Shameful vidya faps

Shameful vidya faps

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>picturing death by poison in a cutesy way
I don't know how to feel about this

the best

>not the robot prostitute from the first level

If you light a fire right behind her, she starts running and trips, which lets you see her panties.


>the part where she's chained to a wall and you have to shoot off the restraints


please don't ask


I just couldn't stop fantasizing about his thighs.

My own-made skyrim character
without mods

Let me guess, the yellow part looks like tits to you


Shouldn't like all vidya faps be shameful?

>not the part where you dress up as a woman


Wait are you saying you fapped to Johnny?




But how is that shameful

Jacking off to a weird alien giantess with midget proportions?

All that sex appeal is a deliberate part of the design


Midna is acceptable, why wouldn't she be?

>plump lips in blue, glossy lipstick

Can't blame you OP.

No videogame fap is acceptable. Midget porn is already iffy and now you're doubling down with videogame monster midget porn?

No shit.

Like 8 years ago my classmates were using another classmate's phone while he was playing football and they found his midget porn, they never stopped making fun of him since then.



Fapping to actual real life midgets, and cartoon characters are a whole different bag.

Ain't no shame in my game.



Of course they would be the ones to figure this out.

God fucking dammit.

What's iffy about midget porn? Aren't deformed people allowed to have a sexuality?


As in, if people find out you get off to midget porn, you'll start getting weird looks and made fun of.

What is this?

pikmin done by platinum games

The slut in Metro


End your fucking life right now you piece of shit

Also if you blow on the wii u gamepad microphone during this scene, Ashley will cover her skirt so that it's not blown away and look at you with a disgusted look.

I'm gonna assume that since then you discovered you have a scat fetish?




Brb trying this on literally every female in the game.

afaik she's the only one that trips, and she doesn't trip everytime you do it.

Ashley had the shittest minigame in an already sub-par Wario game.
>rub head to continue
Fucking waifufags.

But all Wario games are subpar, be it the shitty early-Newgrounds-tier minigame collections or the nothing special platformers.

It's his oily, slippery skin and his angelic voice


Take that back you double wigger.


you fapped to wario?


what did you do to Hibari you sick bastard.

You musnt' get the chance to post this very often.



She's a child.

Not that shameful.


it was reaaally long ago, ask /skg/
you would be surprised, it used to be shitposted frequently

Please go

Never forget


What is this?

I didn't say I don't masturbate to her too.

wrong thread, that;s what it was

/vg/-kun is cute! CUTE!


What in the absolute fuck


You have problems.



I once fapped to every female Soul Calibur 2 character on a single day.
That was actually one of my most proudful faps.


Good one.

How did they get away with those nipples in official artwork?

blackjr's vidya sfm animations.

What do you mean?
People have nipples, she's wearing a skin-tight suit.

People have genitals too but you're not supposed to show them in a videogame sold in your local gamestop either, at least not nowadays.

Zoe Quinn is credited on that game you know

United States' censorship has ruined art as we know it

But it happens in the rest of the world too.

What a normalnigger


>pointing out mainstream opinions means agreeing with them

>caring about normalfag opinions


This thread is about that, hence why someone would consider a fap "shameful".

Shameful by community standards which as a redditor you know nothing of.

>by community standards
Which community are you talking about? Sup Forums? Cause if that were the case then none of the faps in this thread would be considered shameful at all.

If people here didn't have any shame they'd pay to post on NeoFAG instead.