The team just put info that they won't add any other features prior release to the game.
Say goodbye to your Lilypads and Twisty Bridges.
Subnautica will not have anymore features because of performance issues
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not a bad thing to focus on performance when you are still in development.
They really do need to focus on performance issues.
The pop in for example.
Is it still an issue where if you play long enough the lag becomes unbearable until you delete the game folder that holds map data?
The first comment is pretty much "works for me :^)"
what a twat
I'm okay with this. The performance issues basically make the game unplayable and they already have a good chunk of content.
>The team just put info that they won't add any other features prior release to the game.
No where in the article it says that, are you retarded?
have they baked the terrain into a static mesh yet?
because that would fix literally all of the performance issues
It wasn't directly stated, but there's quite a heavy implication of it. The article notes that more people are okay with the idea of certain content/ideas not making it into the game and optimizing the game from where it is now would probably take a long time (which is further signified by the fact that they needed to hire programmers just for it).
Basically, they're finally cracking down on performance issues and are willing to sacrifice the inclusion/development of content to do so.
I was only really expecting ghost leviathans and the ending sequence anyways prior to release. At least they're serious about optimization.
>Using unity
not even once
But that's hard
Better to leave it voxelized while getting rid of everything that utilizes voxels
Am I crazy, or does leaving it voxelized still degrade the performance? I figure it would, since it has to load each voxel individually.
Well, it works on my machine :)
Last true "content" update is on the 10th, then it's all about performance and QOL improvements
jesus christ it's been almost two years and the game isn't released?
Isn't it adding Ghost Leviathans too?
Good, honestly they should started focusing on performance earlier, preferably before stripping out Voxels and fucking up basebuilding, which they claim they removed for Perormance issues but actually ended up doing FUCK ALL for performance anyway and they ahev been feature creeping with superfluous shit like coffee machines for some time now.
Yeah im salty.
Only future feature left i wanted would been a cyclops dock anyway.
that's because voxels are still in the game fucking everything up
they haven't baked the meshes yet. despite claiming they would months ago
and yes, they're the cause of literally all the performance issues
Yes, be very afraid
But voxels are supposed to be much less hardware taxing.
That's nothing for your average early access title. Hell, Subnautica will be one of the handful early access titles to make it out of early access.
Are people playing on toasters?
I've never had performance issues with subnautica
what universe are you from
does space engineers run well there
take me with you
Exactly, they should have baked and removed the shit that used voxels in the same update instead of half-assing it making the game be in a state where it has the bad points of both systems at once for 6+months while adding useless shit.
Seriously, looking at their roadmap they have very fucked up priorities at times.
I can play just fine but i can pick up on situations where it does fuck up somewhat and some bugs like Wreck duplication can make that worse if you play for a long time, and my point is more that their supposed "fix" did fuck all as of yet.
Ghost Leviathan porn when?
Not entirely true, their roadmap details some endgame content (rocket launch site, endgame tasks etc.)
Good. Performance is the only thing stopping me from actually playing the damn game.
When you make is user
I don't have any artistic talent.