Watching my friend play bloodborne for the first time

>watching my friend play bloodborne for the first time
>before he even launched the game he looked up OP weapon builds and the easiest ones to get
>the entire time he played he followed a Gamefaqs guide on where to go and how to kill things

I kept my stupid mouth shut but HOLY FUCK I seriously hope you guys dont do this

Is he a normie by any chance? My friend told me to use a guide the first time i played dark souls, but I ditched it after the capra demon

Some people play like that. Its not a big deal. Whatever makes em happy.

tell your boyfriend he should quit gaming

I did the same thing. Both me and your friend paid for the game ourselves so we play it however we want to. :)

I say go blind, reading ahead and using guides is like skiping to end of a book

My problem is my powerful autism makes me terrified of missing anything, so I compulsively look through guides and wikis so I don't worry, even though I invariably worry anyway.

Yet here you are being the even bigger fag than your bottom.

>oh no, he's avoiding all the cheap bullshit fromsoft wants to throw at him
>oh no, now he'll see all the issues the game has and won't shitpost about how all of them can be remedied by sucking sony's cock

honestly, why do you even care? let him play the way he wants.

You're friend is a pleb, only way to do a first playthrough is blind with no summons. Save all the completionist shit for another playthrough.

ITT: Name a game series with a more pretentious fanbase than Souls/Bloodborne

>any random nintendo game.png

I can confess that the the first time I ever played a souls game (ds1) I had a guide because I had heard it was full of convoluted bullshit, something I stepped down a bit with in ds2 and ultimately stopped doing completely in Ds3 except when I didn't know that the Storm Ruler could be fucking charged
Also I am a borderline completionist

>heh I use guides because I'm a completionist

Using a guide doesn't qualify you as a completionist. Being a completionist means that you do it yourself. It's like saying
>I read the tabs for this song online
>I'm a fucking composer

That is a terrible analogy, but this is Sup Forums so I'm not surprised in the least

>I have no argument I'll just insult the board
>I'm a fucking debate champion

You're a pussy

I still think I got the best possible dark souls experience; I played it mostly blind but with a friend next to me watching and giving me pointers on how some things work or nudging me into the right direction

DS1 has an awful entry wall for blind playthroughs. I know so many people who gave up because they heard the game was hard and then tried walking straight from start to the catacombs

lel you absolute disgrace

I played DS1 blind. It's not even a difficult game. Hell, even AC is harder than DS.

oh no, an user on Sup Forums called another user a pussy. what will ever he do now that he's been called a pussy. oh the humanity.

>I kept my stupid mouth shut but HOLY FUCK I seriously hope you guys dont do this
Wow you are a bitch lad. Instead of calling your friend up front for his faggotry you just bitch about him to strangers? You're both a shitty judgemental friend and a dishonest passive one at that, a literal kike rat

before playing souls games I look up the wiki for weapons and choose the one I want to make a build for. These games have a annoying tendency to leave the most fun weapons for late game where there isnt much time to use them or you just wont have enough resources because you wasted everything on starting gear
fight me soulstards

I do the same. Spend the whole game building some stat build just to find some late game weapon you aren't even spec'd to equip is shit, I want to look forward to being able to use that cool weapon and plan accordingly

its not about the difficulty, retard. Its about missing half the content because game is intentionally cryptic as fuck
I have no fucking idea how they expected people to find DLC entrance on their own

It is a shitty analogy though. Completionist just means you 100% the game. A better analogy would be someone who goes hunting for rare, original vinyls, demos and bootlegs by their favourite artist, versus someone who downloads a torrent created by the first guy.

I don't do this on my first playthrough but I plan my build exactly for all subsequent playthroughs

I don't think they did. I think they expected us to find it by word-of-mouth and the messaging system in the game (orange soapstone).

