I loved Tales of Berseria and I'm interested in playing the earlier games in the series. Is 360 the only way to play Vesperia in English? If so how's Symphonia on PC? Any other games I should try?
I loved Tales of Berseria and I'm interested in playing the earlier games in the series...
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Dont bother. Vesperia is A very long and boring ride.
Symphonia's okay but the combat is kind of archaic and the cast is fun I guess but nothing special
Abyss (emulate the PS2 version or play the 3DS one, playing on an actual PS2 comes with load times you do not want to suffer through) is the best in the series writing wise and the combat is pretty fun, shines in particular when playing co-op
Vesperia is the best in the series overall with great art direction, fantastically flowing (if a bit broken) combat and a very enjoyable and generally agreeable cast of characters, even if the story really doesn't know what the fuck it wants to do with itself. If you have a PS3 with CFW play the fan translation of that version, if not your only choice is the (inarguably inferior) 360 version
everything else in the series is skippable though if you know Japanese check out Tales of Destiny's PS2 remake
if you seriously want more Tales after all this play Xillia 2 (1 if you really want to, it's not very good and completely skippable since 2 reuses nearly all its fucking assets but is better in almost every aspect), Graces f (worse than garbage tier everything but combat), maybe Eternia and Phantasia if you seriously haven't had enough by this point
>mentions "worse than garbage tier" Graces F
>ignores Zestiria
Is Zestiria really that bad?
Graces f has good if overrated combat that's worth experiencing just because of how different it is
There's literally nothing worth mentioning about Zestiria except how badly they dropped the ball with it
Do you know any similar games like Tales that have multiplayer user? Just finishing Berseria with a friend and we don't know what to do afterwards(already played symphonia and abyss emulated)
I can't think of too many for PC
Eternal Sonata for PS3/360 is kind of similar and has co-op and Star Ocean is similar but doesn't have co-op and is fucking terrible usually
If you have a PS3 play the Xillias and Graces (on mute and mash x through every cutscene, that's really the only way to enjoy it) but if not I think you're kinda shit outta luck
Zestiria is really bad for co-op in case you were thinking of picking it up by the way
Don't listen to this faggot Vesperia is literally the most well recieved tales title of all time. The characters are likeable, the world is really well made, the story is pretty fun, and there's crapton of side content.
>Zestiria is really bad for co-op in case you were thinking of picking it up by the way
We were actually since apparently it happens a century or so after Berseria
Welp, nevermind it then
are the only 3d ones worth playing
Listen to the soundtrack of Legendia
I actually managed to get a friend into the series by co-oping through every possible game with him and his brother. For what it's worth, I found Graces to have the most enjoyable co-op experience, despite the fact that I think it's weak in just about every other aspect. It's not terrible per se, just not what I'm looking for in terms of characters, story, and ESPECIALLY music. Unfortunately, Zestiria is hands-down one of the worst games for co-op, even worse than the Xillia titles.
Agreed. It's the game that got me back into the series. Not bad for co-op either. If OP can, I would recommend the PS3 version, but only if they can. It's fully translated but either you need custom firmware for the TL patch itself or be ok with looking at your phone/tablet/whatever a lot while reading the transcripts.
Symphonia has the worst battle system of the series. You can move only forwards or backwards while your party members and the monsters have free movement.
I don't get why there isn't a way to fix that with a mod
What? Vesperia is long, but they all are. And Vesperia is the most fun/exciting. At worst, it starts off slow.
Unfortunately some games are just very difficult to mod in certain ways. Generally the reason why some games garner such a big modding community is either due to how easy it is to do to the games content or engine, or that dev/modding tools are made/released for the game.
Combine all that and just how old the game is in general, and it starts to make some sense. But who knows? Maybe it's really just easy to do but no one has tried it.
there is a English patch for the ps3 version. its all right.
That's really not true. It has really bad pacing issues during the third act in particular. All Tales games have them but that doesn't mean Vesperia gets away with it scot-free. Plus the story in general sucks donkey dicks and has no clue where it wants to go with anything, really. It's probably the best in the series overall but don't pretend it doesn't have its flaws.
I doubt it would be easy considering the PC port itself is pretty badly done
requires a hacked ps3 and require very old firmware.
me and my brothers made that mistake. DONT DO IT.
yeah its confusing but they sell un-updated ps3's (its just shit to make everything right for the patch to work)
I thought Xillia was a good game?
They're all pretty much fine. Vesperia is probably the best one, and yes, it's 360 only in NA.
can you explain why?
How come Hearts R would be good game if only it didn't have really shitty characters?
>Playing inferior 360 when you can have GLORIOUS PS3 English version with superior Japanese audio
There's a 100% translated English patch for the PS3 verison of Vesperia. The PS3 version has loads more content than the 360 version due to being able to utilize a Blu-ray disc instead of a DVD.
Still need a hacked PS3 to use the patch though. Luckily there's also a 100% translated guide and website for people that can't install the patch.
OP are you really asking this question without providing info on what consoles you own
get Graces F for PS3 (great game and also it was nice and meaty/long) over Xillia/2. But they were ok. I just never got into the Xillia characters at all. they didn't interest me.
Not him, but it's been a while since I've played Xillia 1. It's not bad, but it isn't great either. All the environments are samey and enemies are constantly recycled.
Xillia 2's gameplay and story are a lot better, but the devs recycled most of the maps from the previous game. Buy it for less than twenty bucks, it's basically an expansion pack.
>how's Symphonia on PC?
Terrible version of the game, avoid. Emulate the Gamecube version instead.
>superior Japanese audio
Japanese dub is better, but the English dub of Vesperia was pretty good. Easily the best English dub in the Tales franchise.
>edgy ass intro
>not talking
i was surprised i thought i would hear a man child's squeaking voice. nice find user
rip dude i liked some of the character designs in it too. but ill probably give it a try later in life.
this. non where really that shit. or wince worthy. non made me feel ashamed when anyone came in my room while i was playing it.
>but ill probably give it a try later in life.
For all the flaws both games had, they're still worth playing.
If you can get your hands on a ps3 able to run custom firmware (3.55 or below) then there is an english translation patch for vesperia. I've tested it and it works, it is also complet.
I bought a moded ps3 just for that so it's perfectly achievable and it's worth it to play the best version of this game the 360 version being the lesser one.
ok ill pick it up soon then and give it a try
not op but it was so dumb what bandai did to the western audience. me and my brothers were kinda pissed but still loved the game
>see Flynn on cover
>never get him
>find out about patty
>repede has a shit ton of cut content
>a bunch of cut artes
>a bunch of cut bosses and enemies
Even when i first beat this game i knew shit was missing.
OP here, I've been pretty busy but I'm reading through the thread slowly. I do have a CFW PS3 so that's the way I'll probably go.
Funfact: if you look through the 360 version game files it was clear Flynn was supposed to be a permanent party member. He had a full anime portrait for the status menu, loads of skill and arte entries that went unused, and he even had titles.
For some reason, Namco decided to scrap all that for 360 so they can stuff it into the PS3 version.
That makes me too mad for words. but i do know xbox made a deal with namco but namco kept lowering the bar by removing stuff because they knew no one in japan would buy the game on the 360. and xbox (not wanting to nut up) just agreed to the deal