decent casual shooter.

Siege punishes a lack of coordination.

this is all i've ever wanted since i replied to the first post. back to memes and squeems

t. shitposter that hasn't played the game or got BTFO

>he thinks siege is hard

Try only playing with a premade team and enjoy playing for 5 hours without a single loss.

>you will never play against other premades
t. hasn't played the game

>old R6
>third person
You have to be 18 to post here.

>not knowing 95% of premades playing ranked can only meme peek and will get absolutely BTFO if you deny them that

Get back to me when you reach rank 20.