I'm not the same user, fag

>playing the game inefficent

The souls franchise marketing itself as hard was the worst thing ever. Not only do we get faggots like you boasting on a Hawaiian cocktail brewing forum that they beat a videogame, I also have to push real hard to convince friends to try out my favourite game because they're scared it'll be too hard

And then I do convince them and they get lost right out of the tutorial because they either ran into the catacombs or try to get past invincible ghosts before giving up

>i play games to finish them and not enjoy them
i don't fight you faggot keep finishing games you don't like because other people like them

Lolwut? People who like mario kart are more pretentious than the "git gud" cancer memes, you heard it here first

This, I mean I like a challenge but fuck if I wanted to spend my time studying shit and figuring out obscure crap I'd be doing it irl.

Who the actual fuck can have fun doing this? You don't buy a game just to read what to do every 10 steps, there's no fun in that. You want the blind first-time experience. Shits beyond baffling.

>before he even launched the game he looked up OP weapon builds and the easiest ones to get
He picked LELDWIGS didn't he? Ironically, its far from being good and until you get high str/skl or a sicknasty heavy abyssal the Kirkhammer is better.
Saw Spear is the actual cheese material of the game.
>I kept my stupid mouth shut but HOLY FUCK I seriously hope you guys dont do this
No, you should have, he is a fucking pussy that needs others to tell him how to play.

I only use guides before starting for MMO builds, but I do think there's a difference between an actual walkthrough/guide and just looking up builds. You don't want to be 20 hours into a game and suddenly realize it is literally impossible to beat because you didn't understand the system. Like with that FF game - was it 10? - where you're forced to use a party during an air ship battle of characters you may not have even used since you got them.

Cute foot

Thats a good point but no matter how bad I fuck myself like that, I can always find a way and crawl out. Builds and walkthroughs are different, builds being more acceptable, but most people should be able to figure out builds anyway.

Alot of the time I come across a Silent Hill stream anf the people will literally read the guide they are using outloud

>actually playing the game for yourself
>cheap bullshit
Why not just skip everything and just watch a lets play? Fucking retard.

you're still a pussy ;^)

>"awww i huwt mai fingew"
said the faggot white guy

Sounds like the only way to actually enjoy soulsborne games to be honest.

kek user telling it like it is

i wanna fuck that foot

I completed the game and didn't study shit or figure out anything obscure.

You're just shit m8.

>caring about how somebody plays a single player game
How does it impact you?

that's a chick

It doesn't. Doesn't mean we can't call them a pussy observationally.


What the fuck babes id be banging you hard not playing games

That guitar is garbo

Instrument between butt cheeks while handstanding or youre a lameo and shouldnt post here or ever come here again becasu other boards are more suited to your lameness we play instruments with our asses round here and if you can atleast hold an instrument between those cheeks if you cant clasp it with your buttcheeks get the fuck out of here

Fucking delete this thread it is annoying and garbage

If you cant play that instrument with your ass then what the fuck are doing here if youre not going to do a brap solo maybe you should go to r9k or whatever

Give me


I know youve got ass

I admit, I had to use this as my guide during my first play through of dark souls 1. Still somehow missed Capra demon

The only thing I look up is if I can miss something by not going out of my way to do unobvious stupid crap.

So this thread dies and you think you can get away with not delivering on ass for not even me the whole of v as the last seven or eight posts werent mine they were random anons with the same vision

People are free to ruin the game for themselves all they like. Might as well look up a guide to Portal or some shit too. I guess some people are either too lazy or too stupid to figure shit out on their own.

guides ruin the immersion for me but if i cant seem to progress for a while ill probably look one up

All OP has to do to save this thread is man up and post ass man the fuck up bro and post ass butt

I just look up specific things, sometimes builds, or sometimes what weapons should I get for pvp, etc, I try to do everything else by myself.

Following a guide on where to go pretty much kills the soulsborne experience for me.


So what? From is known for pulling cheap crap in their games. He was getting prepared for what he knew was coming. But then again, he shouldn't be playing the game in the first place if he's aware of the inherent flaws he's purposefully avoiding.

Also, you kept your mouth shut about it and came to whine on Sup Forums. What's your problem?